Outcomes Analytics Schema v1


The Measure Outcomes Analytics bundle contains data used in the HealtheRegistries solution as well as Oracle Health Data Intelligence programs such as the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) quality programs.

Character Separated Values (CSV) Properties

Property Value
Header Record Yes
Field Delimiter Comma
Record Delimiter CR/LF
Character Encoding UTF-8


File Name File Description
PH_D_Program This table contains the programs that are in place for a client.
PH_D_Program_Group This table contains the data on what programs are group together to form a program group.
PH_D_Program_measure This table contains the description of the measures for a program.
PH_F_Measure_Continuous_Enrollment_Outcome This table contains the programs and members who are continuously enrolled.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome This table contains different measures and what state a member is in for them such as Not Met or Met.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Change This table contains changes for a person for a measure.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Component This table contains outcome components for a person for a measure.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Component_Data_Point This table contains outcome components data points for a person for a measure.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Responsible_Organization This table is currently empty, and more information is to come.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Responsible_Provider This table is currently empty, and more information is to come.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_State_Change This table contains changes for a state for a measure.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Additional_Values This table contains additional information for the foundation PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Identifier This table contains additional IDs for the foundation PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite This table contains supporting information for why a person met a registries measure or not. This is for any ACO, HEDIS, or HealtheRegistries measures.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Organization_Aliases This table contains the NPIs associated with the PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Personnel This table contains various IDs, including EMPI, population, and personnel IDs. It also contains a supporting data point lite ID.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Primary_Code This table contains primary code information and additional information for the table PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Source_Locator This table contains additional source locator information for the foundation PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Typed_Key_Value This table contains additional key value information that was typed for the foundation PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Typed_Value This table contains the display for the key and supports the PH_F_Measure_Outcome_Supporting_Data_Point_Lite table.
PH_F_Program_Outcome_Change This table contains any outcome changes and the sequence for programs of which a person may be a part.

Field Definitions


Fields Data Type Description
context_identifier varchar(200) Identifier for the context
context_identifier_type varchar(30) Type of context identifier
context_identifier_type_key varchar(200) Key associated with the column context_identifier_type_key
context_version int version of the context
created_date_id int The date when the program was created.
created_dt_tm timestamptz The date and time when the program was created.
data_type varchar(50) What type of data is being used for the program
data_type_key varchar(200) This is a key associated with the column data_type
end_date_id int End date integer in yyyymmdd
end_dt_tm timestamptz The date and time when the program ended.
min_personnel_scorable_count int The minimum amount of personnel scorable count
name varchar(200) The name of the program
part_key int This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
priority varchar(50) not applicable
priority_key varchar(200) not applicable
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
published boolean whether the program is published or not(true or false)
start_date_id int The date when the program began
start_dt_tm timestamptz The date and time when the program began
type varchar(50) The type of program (for example, Registry or Operational/External)
type_key varchar(200) A key that goes with the column type_display
updated_date_id int The date when the program was last updated.
updated_dt_tm timestamptz Updated date and time
version int An internal identifier to denote which archive this data part lives on.


Fields Data Type Description
part_key int This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_group_description varchar(200) Description of the program group.
program_group_id varchar(500) Id for the program group
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.


Fields Data Type Description
created_dt_tm timestamptz What date and time the program measure was created
description_url varchar(500) not applicable
external_identifier varchar(200) Give an identifier of id the measure is external or not
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
measure_id varchar(200) the unique ID for the measure
name varchar(200) The name of the program measure
outcome_type varchar(30) Type of outcome
part_key int This column is null and will not be of use.
polarity boolean Indicator on polarity
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
program_measure_seq int The program measure sequence number
short_display varchar(200) The display name of the measure
type varchar(30) The type of program (for example, Registry or Event)
unit_of_measure varchar(30) This gives the measurement unit for an event. Example is percent, days and more.
updated_dt_tm timestamptz Updated date and time


Fields Data Type Description
completion_state varchar(30) A indicator of the completion status of a measure
completion_state_key varchar(200) key showing the state of the completion state of the measurement for the program
due_date date Indicates a due date before which a person has get re-evaluated for this measureOutcome
due_date_id int due date ID YYYYMMDD
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
event_date date Date of the event YYYY-MM-DD
event_date_id int Event Date id YYYYMMDD
event_id varchar(200) ID of the event-This is unique per program
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
hash_value varchar(64) Used for internal purposes
is_scorable boolean indicates if the event is scorable or not–True or False
measure_outcome_key varchar(500) unique key for the outcome to include the sequence
measure_outcome_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome
measure_state varchar Gives information on if the measure was met, not met, or excluded
part_key int This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_group_id varchar(200) Id for the program group
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
program_version int Program version that corresponds to the version on the program reference model
source_population_version varchar(200) Version of the source population used for outcome
state varchar(200) The status of the measure
state_key varchar(200) key showing state of the program and what state the measurement is in


Fields Data Type Description
completion_state varchar(30) A indicator of the completion status of a measure
due_date date Indicates a due date before which a person has get re-evaluated for this measureOutcome
due_date_id int due date ID YYYYMMDD
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
measure_outcome_change_seq int unique key for the outcome change to include the sequence
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
processing_version varchar(200) The processing version, for which the data was ran, and data was produced. Format yyyy/MM/dd/HHmm
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
program_outcome_change_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome change
qualified_name varchar(200) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
state varchar(200) The status of the measure
update_dt_tm timestamptz Updated date and time of the activity. Converted to & stored as a UTC date & time and displayed in the default current time zone of the Vertica server (TZ environment variable or operating system time zone). e.g. This UTC date & time will be displayed as US/Central for Health Data Intelligence clients hosted in the US.
update_dt_tm_id int date and time ID the measure outcome was updated


Fields Data Type Description
component_seq int The component sequence
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
end_date date End date for items that can be matched by the component
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
hash_value varchar(64) Used for internal purposes
is_type_exception_exclusion varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
is_type_exclusion_criteria varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
is_type_inclusion_criteria varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
is_type_met_criteria varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
measure_outcome_key varchar(500) unique key for the outcome to include the sequence
measure_outcome_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome
name varchar(200) Name of the Component
number_present int Number of components present
number_required int Number of components required to meet
part_key int This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
start_date date Start date for items that can be matched by the component
status varchar(30) Status of the component
status_reason varchar(200) A brief description that can be displayed for the component status if no supporting data points can be computed for a measure this will be null, and the reason should be based on the measure


Fields Data Type Description
component_seq int The component sequence
data_point_seq int The sequence for the data point of the component
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
hash_value varchar(64) Used for internal purposes
is_type_exception_exclusion varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
is_type_exclusion_criteria varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
is_type_inclusion_criteria varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
is_type_met_criteria varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
measure_outcome_data_point_date date data point date yyyy-mm-dd
measure_outcome_data_point_date_id int data point date id
measure_outcome_data_point_numeric_value float not applicable
measure_outcome_data_point_primary_code_code varchar(200) the outcome data point code
measure_outcome_data_point_primary_code_coding_system_id varchar(200) The coding system OID received . An OID is a globally unique ISO (International Organization for Standardization) identifier. OIDs are a preferred scheme for unique identifiers in HL7.
measure_outcome_data_point_primary_code_primary_display varchar(200) the standardized display of the outcome data point primary
measure_outcome_data_point_primary_code_raw_code varchar(200) The outcome data point raw code
measure_outcome_data_point_primary_code_raw_code_display varchar(200) the display of the outcome data point
measure_outcome_data_point_primary_code_raw_coding_system_id varchar(200) The coding system OID received An OID is a globally unique ISO (International Organization for Standardization) identifier. OIDs are a preferred scheme for unique identifiers in HL7.
measure_outcome_key varchar(500) unique key for the outcome to include the sequence
measure_outcome_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome
model_type varchar(200) Model type the created the component data point
model_uid varchar(200) Id of the model
part_key int This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
ref_record_type varchar(30) What type of reference record was used
ref_record_type_key varchar(200) key for what type of reference record was used
source_description varchar(200) Description of the source from which the ingested data came from.
source_id varchar(200) Unique source identifier for the row as ingested.
source_type varchar(30) Source type from which the data came.
source_type_key varchar(200) This is a key that can be used with source_type
source_version varchar(200) Version information of an entity in the source system.


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
measure_outcome_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome
ministry_org_id varchar(200) An internal database ID for the organization.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_group_id varchar(200) Id for the program group
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
responsibility_type varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_org_id varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_org_id_assigning_authority varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_org_id_type varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_provider_with_org_seq varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
measure_outcome_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome
ministry_personnel_id varchar(200) An internal database ID for the personnel.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
program_group_id varchar(200) Id for the program group
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
responsibility_type varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_provider_id varchar(36) personnel the person is either attributed or responsible to
responsible_provider_id_assigning_authority varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_provider_id_type varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.
responsible_provider_with_org_seq varchar(36) This column is null and will not be of use.


Fields Data Type Description
additional_value_sequence INT Includes information about the different sequences 1-5
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
source_identifier_type VarChar Includes information about the different sources data comes from including care plan, claims, allergy, and more
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from
value_identifier VarChar Gives information about the partition data comes from


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
identifier_id varchar This is an identifier id that can be used with the identifier_source_identifier_type
identifier_parent_uid null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_sequence null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_uid varchar This gives the coded UID identifier
normalized_entity_locator_hdfs_path varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
normalized_entity_locator_key varchar(200) This column is the entity key.
normalized_entity_locator_version varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
raw_entity_locator_hdfs_path varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
raw_entity_locator_key varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
raw_entity_locator_version varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
source_contributing_organization_alias_assigning_authority varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
source_contributing_organization_alias_type varchar(200) This gives information about if the contributing organization is external or not
source_contributing_organization_id varchar(200) This gives the contributing organization’s id number
source_contributing_organization_ministry_id varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
source_contributing_organization_name varchar(200) Organizational name of the contributing source
source_data_partition_id varchar(200) An internal ID for the data source.
source_id varchar(200) Unique source identifier for the row as ingested.
source_identifier_type VarChar Includes information about the different sources data comes from including care plan, claims, allergy, and more
source_type varchar(30) Source type from which the data came.
source_version varchar(200) Version information of an entity in the source system.
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from


Fields Data Type Description
component_qualified_name varchar(200) This gives the different measures that a patient can come in for. An example is diabetes.
data_point_type Varchar This gives the data point type, examples include condition, person_benefit_coverage, and more
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
fully_qualified_name varchar(500) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
has_multiple_data_point_identifiers boolean is an indicator of if there are multiple data points or not
has_multiple_primary_codes boolean is an indicator of if there are multiple primary codes or not
identifier_contributing_org_alias_assigning_authority null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_contributing_org_alias_type null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_contributing_org_id null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_contributing_org_ministry_id null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_contributing_org_name null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_id varchar This is an identifier id that can be used with the identifier_source_identifier_type
identifier_parent_uid null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_data_partition_id varchar This is the partition id and should be used with partition description
identifier_source_id varchar This is the source id and should be used with partition description
identifier_source_identifier_type varchar Give the identifier type examples include encounter, condition and result
identifier_source_normalized_entity_locator_hdfs_path null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_normalized_entity_locator_key null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_normalized_entity_locator_version null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_raw_entity_locator_hdfs_path null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_raw_entity_locator_key null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_raw_entity_locator_version null This column is null and will not be of use.
identifier_source_type varchar This tells where the data is coming from EMR or claim
identifier_source_version varchar This gives the source version
identifier_uid varchar This gives the coded UID identifier
outcome_sequence int The sequence of the outcome
personnel_id varchar(200) Unique ID of the personnel
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
primary_code_id varchar This is a primary code id, and is associated with the primary_code_primary_display.
primary_code_primary_display varchar This is the display for measure outcomes.
primary_code_raw_code_display varchar This is the display for the raw primary code associated with measure outcomes.
primary_code_raw_code_id varchar This is the id that is related to the column primary_code_raw_code_id
primary_code_raw_coding_system_id varchar This is the raw coding system id for the primary code
primary_coding_system_id varchar This is a system id.
program_group_id varchar(200) Id for the program group
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
state varchar(200) The status of the measure
status_code_id varchar(200) This is a status code id and goes with column status_code
status_coding_system_id varchar(200) Values are the OIDs representing the status code system. 
status_primary_display varchar(200) How the status code is displayed.
status_raw_code_display varchar(200) This column has information about the raw status code display. Examples include inactive, denied, complete, active, and more.
status_raw_code_id varchar(200) This is an id that goes with column status_raw_code_display
status_raw_coding_system_id varchar(200) Values are the OIDs representing the raw status code system. 
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from
supporting_data_point_lite_seq VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from
time_period_end_date varchar(200) This is the time period end date and time. This is the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
time_period_start_date varchar(200) This is the time period start date and time. This is the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
time_period_type varchar(200) This tells whether the time period is ranged or single


Fields Data Type Description
alias_type varchar(30) The type of the alias, such as NPI, DEA, TAX, SL, EXTERNAL, UPIN, or EI
alias_type varchar(30) The type of the alias, such as NPI, DEA, TAX, SL, EXTERNAL, UPIN, or EI
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
identifier_sequence null This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
personnel_id varchar(200) Unique ID of the personnel
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from


Fields Data Type Description
code_coding_system_id varchar(200) This gives internal code for the coding system and one can look at column code_primary_display for more information.
code_id varchar(200) This gives a code id that can be associated with the raw_code_display
code_primary_display varchar(200) This gives the primary code display for codes in column code_coding_system_id
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
raw_code_display varchar(200) Encounter alias raw code display received from the data source.
raw_code_id varchar(200) Encounter alias raw ID received from the data source.
raw_coding_system_id varchar(200) Encounter alias code coding system OID, standardized by Cerner. An OID is a globally unique ISO (International Organization for Standardization) identifier. OIDs are a preferred scheme for unique identifiers in HL7.
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
identifier_sequence null This column is null and will not be of use.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
raw_entity_locator_hdfs_path varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
raw_entity_locator_key varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
raw_entity_locator_version varchar(200) This column is null and will not be of use.
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from


Fields Data Type Description
additional_value_sequence Includes information about the different sequences 1-6
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from
typed_value varchar This is a type value and is associates with the column typed_value_field_name
typed_value_field_name varchar This gives the field name and is associated with column typed_value
typed_value_modifier varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
typed_value_type varchar This is the value type. Examples include date, codified, and text.
unit_code_id varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_coding_system_id varchar This is the unit for the coding system
unit_primary_display varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_raw_code_display varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_raw_code_id varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_raw_coding_system_id varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
value_code_id varchar(200) This is an id that associates with the column value_code_primary_display.
value_code_primary_display varchar(200) This shows the display of where the primary code is coming from. Examples include Office, inpatient hospital and more.
value_coding_system_id varchar(200) This is the value coding system id.
value_raw_code_display VarChar This gives the display from the column value_raw_code_id. Examples include Female, Male and more.
value_raw_code_id VarChar This gives the raw code id associated with column value_raw_code_display
value_raw_coding_system_id VarChar This is coding system for where the raw values are coming from.


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
supporting_data_point_lite_id VarChar A coded way of where data is coming from
typed_value varchar This is a type value and is associates with the column typed_value_field_name
typed_value_modifier varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
typed_value_type varchar This is the value type. Examples include date, codified, and text.
unit_code_id varchar This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_code_primary_display varchar This column has information about the measurement type. Examples included mmHg, percent, mg/dL, and more
unit_coding_system_id varchar This is the unit for the coding system
unit_raw_code_display varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_raw_code_id varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
unit_raw_coding_system_id varchar(30) This column is null and will not be of use.
value_code_id varchar(200) This is an id that associates with the column value_code_primary_display.
value_code_primary_display varchar(200) This shows the display of where the primary code is coming from. Examples include Office, inpatient hospital and more.
value_coding_system_id varchar(200) This is the value coding system id.
value_raw_code_display VarChar This gives the display from the column value_raw_code_id. Examples include Female, Male and more.
value_raw_code_id VarChar This gives the raw code id associated with column value_raw_code_display
value_raw_coding_system_id VarChar This is coding system for where the raw values are coming from.


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
is_identified boolean Indicator if the outcome change is identified
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
processing_version varchar(200) The processing version, for which the data was ran, and data was produced. Format yyyy/MM/dd/HHmm
program_group_id varchar(200) Id for the program group
program_id varchar(500) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
program_outcome_change_seq int The sequence of the program outcome change
source_population_version varchar(200) Version of the source population used for outcome
update_dt_tm timestamptz Updated date and time of the activity. Converted to & stored as a UTC date & time and displayed in the default current time zone of the Vertica server (TZ environment variable or operating system time zone). e.g. This UTC date & time will be displayed as US/Central for Health Data Intelligence clients hosted in the US.
update_dt_tm_id int date and time ID the measure outcome was updated


Fields Data Type Description
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
program_outcome_change_seq int Sequence of the measured outcome change
program_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
qualified_name varchar(200) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
start_dt_tm timestamptz The date and time when the program began
start_date_id int The date when the program began
end_dt_tm timestamptz The date and time when the program ended.
end_date_id int End date integer in yyyymmdd
state varchar(30) The status of the measure
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)


Fields Data Type Description
population_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the populations for a client (ex: registries population, EDW population, etc.)
empi_id varchar(200) A Cerner-derived unique member identifier that is used across all data sources.
measure_type varchar(200) The type of measure
event_id varchar(200) ID of the event-This is unique per program
fully_qualified_name varchar(200) The qualified name of the measure. Each qualified name is unique within the scope of the program.
program_id varchar(200) The unique identifier of the program, typically in the context of measure outcome creation.
coverage_type varchar(200) The type of coverage
is_continuously_enrolled boolean Indicator for continuously enrolled
age_in_years int Age in years
age_in_months int Age in months
program_group_id varchar(200) Id for the program group