Wellness Analytics Schema v1


The Wellness Analytics bundle contains data used in the Oracle Health Data Intelligence Wellness service.

Character Separated Values (CSV) Properties

Property Value
Header Record  Yes
Field Delimiter  Comma
Record Delimiter   CR/LF
Character Encoding   UTF-8


File Name Description
Wellness_D_QNR_Question_Codes This table contains information about a question’s code, which represents a concept from a single, specified (not fixed) code system. No restrictions exist for the code system. It can be local and proprietary or standard and recognized by Health Data Intelligence.
Wellness_D_QNR_Questionnaire_Definition_Codes This table contains information about a questionnaire definition’s code, which represents a concept from a single, specified (not fixed) code system. No restrictions exist for the code system. It can be local and proprietary or standard and recognized Health Data Intelligence.
Wellness_D_QNR_Section_Codes This table contains information about a section’s code, which represents a concept from a single, specified (not fixed) code system. No restrictions exist the code system. It can be local and proprietary or standard and recognized Health Data Intelligence.
Wellness_F_QNR_Answers This table contains the answers that consumers answered for the personal health assessment (PHA) question.
Wellness_F_QNR_Choices This table contains information about PHA question choices.
Wellness_F_QNR_Options This table contains information about PHA question options.
Wellness_F_QNR_Questionnaire_Definitions This table contains information about all PHA questionnaire definitions.
Wellness_F_QNR_Questionnaire_Response_Definitions This table contains information about all questionnaire responses for every questionnaire definition.
Wellness_F_QNR_Questions This table contains information about all the questions present in the PHA.
Wellness_F_QNR_Range_Options This table contains information about the low and high values for every range type question.
Wellness_F_QNR_Sections This table contains information about the sections in every PHA.
Wellness_F_QNR_Subsections This table contains information about the PHA subsections that are present in each PHA section.
Wellness_F_QNR_Values This table contains information about the values associated with the PHA question option.

Field Definitions


Field Definition Data Type
question_code_id The ID of the PHA question code. VARCHAR(36)
question_code The unique ID of the code. VARCHAR(255)
question_system The unique ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. VARCHAR(255)
question_display A human-readable representation of the code. VARCHAR(255)
question_id The ID of the PHA question. VARCHAR(36)


Field Definition Data Type
questionnaire_definition_code_id The ID of the PHA questionnaire definition code. VARCHAR(36)
questionnaire_definition_id The ID of the PHA definition. VARCHAR(36)
questionnaire_definition_code The unique ID of the code. VARCHAR(255)
questionnaire_definition_system The unique ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. VARCHAR(255)
questionnaire_definition_display A human-readable representation of the code. VARCHAR(255)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the questionnaire definition code record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the questionnaire definition code record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ


Field Definition Data Type
section_code_id The ID of the PHA section code. VARCHAR(36)
section_code The unique ID of the code. VARCHAR(255)
section_system The unique ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. VARCHAR(255)
section_display A human-readable representation of the code. VARCHAR(255)
section_id The ID of the PHA section. VARCHAR(36)
subsection_id The ID of the PHA subsection. VARCHAR(36)


Field Definition Data Type
answer_id The ID of the PHA answer. VARCHAR(36)
tenant_id The ID of the tenant. VARCHAR(191)
question_id The ID of the PHA question. VARCHAR(36)
response_definition_id The ID of the PHA response definition. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the answer record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the answer record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ
response_section_id The ID of the PHA response section. VARCHAR(36)
response_subsection_id The ID of the PHA response subsection. VARCHAR(36)


Field Definition Data Type
choice_id The ID of the PHA choice. VARCHAR(36)
points The total points earned by selecting this choice as an answer to the question. INTEGER
choice_text A free-text description of the choice. VARCHAR(65000)
option_id The ID of the PHA option. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the choice record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the choice record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ


Field Definition Data Type
option_id The ID of the PHA option. VARCHAR(36)
question_id The ID of the PHA question. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the option record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the option record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ


Field Definition Data Type
questionnaire_definition_id The ID of the PHA definition. VARCHAR(36)
tenant_id The ID of the PHA tenant. VARCHAR(191)
questionnaire_id The ID of the PHA. VARCHAR(191)
questionnaire_definition_name The name of the PHA. The value of this attribute is unique for every phaId value. VARCHAR(191)
questionnaire_definition_description The human-readable description of the PHA. VARCHAR(65000)
questionnaire_definition_status The status of PHA. TINYINT
create_dt_tm The date and time when the questionnaire definition record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the questionnaire definition record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ


Field Definition Data Type
response_definition_id The ID of the PHA response definition. VARCHAR(36)
tenant_id The ID of the tenant. VARCHAR(191)
questionnaire_id The ID of the PHA. VARCHAR(191)
questionnaire_definition_id The ID of the PHA definition. VARCHAR(191)
consumer_id The ID of the consumer. VARCHAR(191)
response_definition_status The status of the response definition. TINYINT
authored_dt_tm The date and time when the PHA response was submitted or updated. The date and time must be in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD format. TIMESTAMPTZ
create_dt_tm The date and time when the response definition record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the response definition record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ


Field Definition Data Type
question_id The ID of the PHA question. VARCHAR(36)
tenant_id The ID of the tenant. VARCHAR(191)
question_text The human-readable text of the question. VARCHAR(65000)
type The type of the question in the PHA. TEXT indicates a question with a long, potentially multiparagraph free-text answer. STRING indicates a question with a short free-text answer. The maximum length is 255 characters. DATE_TIME indicates a question with a date and time answer. CHOICE indicates a question with a choice from a list of options as an answer. DATE indicates a question with a date answer. OPEN_CHOICE indicates a question with a choice from a list of options (as with the CHOICE type) or a free-text answer. RANGE indicates a question with an answer that is a numeric value between a high and a low value. INTEGER
question_description A free-text description of the PHA question that provides instructions or additional context for a user to answer the question. VARCHAR(65000)
accepts_multiple_answers Indicates whether the question can have more than one answer. BOOLEAN
questionnaire_definition_id The ID of the PHA definition. VARCHAR(36)
section_id The ID of the PHA section. VARCHAR(36)
subsection_id The ID of the PHA subsection. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the question record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the question record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ
position Indicates that the question must be at the given position in the sequence of questions in the section or subsection. The position must be unique in the section or the subsection in which the question is grouped. INTEGER


Field Definition Data Type
range_option_id The ID of the PHA range option. VARCHAR(36)
range_option_text A human-readable description of the range. VARCHAR(65000)
low The lowest possible value for the answer. The boundary is inclusive. FLOAT
high The highest possible value for the answer. The boundary is inclusive. FLOAT
option_id The ID of the PHA option. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the range option record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the range option record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ


Field Definition Data Type
section_id The ID of the PHA section. VARCHAR(36)
tenant_id The ID of the tenant. VARCHAR(191)
section_name The name of the PHA section. VARCHAR(191)
section_description The human-readable description of the PHA section. VARCHAR(65000)
questionnaire_definition_id The ID of the PHA definition. VARCHAR(191)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the section record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the section record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ
position A position of a section indicates that the section must be at the given position in the sequence of sections in the PHA. The position must be unique in the PHA. INTEGER


Field Definition Data Type
subsection_id The ID of the PHA subsection. VARCHAR(36)
tenant_id The ID of the tenant. VARCHAR(191)
subsection_name The name of the PHA subsection. VARCHAR(191)
subsection_description The human-readable description of the PHA subsection. VARCHAR(65000)
questionnaire_definition_id The ID of the PHA definition. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the subsection record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the subsection record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ
position A position of a section indicates that the subsection must be at the given position in the sequence of subsections in the PHA section. The position must be unique in the section in which the subsection is grouped. INTEGER
section_id The ID of the PHA section. VARCHAR(36)


Field Definition Data Type
value_id The ID of the PHA value. VARCHAR(36)
option_id The ID of the PHA option. VARCHAR(36)
value The value against which to compare the answer. VARCHAR(255)
answer_id The ID of the PHA answer. VARCHAR(36)
create_dt_tm The date and time when the value record was created. TIMESTAMPTZ
update_dt_tm The date and time when the value record was updated. TIMESTAMPTZ