Ruby Shell

Longitudinal Record Public API v1

The Oracle Health Data Intelligence Longitudinal Record is a comprehensive clinical summary for a patient in context of a population. The Longitudinal Record is comprised of aggregated patient data from multiple data sources.

Note: The data retrieved by this API is filtered based on the sensitive data filters for Health Data Intelligence. Ensure that your implementations of this API are designed with this in mind, and if you integrate data from Health Data Intelligence into a clinical workflow using this API, ensure that your users are informed of your sensitive data filters. See Understand Sensitive Data in Oracle Health Data Intelligence in the Reference Pages on Cerner Wiki for more information.


Medication Dispense

The Medication Dispense resource covers the supply of medications to a patient. Examples include dispensing and pick-up from an outpatient or community pharmacy, dispensing patient-specific medications from an inpatient pharmacy to a ward, as well as issuing a single dose from a ward stock to a patient for consumption. The medication dispense is the result of a pharmacy system responding to a medication order.

Retrieve a Single Medication Dispense

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "f09385c8e68530e2227097cffb70e464437b6faf560ee3a8ffca84369291e2b8",
  "sourceIdentifier": {
    "dataPartitionId": "2e07f958-82fe-470b-871d-3f7227800a63",
    "id": "12345"
  "status": {
    "sourceCodings": [
        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.101",
        "code": "completed",
        "display": "Completed"
    "codings": [
        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.101",
        "code": "completed",
        "display": "Completed"
    "text": "Completed",
    "concepts": [
        "contextId": "00E15C00948B455F8349272E2830D6AF",
        "alias": "COMPLETED_ORDSTAT"
  "medications": [
      "code": {
        "codings": [
            "code": "00005310141",
            "display": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET",
            "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.567.12.1"
        "sourceCodings": [
            "code": "12345",
            "display": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET",
            "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.567.12.1"
        "concepts": [
            "contextId": "13A955381FD04E238BEC48D851F04FF9",
            "alias": "D00049"
        "text": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET"
      "dose": {
        "strength": {
          "unit": {
            "codings": [
                "code": "C42998",
                "display": "TABLET",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "C42998",
                "display": "TABLET",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
            "text": "TABLET"
          "value": "30"
        "quantity": {
          "value": "1"
        "volume": {
          "unit": {
            "codings": [
                "code": "385055001",
                "display": "Tablet",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "385055001",
                "display": "Tablet",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"
            "text": "Tablet"
          "value": "1"
      "referenceDrug": {
        "brandType": "GENERIC",
        "code": {
          "codings": [
              "code": "00005310141",
              "display": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.69"
          "text": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET"
        "dosageForm": {
          "codings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "Tablet",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "text": "Tablet"
        "route": {
          "codings": [
              "code": "C38288",
              "display": "ORAL",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "text": "ORAL"
        "referenceIngredients": [
            "code": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "50458014130",
                  "display": "Canagliflozin 300 mg oral tablet",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.69"
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "50458014130",
                  "display": "Canagliflozin 300 mg oral tablet",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.69"
              "text": "Canagliflozin 300 mg oral tablet"
            "strength": {
              "numerator": {
                "value": "30",
                "unit": {
                  "sourceCodings": [
                      "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:54",
                      "code": "293",
                      "display": "mL"
                  "codings": [
                      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.8",
                      "code": "mL"
                  "text": "mL"
              "denominator": {
                "value": "30",
                "unit": {
                  "sourceCodings": [
                      "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:54",
                      "code": "293",
                      "display": "mL"
                  "codings": [
                      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.8",
                      "code": "mL"
                  "text": "mL"
  "encounter": {
    "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
  "authorizingPrescription": {
    "id": "f09385c8e68530e2227097cffb70e464437b6faf560ee3a8ffca84369291e2b8"
  "type": {
    "sourceCodings": [
        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16208",
        "code": "RF",
        "display": "Refill"
    "codings": [
        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16208",
        "code": "RF",
        "display": "Refill"
    "text": "Refill"
  "quantity": {
    "value": "30",
    "unit": {
      "sourceCodings": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
          "code": "46992007",
          "display": "tablet"
      "codings": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
          "code": "46992007",
          "display": "Pill"
      "text": "Pill"
  "daysSupply": {
    "value": "90",
    "unit": {
      "sourceCodings": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
          "code": "258703001",
          "display": "days"
      "codings": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
          "code": "258703001",
          "display": "day"
      "text": "day"
  "whenHandedOver": "2013-06-07",
  "aliases": [
      "system": "system_value",
      "value": "medication_alias"
  "dosageInstruction": {
    "doseAndRate": {
      "doseQuantity": {
        "unit": {
          "codings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "sourceCodings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "text": "TABLET"
        "value": "1"
  "dosages": [
      "sequence": 1,
      "text": "1 tab PO QD",
      "additionalInstructions": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
            "code": "311501008",
            "display": "Half to one hour before food"
        "codings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
            "code": "311501008",
            "display": "Half to one hour before food"
        "text": "Half to one hour before food"
      "patientInstruction": "Take 1-2 tablets once daily at bedtime as needed for restless legs.",
      "timing": {
        "repeat": {
          "bounds": {
            "duration": {
              "unit": {
                "codings": [
                    "code": "C42998",
                    "display": "TABLET",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "C42998",
                    "display": "TABLET",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                "text": "TABLET"
              "value": "1"
            "period": {
              "startDate": "1997-07-16",
              "endDate": "1998-08-24"
          "count": 30,
          "duration": {
            "unit": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "text": "TABLET"
            "value": "1"
        "timingSchedule": "This data type allows many different expressions of the event timing. For example, every eight hours, three times a day, half an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011, 15 Oct 2013 through 17 Oct 2013, and 1 Nov 2013\"."
      "asNeeded": {
        "takenOnlyAsNeeded": true,
        "precondition": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
              "code": "122003",
              "display": "Choroidal hemorrhage"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
              "code": "122003",
              "display": "Choroidal hemorrhage"
          "text": "Choroidal hemorrhage"
      "route": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
            "code": "26643006",
            "display": "Oral use"
        "codings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
            "code": "26643006",
            "display": "Oral use"
        "text": "Oral use"
      "dose": {
        "unit": {
          "codings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "sourceCodings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "text": "TABLET"
        "value": "1"
      "rate": {
        "unit": {
          "codings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "sourceCodings": [
              "code": "C42998",
              "display": "TABLET",
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
          "text": "TABLET"
        "value": "1"
  "shippingInformations": [
      "carrierName": "FedEx",
      "trackingNumber": "794809361804"
  "provenances": [
      "entities": [
          "role": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "source",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.437",
                "display": "Source"
            "codings": [
                "code": "source",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.437",
                "display": "Source"
            "text": "Source"
          "what": {
            "documentReference": {
              "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
      "agents": [
          "type": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "author",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.1131",
                "display": "Author"
            "codings": [
                "code": "author",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.1131",
                "display": "Author"
            "text": "Author"
          "who": {
            "organization": {
              "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
              "aliases": [
                  "value": "151579",
                  "type": "EXTERNAL",
                  "system": ""
      "recordedOn": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z"
  "refillsRemaining": 2

GET /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/medication-dispenses/{medicationDispenseId}

Retrieves a single medication dispense for a given patient.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
medicationDispenseId path string true N/A The unique ID of the medication dispense for the patient. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A medication dispense object. MedicationDispense
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Medication Dispenses

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "f09385c8e68530e2227097cffb70e464437b6faf560ee3a8ffca84369291e2b8",
      "sourceIdentifier": {
        "dataPartitionId": "2e07f958-82fe-470b-871d-3f7227800a63",
        "id": "12345"
      "status": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.101",
            "code": "completed",
            "display": "Completed"
        "codings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.101",
            "code": "completed",
            "display": "Completed"
        "text": "Completed",
        "concepts": [
            "contextId": "00E15C00948B455F8349272E2830D6AF",
            "alias": "COMPLETED_ORDSTAT"
      "medications": [
          "code": {
            "codings": [
                "code": "00005310141",
                "display": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET",
                "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.567.12.1"
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "12345",
                "display": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET",
                "system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.567.12.1"
            "concepts": [
                "contextId": "13A955381FD04E238BEC48D851F04FF9",
                "alias": "D00049"
            "text": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET"
          "dose": {
            "strength": {
              "unit": {
                "codings": [
                    "code": "C42998",
                    "display": "TABLET",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "C42998",
                    "display": "TABLET",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                "text": "TABLET"
              "value": "30"
            "quantity": {
              "value": "1"
            "volume": {
              "unit": {
                "codings": [
                    "code": "385055001",
                    "display": "Tablet",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "385055001",
                    "display": "Tablet",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"
                "text": "Tablet"
              "value": "1"
          "referenceDrug": {
            "brandType": "GENERIC",
            "code": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "00005310141",
                  "display": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.69"
              "text": "acetaminophen 500 mg ORAL TABLET"
            "dosageForm": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "Tablet",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "text": "Tablet"
            "route": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "C38288",
                  "display": "ORAL",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "text": "ORAL"
            "referenceIngredients": [
                "code": {
                  "codings": [
                      "code": "50458014130",
                      "display": "Canagliflozin 300 mg oral tablet",
                      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.69"
                  "sourceCodings": [
                      "code": "50458014130",
                      "display": "Canagliflozin 300 mg oral tablet",
                      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.69"
                  "text": "Canagliflozin 300 mg oral tablet"
                "strength": {
                  "numerator": {
                    "value": "30",
                    "unit": {
                      "sourceCodings": [
                          "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:54",
                          "code": "293",
                          "display": "mL"
                      "codings": [
                          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.8",
                          "code": "mL"
                      "text": "mL"
                  "denominator": {
                    "value": "30",
                    "unit": {
                      "sourceCodings": [
                          "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:54",
                          "code": "293",
                          "display": "mL"
                      "codings": [
                          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.8",
                          "code": "mL"
                      "text": "mL"
      "encounter": {
        "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
      "authorizingPrescription": {
        "id": "f09385c8e68530e2227097cffb70e464437b6faf560ee3a8ffca84369291e2b8"
      "type": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16208",
            "code": "RF",
            "display": "Refill"
        "codings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16208",
            "code": "RF",
            "display": "Refill"
        "text": "Refill"
      "quantity": {
        "value": "30",
        "unit": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
              "code": "46992007",
              "display": "tablet"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
              "code": "46992007",
              "display": "Pill"
          "text": "Pill"
      "daysSupply": {
        "value": "90",
        "unit": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
              "code": "258703001",
              "display": "days"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
              "code": "258703001",
              "display": "day"
          "text": "day"
      "whenHandedOver": "2013-06-07",
      "aliases": [
          "system": "system_value",
          "value": "medication_alias"
      "dosageInstruction": {
        "doseAndRate": {
          "doseQuantity": {
            "unit": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "text": "TABLET"
            "value": "1"
      "dosages": [
          "sequence": 1,
          "text": "1 tab PO QD",
          "additionalInstructions": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
                "code": "311501008",
                "display": "Half to one hour before food"
            "codings": [
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
                "code": "311501008",
                "display": "Half to one hour before food"
            "text": "Half to one hour before food"
          "patientInstruction": "Take 1-2 tablets once daily at bedtime as needed for restless legs.",
          "timing": {
            "repeat": {
              "bounds": {
                "duration": {
                  "unit": {
                    "codings": [
                        "code": "C42998",
                        "display": "TABLET",
                        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                    "sourceCodings": [
                        "code": "C42998",
                        "display": "TABLET",
                        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                    "text": "TABLET"
                  "value": "1"
                "period": {
                  "startDate": "1997-07-16",
                  "endDate": "1998-08-24"
              "count": 30,
              "duration": {
                "unit": {
                  "codings": [
                      "code": "C42998",
                      "display": "TABLET",
                      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                  "sourceCodings": [
                      "code": "C42998",
                      "display": "TABLET",
                      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
                  "text": "TABLET"
                "value": "1"
            "timingSchedule": "This data type allows many different expressions of the event timing. For example, every eight hours, three times a day, half an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011, 15 Oct 2013 through 17 Oct 2013, and 1 Nov 2013\"."
          "asNeeded": {
            "takenOnlyAsNeeded": true,
            "precondition": {
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
                  "code": "122003",
                  "display": "Choroidal hemorrhage"
              "codings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
                  "code": "122003",
                  "display": "Choroidal hemorrhage"
              "text": "Choroidal hemorrhage"
          "route": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
                "code": "26643006",
                "display": "Oral use"
            "codings": [
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96",
                "code": "26643006",
                "display": "Oral use"
            "text": "Oral use"
          "dose": {
            "unit": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "text": "TABLET"
            "value": "1"
          "rate": {
            "unit": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "C42998",
                  "display": "TABLET",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883."
              "text": "TABLET"
            "value": "1"
      "shippingInformations": [
          "carrierName": "FedEx",
          "trackingNumber": "794809361804"
      "provenances": [
          "entities": [
              "role": {
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "source",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.437",
                    "display": "Source"
                "codings": [
                    "code": "source",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.437",
                    "display": "Source"
                "text": "Source"
              "what": {
                "documentReference": {
                  "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
          "agents": [
              "type": {
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "author",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.1131",
                    "display": "Author"
                "codings": [
                    "code": "author",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.1131",
                    "display": "Author"
                "text": "Author"
              "who": {
                "organization": {
                  "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
                  "aliases": [
                      "value": "151579",
                      "type": "EXTERNAL",
                      "system": ""
          "recordedOn": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z"
      "refillsRemaining": 2
  "firstLink": "",
  "nextLink": ""

GET /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/medication-dispenses

Retrieves a list of the medication dispenses for a given patient.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
cursor query string false 0 A marker indicating the position of the last item retrieved for a response. If you specify this parameter, the response begins with the next item on the list. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
status query array[string] false N/A The alias values for document status concepts by which results should be filtered. MISSING, ACTIVE_SUBSET_QUAL, ACTIVE_OUTPATIENT_PHARMACY_MEDICATION_QUAL, INACTIVE_SUBSET_QUAL, PENDING_ON_HOLD_SUBSET_QUAL, IN_ERROR_NEVER_ACTIVE_SUBSET_QUAL
code:concept query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s concept. A concept consists of a contextId and alias concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of the type’s concept, the contextId and alias must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the contextId or alias, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, contextId\|withVerticalBar|alias. If an escape character occurs in either the contextId or alias, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, contextId\\withEscape|alias. -
code:coding query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s coding. A coding consists of a code and system concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of the type’s coding, the code and system must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the code or system, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, system\|withVerticalBar|code. If an escape character occurs in either the system or code, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, system\\withEscape|code. -
code:sourceCoding query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s sourceCoding. A sourceCoding consists of a code and system concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of the type’s sourceCoding, the code and system must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the code or system, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, system\|withVerticalBar|code. If an escape character occurs in either the system or code, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, system\\withEscape|code. -
code:text query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s text attribute -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Collection of mecication dispense objects MedicationDispenses
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Document Reference

DocumentReference is used to index a document, diagnostic report, clinical note, or other binary object. The document establishes context through metadata (such as the author, description, or status) and references the binary contents of the document. The document contents can be any binary object with a recognized Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type. For example, document contents can include structured documents in eXtensible Markup Language (XML), clinical notes in plain text, or a scanned report in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Retrieve a Single Document Reference

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c",
  "authenticator": {
    "type": "PROVIDER",
    "provider": {
      "aliases": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.814",
          "value": "2112186",
          "type": "DEA"
      "name": {
        "prefix": "Dr.",
        "given": [
        "family": [
        "suffix": "MD",
        "formatted": "Dr. Jane Susannah Smith MD"
  "categories": [
      "sourceCodings": [],
      "codings": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "clinical-note",
          "display": "Clinical Note"
      "concepts": [
          "contextId": "a092e06f-7690-4ace-a678-885913a35d46",
          "alias": "CLINICAL_NOTE_OBSTYPE"
      "text": "Clinical Note"
  "dateTime": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z",
  "description": "Physician Emergency Department Note",
  "docStatus": {
    "sourceCodings": [
        "code": "25",
        "display": "Auth (Verified)",
        "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:8"
    "codings": [
        "code": "F",
        "display": "Final results",
        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.85"
    "text": "Auth (Verified)"
  "effectiveDate": "2011-07-26T20:53:00.000Z",
  "encounter": {
    "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
  "sourceIdentifier": {
    "dataPartitionId": "e5f34c23-e572-44c3-a2cd-7ca358dcec9f",
    "id": "7209f9fb-3a5d-44c1-8dbb-123f340a9850"
  "type": {
    "sourceCodings": [
        "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:72",
        "code": "3374547",
        "display": "Depart Summary"
    "codings": [
        "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1",
        "code": "68608-9",
        "display": "Summary note"
    "text": "Depart Summary"
  "authors": [
      "type": "PROVIDER",
      "provider": {
        "aliases": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.814",
            "value": "2112186",
            "type": "DEA"
        "name": {
          "prefix": "Dr.",
          "given": [
          "family": [
          "suffix": "MD",
          "formatted": "Dr. Jane Susannah Smith MD"
  "custodian": {
    "organization": {
      "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
      "aliases": [
          "value": "151579",
          "type": "EXTERNAL",
          "system": ""
  "contents": [
      "attachment": {
        "contentType": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "code": "text/plain",
              "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:13",
              "display": "text/plain"
          "codings": [
              "code": "text/plain",
              "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:13",
              "display": "text/plain"
          "text": "text/plain"
        "binary": {
          "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
        "size": "2048000",
        "title": "Physician Emergency Department Note",
        "creation": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z"
  "aliases": [
      "system": "",
      "value": "2112186"
  "provenances": [
      "entities": [
          "role": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "source",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.437",
                "display": "Source"
            "codings": [
                "code": "source",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.437",
                "display": "Source"
            "text": "Source"
          "what": {
            "documentReference": {
              "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
      "agents": [
          "type": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "author",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1131",
                "display": "Author"
            "codings": [
                "code": "author",
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1131",
                "display": "Author"
            "text": "Author"
          "who": {
            "organization": {
              "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
              "aliases": [
                  "value": "151579",
                  "type": "EXTERNAL",
                  "system": ""
      "recordedOn": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z"
  "securityLabels": [
      "sourceCodings": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.5.25",
          "code": "N",
          "display": "normal"
      "codings": [
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.5.25",
          "code": "N",
          "display": "normal"
      "text": "normal"

GET /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/document-references/{documentReferenceId}

Retrieves a single document reference for a given patient.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
documentReferenceId path string true N/A The unique ID of the document reference for the patient. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A Document Reference object. DocumentReference
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Document References

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "98851171-d7e6-4f51-bdc2-363b8240909f",
      "authenticator": {
        "type": "PROVIDER",
        "provider": {
          "aliases": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.443",
              "value": "1547428",
              "type": "Admitting"
          "name": {
            "prefix": "Dr.",
            "given": [
            "family": [
            "suffix": "MD",
            "formatted": "Dr. Mark Alexander Joseph MD"
      "categories": [
          "sourceCodings": [],
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1",
              "code": "LP29684-5",
              "display": "Radiology"
          "concepts": [
              "contextId": "a092e06f-7690-4ace-a678-885913a35d46",
              "alias": "RADIOLOGY_REPORT_OBSTYPE"
          "text": "Radiology Report"
      "dateTime": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
      "description": "MRI ABDOMEN WITH CONTRAST",
      "docStatus": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "code": "25",
            "display": "Auth (Verified)",
            "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:8"
        "codings": [
            "code": "F",
            "display": "Final results",
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.85"
        "text": "Auth (Verified)"
      "effectivePeriod": {
        "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
        "end": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
      "encounter": {
        "id": "069a30bf-ff98-38b5-a723-c1c2ecc287a5"
      "sourceIdentifier": {
        "dataPartitionId": "e5f34c23-e572-44c3-a2cd-7ca358dcec9f",
        "id": "25531559-0b77-4b76-bc75-0ff2cd8c6f06"
      "type": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1",
            "code": "68604-8",
            "display": "Radiology Diagnostic study note"
        "codings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1",
            "code": "68604-8",
            "display": "Radiology Diagnostic study note"
        "text": "Radiology Diagnostic study note"
      "authors": [
          "type": "PROVIDER",
          "provider": {
            "aliases": [
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6",
                "value": "1497758121",
                "type": "NPI"
            "name": {
              "prefix": "Dr.",
              "given": [
              "family": [
              "suffix": "MD",
              "formatted": "Dr. Mark Alexander Joseph MD"
      "custodian": {
        "organization": {
          "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
          "aliases": [
              "value": "151579",
              "type": "EXTERNAL",
              "system": ""
      "contents": [
          "format": {
            "sourceCodings": [
                "code": "urn:ihe:rad:PDF",
                "system": "",
                "display": "XDS-I PDF (XDS-I)"
            "codings": [
                "code": "urn:ihe:rad:PDF",
                "system": "",
                "display": "XDS-I PDF (XDS-I)"
            "text": "XDS-I PDF (XDS-I)"
          "attachment": {
            "contentType": {
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": " application/pdf",
                  "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:13",
                  "display": " application/pdf"
              "codings": [
                  "code": " application/pdf",
                  "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:13",
                  "display": " application/pdf"
              "text": "application/pdf"
            "binary": {
              "id": "681433f4-b174-3df4-9bb1-9768ef76474d"
            "size": "2048000",
            "title": "MRI ABDOMEN WITH CONTRAST",
            "creation": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
      "aliases": [
          "system": "",
          "value": "1547428"
      "provenances": [
          "entities": [
              "role": {
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "source",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.437",
                    "display": "Source"
                "codings": [
                    "code": "source",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.437",
                    "display": "Source"
                "text": "Source"
              "what": {
                "documentReference": {
                  "id": "a07aa74e-41b4-485a-b9be-b08c383db763"
          "agents": [
              "type": {
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "author",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1131",
                    "display": "Author"
                "codings": [
                    "code": "author",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1131",
                    "display": "Author"
                "text": "Author"
              "who": {
                "organization": {
                  "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
                  "aliases": [
                      "value": "151579",
                      "type": "EXTERNAL",
                      "system": ""
          "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
      "securityLabels": [
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.5.25",
              "code": "N",
              "display": "normal"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.5.25",
              "code": "N",
              "display": "normal"
          "text": "normal"
      "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c",
      "authenticator": {
        "type": "PROVIDER",
        "provider": {
          "aliases": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.814",
              "value": "2112186",
              "type": "DEA"
          "name": {
            "prefix": "Dr.",
            "given": [
            "family": [
            "suffix": "MD",
            "formatted": "Dr. Jane Susannah Smith MD"
      "categories": [
          "sourceCodings": [],
          "codings": [
              "system": "",
              "code": "clinical-note",
              "display": "Clinical Note"
          "concepts": [
              "contextId": "a092e06f-7690-4ace-a678-885913a35d46",
              "alias": "CLINICAL_NOTE_OBSTYPE"
          "text": "Clinical Note"
      "dateTime": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z",
      "description": "Physician Emergency Department Note",
      "docStatus": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "code": "25",
            "display": "Auth (Verified)",
            "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:8"
        "codings": [
            "code": "F",
            "display": "Final results",
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.85"
        "text": "Auth (Verified)"
      "effectiveDate": "2011-07-26T20:53:00.000Z",
      "encounter": {
        "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
      "sourceIdentifier": {
        "dataPartitionId": "e5f34c23-e572-44c3-a2cd-7ca358dcec9f",
        "id": "7209f9fb-3a5d-44c1-8dbb-123f340a9850"
      "type": {
        "sourceCodings": [
            "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:72",
            "code": "3374547",
            "display": "Depart Summary"
        "codings": [
            "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1",
            "code": "68608-9",
            "display": "Summary note"
        "text": "Depart Summary"
      "authors": [
          "type": "PROVIDER",
          "provider": {
            "aliases": [
                "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.814",
                "value": "2112186",
                "type": "DEA"
            "name": {
              "prefix": "Dr.",
              "given": [
              "family": [
              "suffix": "MD",
              "formatted": "Dr. Jane Susannah Smith MD"
      "custodian": {
        "organization": {
          "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
          "aliases": [
              "value": "151579",
              "type": "EXTERNAL",
              "system": ""
      "contents": [
          "attachment": {
            "contentType": {
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "text/plain",
                  "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:13",
                  "display": "text/plain"
              "codings": [
                  "code": "text/plain",
                  "system": "urn:ietf:bcp:13",
                  "display": "text/plain"
              "text": "text/plain"
            "binary": {
              "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
            "size": "2048000",
            "title": "Physician Emergency Department Note",
            "creation": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z"
      "aliases": [
          "system": "",
          "value": "2112186"
      "provenances": [
          "entities": [
              "role": {
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "source",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.437",
                    "display": "Source"
                "codings": [
                    "code": "source",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.437",
                    "display": "Source"
                "text": "Source"
              "what": {
                "documentReference": {
                  "id": "581433f4-b179-3df4-9bb2-9768ef76493c"
          "agents": [
              "type": {
                "sourceCodings": [
                    "code": "author",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1131",
                    "display": "Author"
                "codings": [
                    "code": "author",
                    "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.1131",
                    "display": "Author"
                "text": "Author"
              "who": {
                "organization": {
                  "name": "Rockcreek Clinic",
                  "aliases": [
                      "value": "151579",
                      "type": "EXTERNAL",
                      "system": ""
          "recordedOn": "2011-07-26T23:53:00.000Z"
      "securityLabels": [
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.5.25",
              "code": "N",
              "display": "normal"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.5.25",
              "code": "N",
              "display": "normal"
          "text": "normal"
  "firstLink": "",
  "nextLink": ""

GET /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/document-references

Retrieves a list of the document references for a given patient.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
cursor query string false 0 A marker indicating the position of the last item retrieved for a response. If you specify this parameter, the response begins with the next item on the list. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
securityLabel query array[string] false N/A The alias values for confidentiality classification by which results should be filtered. CONFIDENTIALITY_CLASSIFICATION_NONSENSITIVE_QUAL, CONFIDENTIALITY_CLASSIFICATION_SENSITIVE_QUAL
docStatus query array[string] false N/A The alias values for document status concepts by which results should be filtered. MISSING, AUTHORIZED_QUAL, MODIFIED_QUAL, IN_ERROR_NEVER_ACTIVE_SUBSET_QUAL
type:concept query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s concept. A concept consists of a contextId and alias concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of the type’s concept, the contextId and alias must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the contextId or alias, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, contextId\|withVerticalBar|alias. If an escape character occurs in either the contextId or alias, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, contextId\\withEscape|alias. -
type:coding query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s coding. A coding consists of a code and system concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of the type’s coding, the code and system must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the code or system, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, system\|withVerticalBar|code. If an escape character occurs in either the system or code, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, system\\withEscape|code. -
type:sourceCoding query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s sourceCoding. A sourceCoding consists of a code and system concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of the type’s sourceCoding, the code and system must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the code or system, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, system\|withVerticalBar|code. If an escape character occurs in either the system or code, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, system\\withEscape|code. -
type:text query array[string] false N/A Filters the list based on the type’s text attribute. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Collection of Document Reference objects DocumentReferences
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error


A binary represents the data of a single raw artifact as digital content accessible in its native format. A binary resource can contain any content, whether text, image, .PDF file, .ZIP file, and so on.

Retrieve a Binary

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/binaries/{binaryId}

Retrieves a binary for a given patient.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
binaryId path string true N/A The ID that uniquely identifies the binary for the patient. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The actual content of the binary as a base64-encoded string. None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Patient Exclusion

An exclusion represents a request to remove a patient from the population for a given time period.

Create a Patient Exclusion

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions', headers: headers, body: {"effectivePeriod":{"startDate":"2020-04-03T09:38:25Z","endDate":"2020-04-23T09:38:25Z"},"tags":[{"key":"Reason","value":"Exclusion requested by patient."},{"key":"Service Account Id:","value":"4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"}]}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"effectivePeriod":{"startDate":"2020-04-03T09:38:25Z","endDate":"2020-04-23T09:38:25Z"},"tags":[{"key":"Reason","value":"Exclusion requested by patient."},{"key":"Service Account Id:","value":"4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"}]}

Example response

  "id": "c6de50dc-1a6e-4b39-b5ad-ddb8a858da95",
  "patient": {
    "id": "1b765525-ce26-4a59-ae09-fb0808f991c3",
    "aliases": [
        "value": "1831176690",
        "computationalValue": "1831176690",
        "renderedValue": "1831-176690",
        "system": "",
        "type": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
              "code": "MR",
              "display": "Medical record number"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
              "code": "MR",
              "display": "Medical record number"
          "text": "Medical record number"
  "effectivePeriod": {
    "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
    "end": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
  "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T11:55:00.000Z",
  "tags": [
      "key": "Reason",
      "value": "Exclusion requested by patient"
      "key": "Service Account Id:",
      "value": "4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"

POST /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions

Creates a Patient Exclusion by json object in body.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
body body postPopulationsPopulationidPatientsPatientidPatientExclusions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Patient Exclusion Created PatientExclusion
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Delete a Patient Exclusion

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId}

Delete a Patient Exclusion by patient id, population id and exclusion id


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
exclusionId path string true N/A The ID for the exclusion. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Patient Exclusion has been deleted PatientExclusion
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Patient Exclusion

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId}', headers: headers, body: {"effectivePeriod":{"start":"2020-04-03T09:38:25Z","end":"2020-04-23T09:38:25Z"},"tags":[{"key":"Reason","value":"Exclusion requested by patient."},{"key":"Service Account Id:","value":"4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"}]}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"effectivePeriod":{"start":"2020-04-03T09:38:25Z","end":"2020-04-23T09:38:25Z"},"tags":[{"key":"Reason","value":"Exclusion requested by patient."},{"key":"Service Account Id:","value":"4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"}]}

Example response

  "id": "c6de50dc-1a6e-4b39-b5ad-ddb8a858da95",
  "patient": {
    "id": "1b765525-ce26-4a59-ae09-fb0808f991c3",
    "aliases": [
        "value": "1831176690",
        "computationalValue": "1831176690",
        "renderedValue": "1831-176690",
        "system": "",
        "type": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
              "code": "MR",
              "display": "Medical record number"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
              "code": "MR",
              "display": "Medical record number"
          "text": "Medical record number"
  "effectivePeriod": {
    "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
    "end": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
  "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T11:55:00.000Z",
  "tags": [
      "key": "Reason",
      "value": "Exclusion requested by patient"
      "key": "Service Account Id:",
      "value": "4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"

PUT /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId}

Updating the patient exclusion will fully replace the existing patient exclusion with the revised patient exclusion. For example, if the effective period changes, then all tags must be sent; otherwise any missing tags are assumed to be deleted. Likewise, if tags change, the effective period must also be sent. Within the effective period, the start date is required, but the end date is optional When the end date is not valued, it means the effective period is ongoing and the exclusion is indefinite.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
exclusionId path string true N/A The ID for the exclusion. -
body body putPopulationsPopulationidPatientsPatientidPatientExclusions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Patient Exclusion Updated PatientExclusion
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Patient Exclusion

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "c6de50dc-1a6e-4b39-b5ad-ddb8a858da95",
  "patient": {
    "id": "1b765525-ce26-4a59-ae09-fb0808f991c3",
    "aliases": [
        "value": "1831176690",
        "computationalValue": "1831176690",
        "renderedValue": "1831-176690",
        "system": "",
        "type": {
          "sourceCodings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
              "code": "MR",
              "display": "Medical record number"
          "codings": [
              "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
              "code": "MR",
              "display": "Medical record number"
          "text": "Medical record number"
  "effectivePeriod": {
    "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
    "end": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
  "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T11:55:00.000Z",
  "tags": [
      "key": "Reason",
      "value": "Exclusion requested by patient"
      "key": "Service Account Id:",
      "value": "4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"

GET /populations/{populationId}/patients/{patientId}/patient-exclusions/{exclusionId}

An exclusion represents a request to remove a patient from the population for a given time period.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
exclusionId path string true N/A The ID for the exclusion. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A Patient Exclusion object PatientExclusion
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Patient Exclusions

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('{populationId}/patient-exclusions', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{populationId}/patient-exclusions \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "c6de50dc-1a6e-4b39-b5ad-ddb8a858da95",
      "patient": {
        "id": "1b765525-ce26-4a59-ae09-fb0808f991c3",
        "aliases": [
            "value": "1831176692",
            "computationalValue": "1831176692",
            "renderedValue": "1831-176692",
            "system": "",
            "type": {
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
                  "code": "MR",
                  "display": "Medical record number"
              "codings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
                  "code": "MR",
                  "display": "Medical record number"
              "text": "Medical record number"
      "effectivePeriod": {
        "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
        "end": "2019-02-21T20:55:00.000Z"
      "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T11:55:00.000Z",
      "tags": [
          "key": "Reason",
          "value": "Exclusion requested by patient"
          "key": "Service Account Id:",
          "value": "4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"
      "id": "3a54ebb5-5a77-42a1-9582-edf60606fb79",
      "patient": {
        "id": "601f9450-4f7e-4ff8-849e-95f22e7839c2",
        "aliases": [
            "value": "1831176693",
            "computationalValue": "1831176693",
            "renderedValue": "1831-176693",
            "system": "",
            "type": {
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
                  "code": "MR",
                  "display": "Medical record number"
              "codings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
                  "code": "MR",
                  "display": "Medical record number"
              "text": "Medical record number"
      "effectivePeriod": {
        "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
        "end": "2019-02-28T21:55:00.000Z"
      "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T11:55:00.000Z",
      "tags": [
          "key": "Reason",
          "value": "Exclusion requested by patient."
          "key": "Service Account Id:",
          "value": "4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"
      "id": "aae9c1d6-b9ac-4767-b8f1-22526815d6d6",
      "patient": {
        "id": "b5e79969-98ae-4fa1-a55e-d872762c3f88",
        "aliases": [
            "value": "1831176691",
            "computationalValue": "1831176691",
            "renderedValue": "1831-176691",
            "system": "",
            "type": {
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
                  "code": "MR",
                  "display": "Medical record number"
              "codings": [
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.12.203",
                  "code": "MR",
                  "display": "Medical record number"
              "text": "Medical record number"
      "effectivePeriod": {
        "start": "2019-02-20T19:45:00.000Z",
        "end": "2019-02-28T21:55:00.000Z"
      "recordedOn": "2019-02-21T21:55:00.000Z",
      "tags": [
          "key": "Reason",
          "value": "Exclusion requested by patient."
          "key": "Service Account Id:",
          "value": "4d64985f-1146-4a07-a4b8-f6b5e1fabcb2"

GET /populations/{populationId}/patient-exclusions

Retrieves a List of Patient Exclusions in a population. There are multiple optional query parameters that may be specified, each one will add to how the list of exclusions will be returned. When multiple query parameters of the same type are sent then the exclusions returned will be those that contain any of them. I.e. When multiple tag query parameters are sent: tag1, tag2 and tag3 then those exclusions which contain one or more of those tags will be returned, likewise the same is true for alias. When multiple query parameters of different types are sent then the exclusions returned must contain any of the first type as well as any of the second type and so on. I.e. If tag1 and tag2 are sent alongside alias1 and alias2 then the exclusions returned must contain either tag1 or tag2 and also contain either alias1 or alias2.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
tag query array[string] false N/A The colon-delimited combination of the key and value of a tag (for example, Reason:Exclusion requested by patient). This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for patient exclusions that contain a combination of more than one tag. When multiple tags are provided, the results include patient exclusions with one of the tags provided. A patient exclusion can have a maximum of 10 tags. -
alias query array[string] false N/A A list of IDs for the patient that are intended to facilitate interoperability among systems. Aliases, such as an MRN or Social Security number (SSN), are commonly used to uniquely identify the individual. An alias consists of the system and value concatenated together with a vertical bar (|). To ensure the correct identification of an alias, the value and system must be an exact match. If a vertical bar occurs in either the system or value, it must be escaped using an escape character (\), for example, system\|withVerticalBar|value. If an escape character occurs in either the system or value, it must also be escaped using an escape character, for example, system\\withEscape|value. -
patientId query string false N/A An ID representing the patient who is being searched. -
populationId path string true N/A The ID of the population. -
cursor query string false 0 A marker indicating the position of the last item retrieved for a response. If you specify this parameter, the response begins with the next item on the list. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Collection of Patient Exclusion objects PatientExclusions
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Schema Definitions


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the document reference record. -
authenticator Authenticator false The provider who authenticates or signs the document conveying that the document is valid. -
categories [CodeableConcept] false The ontological categorization of the document derived from the document type, such as Clinical Note, Radiology Report, or Cardiology Report. -
dateTime string false When the document reference was created, in ISO 8601 formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -
description string false A human-readable description of the document. -
docStatus CodeableConcept false The status of the document, such as preliminary or final. -
effectiveDate string false The clinically significant date and time when the service that is described by the document was provided. In International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8601 formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For a given documentReference, either effectiveDate or effectivePeriod is valued. -
effectivePeriod Period false The clinically significant time period over which the service that is described by the document was provided. For a given documentReference, either effectiveDate or effectivePeriod is valued. -
encounter EncounterId false The encounter associated with the document. -
sourceIdentifier SourceIdentifier false An ID that uniquely identifies this document reference for a patient in a data partition. -
type CodeableConcept false Specifies the particular kind of document referenced (for example, History and Physical, Discharge Summary, or Progress Note). -
authors [Author] true Who was responsible for adding information to the document. -
custodian Custodian false Custodians are responsible for ongoing maintenance of and access to the document. -
contents [Content] true A reference to the document content. -
aliases [Alias] true The business identifiers by which the document or report is known, such as the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) study instance unique identifier (UID) or accession number for diagnostic reports. -
provenances [Provenance] true The record-keeping assertions about the context in which the information in this document reference was obtained (for example, the authoring organization, the transmitter or custodian organization that informs the chain of custody, or the source CCDA document from which this document reference was derived, if applicable). -
securityLabels [CodeableConcept] true A set of Security-Tag codes specifying the level of privacy or security of the document. This represents a snapshot of the security labels on the document the reference refers to. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string false The kind of entity that authenticates or signs the document conveying that the document is valid. PROVIDER
provider Provider false The provider who authenticates or signs the document conveying that the document is valid. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
aliases [ProviderAlias] false A list of IDs of the provider, such as the ten-digit National Provider Identifier (NPI) or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number. -
name ProviderName false The attributes of the provider name. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
system string false The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
value string false The unique ID of the provider in the context of the system or assigning authority. -
type string true The type of alias. DEA, EXTERNAL, NPI, SL, TAX, UPIN


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
prefix string false The parts that come before the name such as Dr., Mr., or Mrs. -
given [string] true A list of given name portions of the person’s name. For example, if a person has a first name and a middle name, the first name should be the first item on the list and the middle name should be the second item on the list. -
family [string] true A list of family (last) name portions of the person’s name. Some people have multiple family names. -
suffix string false The parts that come after the name such as MD, III, or Jr. -
formatted string false The person’s fully-formatted name. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
codings [Code] true A list of codified values from standard code systems recognized by Health Data Intelligence. -
sourceCodings [Code] true The list of codified values provided in the source data. Not all of these codes are available in the codings list. For example, local or proprietary codes are not included on the codings list because they are not recognized by Health Data Intelligence. -
concepts [Concept] false The list of ontological concepts derived from the codified values from standard code systems recognized by Health Data Intelligence. -
text string false This may be a localized or annotated description of the element provided by a source system or display text associated with one of the codes on the codings or sourceCodings list. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code string true The unique ID of the code. -
display string false A human-readable representation of the code. -
system string true The ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
alias string true The unique ID of the concept in a context. -
contextId string true The unique ID of the context. IDs are all uppercase and do not include dashes. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
start string false The start date of the period. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -
end string false The end date of the period. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The unique ID of the encounter. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
dataPartitionId string false The ID of the data partition. See the Data Partitions endpoint of the Data Source API for more information. -
id string false An ID that uniquely identifies this document reference for a patient in a data partition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string false The kind of entity that was responsible for adding information to the document. PROVIDER
provider Provider false Who was responsible for adding information to the document. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
organization Organization false An organization custodian entity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The name of the organization. -
aliases [OrganizationAlias] true A list of IDs of the organization, such as the NPI or the tax ID. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
value string true The unique ID of the alias. -
type string true The type of organization alias, such as NPI. NPI, TAX, EXTERNAL, NABP, HL7_OID
system string false The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values may be unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
format CodeableConcept false Indicates the document encoding, structure, and template that the document conforms to beyond the base format indicated in the attachment’s MIME type. -
attachment Attachment false Contains the reference to the document content (binary) along with critical metadata to prove that the content has integrity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
contentType CodeableConcept true The MIME type of the content, such as text/plain, application/pdf, and so on. The MIME type can include charset or other parameters. -
binary BinaryId false The unique ID of the binary content. -
size string false The number of bytes of data that make up this attachment. -
title string false Label to display in place of the attachment contents. -
creation string false The date when the attachment was first created. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The unique ID of the binary document contents. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
system string false The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values may be unique in each system but not across systems. -
value string false The ID issued by the assigning authority. The formatting may vary by alias type. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
entities [ProvenanceEntity] true A list of entities used in this activity. -
agents [ProvenanceAgent] true Actors taking a role in an activity for which it can be assigned some degree of responsibility for the activity taking place. -
recordedOn string false When the activity was recorded/updated. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
role CodeableConcept false How the entity was used in a provenance activity (for example, source). -
what ProvenanceEntityIdentity false Identity of the entity used in the provenance activity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
documentReference DocumentReferenceId false The document reference entity used in the provenance activity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The unique ID of the document reference. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type CodeableConcept true The participation the agent had with respect to the activity. -
who ProvenanceAgentEntity false Who participated as an agent in a provenance activity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
organization Organization false An organization participating entity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the medication dispense record. -
sourceIdentifier SourceIdentifier false An ID that uniquely identifies the medication dispense for a patient in a data partition. -
status CodeableConcept false The code specifying the state of the medication dispense. For example, in progress, on hold, completed, entered in error, or stopped. -
medications [Ingredient] true The medication or drug being dispensed to the patient. This value may not exactly match the provider- or physician-ordered medication. The drug name and dose information of the medication may be included. -
encounter EncounterId false The encounter associated with the medication dispense. -
authorizingPrescription MedicationOrderId false The medication order related to the dispense. -
type CodeableConcept false Indicates the type of dispensing event that is performed. For example, dispense, initial dose, refill, next dose, and so on. -
quantity Quantity false The total amount of medication that has been dispensed for the event, such as how many pills in the bottle for the days’ supply or how many inhalers dispensed. For example, if the order was to take two tablets daily for 30 days, then the total quantity would be 60 tablets for a 30-day supply. The unit of measure is included. -
daysSupply Quantity false The number of days the medication amount dispensed is expected to last. This value is expressed as a timing amount. -
whenHandedOver string false The date and time the dispensed medication was provided to the patient or their representative in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8601 extended format, with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ (for example, 1997 through 1997-07-16T19:20:00.000Z), although equivalent ISO 8601 basic format is also allowed (for example, YYYYMMDD). -
aliases [Alias] false The identifiers associated with the medication that are defined by business processes. The identifiers can be used to reference the medication as they remain constant as the medication is updated. -
dosageInstruction DosageInstruction false The dosage-related properties. Only the dosage quantity is currently available. -
dosages [Dosage] false How the medication is taken or should be taken. -
shippingInformations [ShippingInformation] false A list of shipping information pertaining to the delivery of the dispensed medication to a patient from an outpatient facility or retail pharmacy. -
provenances [Provenance] true The record-keeping assertions about the context in which the information in this medication was obtained. For example, the authoring organization, the transmitter or custodian organization that informs the chain of custody, or the source Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) document from which this medication was derived, if applicable. -
refillsRemaining integer(int32) false The number of refills allowed or remaining after a dispensing event. The current dispense is not included. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code CodeableConcept false The identification of an ingredient in the medication that was dispensed. The ingredient code can have varying degrees of specificity, such as noncodified free text, a simple codified generic ingredient, a codified brand name, a precoordinated code that conveys the ingredient, or a brand name with its strength and dose form. For example, a dispensed total parenteral nutrition (TPN) has multiple ingredient codes that may include dextrose, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, lipids, and multivitamins. -
dose Dose false The quantity, strength, and volume of the administered drug dose. -
referenceDrug ReferenceDrug false A standardized drug used as a baseline measurement for similar drugs. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
strength Quantity false The dose strength of the medication ingredient. The dose strength can differ from the reference drug’s strength, which describes the strength of the drug itself. For example, a patient who is instructed to take two 20 mg tablets implies a reference drug strength of 20 mg, whereas the dose strength is 40 mg. -
quantity Quantity false The quantity of the medication ingredient, such as one tablet. -
volume Quantity false The volume of the medication ingredient, such as 500 mL. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
unit CodeableConcept false The unit of measure associated with the dose quantity. -
value string false The numeric value of the quantity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
brandType string false Designates whether the drug is a brand name or generic product. The designation is based on internal editorial rules and cost algorithms that are used to determine whether a multisource drug is generic. BRAND, GENERIC
code CodeableConcept true The identification of the drug, often expressed using the National Drug Code (NDC) system. -
dosageForm CodeableConcept false The form of the medication in which it is marketed for use. -
route CodeableConcept false How the medication should enter the body, such as oral or topical. -
referenceIngredients [ReferenceDrugIngredient] true The discrete drug ingredients that compromise the drug based on the drug reference content. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code CodeableConcept false A code representing the reference drug ingredient. -
strength Ratio false The strength of the drug. The strength can differ from the ingredient’s dose strength, which defines the intended dose per administration event. For example, a patient who is instructed to take two 20 mg tablets implies a reference drug strength of 20 mg, whereas the dose strength is 40 mg. Strength is conveyed via a ratio where 100 mg is the numerator and one each is the denominator. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
numerator Quantity false The numerator of the ratio. -
denominator Quantity false The denominator of the ratio. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The unique ID of the medication order. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
doseAndRate [DoseAndRate] true The amount of medication given at one administration event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
doseQuantity Quantity true The amount of medication or substance per unit of time, such as how many pills are taken per administration event. For example, if the order was to take two tablets daily for 30 days, then the dose quantity is two. Note: doseQuantity refers to the quantity of the specified medication, not the quantity of active ingredients. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
sequence integer(int32) false The order of dosage instructions. This order is applicable to tapered dosings. -
text string false Free text dosage instructions. For example, the sig line. -
additionalInstructions [CodeableConcept] false Supplemental instructions for the patient on how to take the medication or warnings for the patient about the medication. -
patientInstruction string false Instructions that are understood by the patient or consumer. -
timing Timing false When the medication should be administered. -
asNeeded AsNeeded false Provides a choice of representations for indicating whether the medication is taken only when needed. Only one element is valued. -
route CodeableConcept false How the drug should enter the body, for example, topical or oral. -
dose Quantity false The amount of medication per dose. The dose and rate collectively represent the ordered amount of medication administered. -
rate Quantity false The amount of medication or substance per unit of time, such as how many pills are taken per administration event. For example, if the order was to take two tablets daily for 30 days, then the dose quantity is two. Note: This refers to the quantity of the specified medication, not the quantity of active ingredients. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
repeat Repeat false The number of times the dose is repeated, or the length of time for the dose. The specification of how long it takes to administer one dose is also available. -
timingSchedule CodeableConcept false The timing schedule for giving the medication to the patient. Sometimes, a rate can imply duration when expressed as the total volume and duration. For example, 500mL/2 hours implies a duration of two hours. However, when rate does not imply duration, for example, 250mL/hour, the timing repeat duration is needed to convey the infusion over a period of time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
bounds Bounds false A duration for the length of the timing schedule, a range of the possible length,or outer bounds for start and end limits of the timing schedule. You must use the schedule duration or the schedule start and end times. -
count integer(int32) false The number of times to repeat an event that is represented by a positive integer. -
duration Quantity false The duration of an event that is commonly used for describing an IV infusion that takes place over a period of time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
duration Quantity false Use if bounds is a duration, for example, 14 days. -
period Period false Use if bounds is a period of time, for example, start and stop dates. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
takenOnlyAsNeeded boolean false Indicates whether the medication is taken only when needed in a specific dosing schedule. -
precondition CodeableConcept false Indicates a precondition for taking the medication. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
carrierName string false The carrier responsible for the delivery of the medication shipment. -
trackingNumber string false The identifier issued by the carrier that can be used to track the shipment. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID that identifies the patient exclusion. -
patient Patient true The patient the exclusion belongs to. -
tags [Tag] true A list of key value pairs that allow the patient exclusions to be searched and grouped. -
effectivePeriod Period true The period of time during which the exclusion is applied and the patient is removed from the population. When the end date is not valued, it means the effective period is ongoing and the exclusion is indefinite. -
recordedOn string true The date when the patient exclusion was added in the system. In ISO 8601 (International Organization for Standardization) precision formatted to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The id of the patient. -
aliases [PatientAlias] false A list of IDs for the patient that are intended to facilitate interoperability among systems and commonly and uniquely identify the individual. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
value string true The ID issued by the assigning authority. The formatting may vary by source or alias type. -
computationalValue string false The formatted version of the alias value that is unique in the system and can be used for computational mapping (for example, removing nonsignificant whitespace, dashes, and so on). -
renderedValue string false The rendered version of the alias value intended for human display. For example, a sensitive ID (such as a Social Security number (SSN)) partially obscured by asterisks or a driver’s license number with dashes inserted. -
system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values may be unique in each system but not across systems. For example, an MRN with a value of 12345 in one hospital’s system may represent a different person than MRN 12345 in a different hospital’s system. Health Data Intelligence avoids identity collisions by indicating the authority that assigned the alias. Ignoring the assigning authority presents security and data integrity concerns, for example, data being associated with the wrong patient or record. -
type CodeableConcept false The type of the alias, for example, medical record number (MRN) or National Health Service (NHS). -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
key string true The tag key to search for. The search will be on exact matches. -
value string false The tag value to search for. The search will be on exact matches. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
effectivePeriod object true The period of time during which the exclusion is applied and the patient is removed from the population. When the end date is not valued, it means the effective period is ongoing and the exclusion is indefinite. -
» start string true The date when the patient exclusion began. In ISO 8601 (International Organization for Standardization) formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ -
» end string false The date when the patient exclusion ended. In ISO 8601 (International Organization for Standardization) formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ When the end date is not valued, it means the effective period is ongoing and the exclusion is indefinite. -
tags [object] false Tags used for searching and grouping patient exclusions. Tags are limited to a maximum of 10 per patient exclusion. -
» key string true The tag key to search for. The search will be on exact matches. A tag must have a key and the key must be unique. -
» value string false The tag value to search for. The search will be on exact matches. A tag may optionally have a key. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code integer(int32) true The HTTP response status code that represents the error. -
message string true A human-readable description of the error. -
errorDetails [ErrorDetail] false A list of additional error details. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
domain string false A subsystem or context where an error occurred. -
reason string false A codified value that represents the specific error that caused the current error status. -
message string false A human-readable description of an error. -
locationType string false The location or type of the field that caused an error. query, header, path, formData, body
location string false The name of the field that caused an error. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
effectivePeriod object true The period of time during which the exclusion is applied and the patient is removed from the population. When the end date is not valued, it means the effective period is ongoing and the exclusion is indefinite. -
» start string true The date when the patient exclusion began. In ISO 8601 (International Organization for Standardization) formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ -
» end string false The date when the patient exclusion ended. In ISO 8601 (International Organization for Standardization) formatting with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ When the end date is not valued, it means the effective period is ongoing and the exclusion is indefinite. -
tags [object] false Tags used for searching and grouping patient exclusions. Tags are limited to a maximum of 10 per patient exclusion. -
» key string true The tag key to search for. The search will be on exact matches. A tag must have a key and the key must be unique. -
» value string false The tag value to search for. The search will be on exact matches. A tag value must have a key. A tag may optionally include a value. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [PatientExclusion] true An array containing the current page of results. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [DocumentReference] true An array containing the current page of results. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [MedicationDispense] true An array containing the current page of results. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -