Ruby Shell

Consumer Notification API v1

The Oracle Health Data Intelligence Consumer Notification API allows you to contact consumers about notifiable events related to their health or medical care, for example, notifications about available bills, updates to electronic health records (EHRs), or new messages from clinicians. The Notifiable Events endpoints allow you to manage the list of events for which a consumer can be notified, and the Notifications endpoint allows you to create a notification for a notifiable event. The API currently can be used to send notifications to consumers using email, mobile push notifications, and short message service (SMS). Consumers can elect to receive or not to receive notifications based on the type of notifiable event and the delivery mechanism.



A notification is a message sent to a consumer to inform them that an event has occurred. The message can be sent using multiple delivery mechanisms. Currently, the API supports the email, push notification, and SMS delivery mechanisms.

Send a Notification to a Consumer

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"emailSubject":"John, a new lab result is ready to view.","emailHTML":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n</head>\n<body>\n<p>Hi John,</p>\n<p>A lab result for Jane Smith is now available for you to view. Visit to review this information.</p>\n<p>Notes: Because protecting the privacy of your health information is important to us, we have made this process extremely secure. The email provided to you should be kept confidential. Do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unmonitored email inbox.</p>\n</body>\n</html>","emailPlainText":"Hi John,\n A lab result for Jane Smith is now available for you to view. Visit to review this information. \\n Notes: Because protecting the privacy of your health information is important to us,'                     'we have made this process extremely secure. The email provided to youshould be kept confidential. Do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unmonitored email inbox.","pushSubject":"Lab Result","pushBody":"A new lab result is available to view.","smsBody":"A new lab result is ready to view at View your profile to edit your message settings.","consumer":{"id":"90baba1a-8bde-4a93-aed1-feb56f333039"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"emailSubject":"John, a new lab result is ready to view.","emailHTML":"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n</head>\n<body>\n<p>Hi John,</p>\n<p>A lab result for Jane Smith is now available for you to view. Visit to review this information.</p>\n<p>Notes: Because protecting the privacy of your health information is important to us, we have made this process extremely secure. The email provided to you should be kept confidential. Do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unmonitored email inbox.</p>\n</body>\n</html>","emailPlainText":"Hi John,\n A lab result for Jane Smith is now available for you to view. Visit to review this information. \\n Notes: Because protecting the privacy of your health information is important to us,'                     'we have made this process extremely secure. The email provided to youshould be kept confidential. Do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unmonitored email inbox.","pushSubject":"Lab Result","pushBody":"A new lab result is available to view.","smsBody":"A new lab result is ready to view at View your profile to edit your message settings.","consumer":{"id":"90baba1a-8bde-4a93-aed1-feb56f333039"}}

POST /notifiable-events/{notifiableEventId}/notifications

Sends a notification to the consumer as an email, mobile push notification, or SMS. The API can send the same notification to the consumer using multiple delivery mechanisms. The following mechanisms are available:

This endpoint retrieves the consumer’s first email address and phone number from the Consumer API. Cerner does not recommend using this endpoint to manage a consumer’s email address and phone number; instead, the consumer can manage their own contact information using the HealtheLife application. If no email address or phone number exists, no notification is sent by that delivery mechanism. The consumer must opt in to receive notifications for a notifiable event by setting their consumer notification preferences for each delivery mechanism.

Note: SMS notification messages should be less than 114 characters; if the message is greater than 114 characters, the message is sent as multiple messages to the consumer.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notifiableEventId path string true N/A The ID of the notifiable event. -
body body postNotifiableEventsNotifiableeventidNotifications true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Notifiable Events

Notifiable events are events that consumers may want to be notified of, for example, an available bill, an update to their EHR, or a new message.

Create a Notifiable Event

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Secure Message","translations":[{"locale":"en-US","displayName":"Radiology Report","description":"Sign up to receive the latest news related to the wellness program."}]}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Secure Message","translations":[{"locale":"en-US","displayName":"Radiology Report","description":"Sign up to receive the latest news related to the wellness program."}]}

POST /notifiable-events

Creates a notifiable event and one or more translations associated with the notifiable event.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postNotifiableEvents true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Created ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotifiableEvent
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
201 Location string The location of the notifiable event.

Retrieve a List of Notifiable Events

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "name": "Secure Message",
      "translations": [
          "locale": "en-US",
          "displayName": "Radiology Report",
          "description": "Sign up to receive the latest news related to the wellness program."
      "createdAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /notifiable-events

Retrieves a list of the different types of events for which notifications can be sent.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
locale query string false N/A Retrieves only the notification event’s translation for the specified locale, if it exists. -
name query string false N/A Retrieves the notifiable event with the exactly matching name. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success NotifiableEvents
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Notifiable Event

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /notifiable-events/{notifiableEventId}

Removes a single notifiable event and its translations from the system.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notifiableEventId path string true N/A The ID of the notifiable event. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Notifiable Event

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.patch('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Secure Message","translations":[{"locale":"en-US","displayName":"Radiology Report","description":"Sign up to receive the latest news related to the wellness program."}]}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Secure Message","translations":[{"locale":"en-US","displayName":"Radiology Report","description":"Sign up to receive the latest news related to the wellness program."}]}

PATCH /notifiable-events/{notifiableEventId}

Updates the name or translations of a notifiable event. The update behavior follows the RFC 7396 JSON Merge Patch standard on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) website.

Note: The link above is to an external resource. This resource is provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notifiableEventId path string true N/A The ID of the notifiable event. -
body body patchNotifiableEvents true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Notifiable Event

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "name": "Secure Message",
  "translations": [
      "locale": "en-US",
      "displayName": "Radiology Report",
      "description": "Sign up to receive the latest news related to the wellness program."
  "createdAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z"

GET /notifiable-events/{notifiableEventId}

Retrieves the information for a single notifiable event by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notifiableEventId path string true N/A The ID of the notifiable event. -
locale query string false N/A Retrieves only the notification event’s translation for the specified locale, if it exists. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotifiableEvent
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Consumer Preferences

Consumers can set preferences to determine how they want to be notified. A consumer preference specifies which notifiable events the consumer wants to be notified about and which delivery mechanisms they want to be used to notify them about those events, if any. For example, a consumer might prefer to be notified about EHR updates by SMS and push notifications but prefer to be notified about new messages by only email. When sending a notification for a notifiable event, the API checks the consumer preference for the type of event. The API then attempts to send a notification using every delivery mechanism through which the consumer has chosen to receive notifications. If the consumer has selected false for all the delivery mechanisms, no notification is sent.

Delete a Consumer Notification Preference

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /consumers/{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId}

Deletes a consumer’s notification preference using the consumer’s notification preference ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
preferenceId path string true N/A The ID of the preference. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Consumer Notification Preference

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.patch('{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId}', headers: headers, body: {"desiresEmail":true,"desiresSms":true,"desiresPush":true}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"desiresEmail":true,"desiresSms":true,"desiresPush":true}

PATCH /consumers/{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId}

Updates a consumer’s notification preference using the specified body parameters and the consumer’s notification preference ID. The update behavior follows the RFC 7396 JSON Merge Patch standard on the IETF website.

Note: The link above is to an external resource. This resource is provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
preferenceId path string true N/A The ID of the preference. -
body body patchConsumersConsumeridPreferences true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Consumer Notification Preference

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "f89fa3dd-0000-494b-1111-4640ccc081e3",
  "notifiableEvent": {
    "id": "5ecaf544-01d5-01kf-95hj-8e2bcec12006"
  "desiresEmail": true,
  "desiresSms": true,
  "desiresPush": true,
  "createdAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z"

GET /consumers/{consumerId}/preferences/{preferenceId}

Retrieves a single consumer notification preference.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
preferenceId path string true N/A The ID of the preference. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Preference
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Create a Consumer Notification Preference

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='{consumerId}/preferences', headers: headers, body: {"desiresEmail":true,"desiresSms":true,"desiresPush":true,"notifiableEvent":{"id":"5ecaf544-01d5-01kf-95hj-8e2bcec12006"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{consumerId}/preferences \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"desiresEmail":true,"desiresSms":true,"desiresPush":true,"notifiableEvent":{"id":"5ecaf544-01d5-01kf-95hj-8e2bcec12006"}}

POST /consumers/{consumerId}/preferences

Creates a consumer notification preference with the specified body parameters.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
body body postConsumersConsumeridPreferences true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Created ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Preference
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
201 Location string The location of the preference.

Retrieve a List of Consumer Notification Preferences

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('{consumerId}/preferences', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{consumerId}/preferences \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "f89fa3dd-0000-494b-1111-4640ccc081e3",
      "notifiableEvent": {
        "id": "5ecaf544-01d5-01kf-95hj-8e2bcec12006"
      "desiresEmail": true,
      "desiresSms": true,
      "desiresPush": true,
      "createdAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-15T12:23:12Z"

GET /consumers/{consumerId}/preferences

Retrieves a list of all notification preferences for a consumer.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
desiresEmail query boolean false N/A Filters consumer preferences by desiresEmail. -
desiresSms query boolean false N/A Filters consumer preferences by desiresSms. -
desiresPush query boolean false N/A Filters consumer preferences by desiresPush. -
notifiableEventId query string false N/A Filters consumer preferences by notifiable event ID. -
notifiableEventName query string false N/A Filters consumer preferences by notifiable event name. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Preferences
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Consumer Communication Content

Create a Notification Content

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"locale":"en-US","notificationType":"RADIOLOGY","emailSubject":"{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.","emailContentHtml":"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n","emailContentPlaintext":"Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n","smsContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.","mobilePushSubject":"Radiology Report.","mobilePushContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view.","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"locale":"en-US","notificationType":"RADIOLOGY","emailSubject":"{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.","emailContentHtml":"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n","emailContentPlaintext":"Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n","smsContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.","mobilePushSubject":"Radiology Report.","mobilePushContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view.","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "locale": "en-US",
  "notificationType": "RADIOLOGY",
  "emailSubject": "{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.",
  "emailContentHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n",
  "emailContentPlaintext": "Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n",
  "smsContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.",
  "mobilePushSubject": "Radiology Report.",
  "mobilePushContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view.",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2021-04-19T13:33:42.859Z"

POST /notification-content

Creates a record of Notification Content.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postNotificationContent true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotificationContent
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Notification Content

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "locale": "en-US",
      "notificationType": "RADIOLOGY",
      "emailSubject": "{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.",
      "emailContentHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n",
      "emailContentPlaintext": "Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n",
      "smsContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.",
      "mobilePushSubject": "Radiology Report.",
      "mobilePushContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view.",
      "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
      "createdAt": "2021-04-19T13:33:42.859Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /notification-content

Retrieves a list of all Notification Contents.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
locale query string false N/A The locale of the content. -
notificationType query string false N/A The notification type for which the content is created. -
applicationExperienceDomain query string false N/A The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success NotificationContents
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Delete Notification Content

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /notification-content/{notificationContentId}

Removes notification content.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notificationContentId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update Notification Content

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"locale":"en-US","notificationType":"RADIOLOGY","emailSubject":"{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.","emailContentHtml":"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n","emailContentPlaintext":"Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n","smsContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.","mobilePushSubject":"Radiology Report.","mobilePushContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view.","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"locale":"en-US","notificationType":"RADIOLOGY","emailSubject":"{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.","emailContentHtml":"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n","emailContentPlaintext":"Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n","smsContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.","mobilePushSubject":"Radiology Report.","mobilePushContent":"A new radiology report is ready to view.","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

PUT /notification-content/{notificationContentId}

Update notification content.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notificationContentId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putNotificationContent true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Notification Content

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "locale": "en-US",
  "notificationType": "RADIOLOGY",
  "emailSubject": "{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.",
  "emailContentHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n",
  "emailContentPlaintext": "Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n",
  "smsContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.",
  "mobilePushSubject": "Radiology Report.",
  "mobilePushContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view.",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2021-04-19T13:33:42.859Z"

GET /notification-content/{notificationContentId}

Retrieves the information for a single Notification Content by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
notificationContentId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotificationContent
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Default Notification Content template

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "locale": "en-US",
      "notificationType": "RADIOLOGY",
      "emailSubject": "{{user_first_name}} a new document is ready to view.",
      "emailContentHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html lang=\\\"en\\\">\\n <head>\\n <meta charset=\\\"utf-8\\\" />\\n <p>Hi {{user_first_name}},</p>\\n <p> a clinical note for {{person_first_name}} has been added.</p>\\n",
      "emailContentPlaintext": "Hi {{user_first_name}},\n a clinical notte for {{person_first_name}} has been added.\n",
      "smsContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view {{url}}.View your profile to edit message settings.",
      "mobilePushSubject": "Radiology Report.",
      "mobilePushContent": "A new radiology report is ready to view.",
      "createdAt": "2021-04-19T13:33:42.859Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /notification-content-templates

Retrieves a list of Notification Content Templates for all the locales and notification types. It can be filtered for a specific locale and/ or notification type.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
locale query string false N/A The locale of the content. -
notificationType query string false N/A The notification type for which the content is created. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success DefaultNotificationContents
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Notification Configurations

Create Email Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"fromName":"Baker","fromEmail":"","replyToEmail":"","returnPath":"","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"fromName":"Baker","fromEmail":"","replyToEmail":"","returnPath":"","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "fromName": "Baker",
  "fromEmail": "",
  "replyToEmail": "",
  "returnPath": "",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

POST /email-configs

Creates a record of Email configurations to be used for sending Consumer Communication Emails.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postEmailConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_EmailConfigs
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Email Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "fromName": "Baker",
      "fromEmail": "",
      "replyToEmail": "",
      "returnPath": "",
      "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
      "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /email-configs

Retrieves a list of all Email configurations.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
applicationExperienceDomain query string false N/A The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success EmailConfigs
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Delete an Email Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /email-configs/{emailConfigId}

Removes a single Email configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
emailConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update an Email Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"fromName":"Baker","fromEmail":"","replyToEmail":"","returnPath":"","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"fromName":"Baker","fromEmail":"","replyToEmail":"","returnPath":"","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

PUT /email-configs/{emailConfigId}

Updates a Email configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
emailConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putEmailConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Email Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "fromName": "Baker",
  "fromEmail": "",
  "replyToEmail": "",
  "returnPath": "",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

GET /email-configs/{emailConfigId}

Retrieves the information for a single Email configuration by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
emailConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_EmailConfigs
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Create SMS Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"wellEnabled":"true","revcycleEnabled":"true","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"wellEnabled":"true","revcycleEnabled":"true","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "wellEnabled": true,
  "revcycleEnabled": true,
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

POST /sms-configs

Creates a record of SMS configurations to be used for sending Consumer Communication SMS messages through the SMS service.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postSmsConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_SmsConfig
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of SMS Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "wellEnabled": true,
      "revcycleEnabled": true,
      "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
      "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /sms-configs

Retrieves a list of all SMS configurations.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
applicationExperienceDomain query string false N/A The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success SmsConfigs
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Delete an SMS Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /sms-configs/{smsConfigId}

Removes a single SMS configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
smsConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update an SMS Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"wellEnabled":"true","revcycleEnabled":"true","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"wellEnabled":"true","revcycleEnabled":"true","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

PUT /sms-configs/{smsConfigId}

Updates a SMS configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
smsConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putSmsConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single SMS Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "wellEnabled": true,
  "revcycleEnabled": true,
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

GET /sms-configs/{smsConfigId}

Retrieves the information for a single SMS configuration by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
smsConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_SmsConfig
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

WELL Configurations

Create WELL SMS Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"apiKey":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiSecret":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiUrl":"","enterpriseId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","applicationExperienceDomain":"","practiceId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"apiKey":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiSecret":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiUrl":"","enterpriseId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","applicationExperienceDomain":"","practiceId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc"}

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "apiKey": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "apiSecret": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "apiUrl": "",
  "enterpriseId": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "practiceId": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

POST /well-sms-configs

Creates a record of WELL SMS configurations to be used for sending Consumer Communication SMS messages through the WELL SMS service.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postWellSmsConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_WellSms
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of WELL SMS Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "apiKey": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "apiSecret": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "enterpriseId": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "practiceId": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
      "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /well-sms-configs

Retrieves a list of all WELL SMS configurations.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
applicationExperienceDomain query string false N/A The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success WellSms
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Delete a WELL SMS Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /well-sms-configs/{wellSmsConfigId}

Removes a single WELL SMS configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
wellSmsConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a WELL SMS Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"apiKey":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiSecret":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiUrl":"","enterpriseId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","applicationExperienceDomain":"","practiceId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"apiKey":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiSecret":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","apiUrl":"","enterpriseId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc","applicationExperienceDomain":"","practiceId":"91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc"}

PUT /well-sms-configs/{wellSmsConfigId}

Updates a WELL SMS configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
wellSmsConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putWellSmsConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single WELL SMS Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "apiKey": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "apiSecret": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "apiUrl": "",
  "enterpriseId": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "practiceId": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

GET /well-sms-configs/{wellSmsConfigId}

Retrieves the information for a single WELL SMS configuration by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
wellSmsConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_WellSms
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Sends WELL Test SMS Message

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"phone":"1234567890","applicationExperienceDomain":""}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"phone":"1234567890","applicationExperienceDomain":""}

Example response

  "items": [
      "message": "Successful"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

POST /test-well-sms-configs

Sends a WELL SMS message through the send message API to test WELL SMS configurations.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postTestWellSmsConfigs true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created No Content TestWellSms
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Preference Modal Configuration

The Preference Modal Configuration endpoints determine if the user is a first time user or not. If the user is not a first time user, the modal is not prompted in the patient portal.

Retrieve a list of Preference Modal Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "displayModal": "true",
      "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /consumers/{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations

Retrieve a list of Preference Modal Configurations


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success PreferenceModalConfigs
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Creates new instance of Preference Modal Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations', headers: headers, body: {"displayModal":"true"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"displayModal":"true"}

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "displayModal": "true",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

POST /consumers/{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations

Creates new instance of Preference Modal Configuration


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
body body postConsumersConsumeridPreferenceModalConfigurations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_PreferenceModalConfigs
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Updates specific instance of Preference Modal Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations/{preferenceModalConfigId}', headers: headers, body: {"displayModal":"true"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations/{preferenceModalConfigId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"displayModal":"true"}

PUT /consumers/{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations/{preferenceModalConfigId}

Updates specific instance of Preference Modal Configuration


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
preferenceModalConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putConsumersConsumeridPreferenceModalConfigurations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Deletes specific instance of Preference Modal Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations/{preferenceModalConfigId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations/{preferenceModalConfigId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /consumers/{consumerId}/preference-modal-configurations/{preferenceModalConfigId}

Deletes specific instance of Preference Modal Configuration


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
consumerId path string true N/A The ID of the consumer. -
preferenceModalConfigId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Schema Definitions


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The human-readable name of the notifiable event. This is used as the display name ifno translation exists in the user’s locale. -
translations [object] true The translated display name and description of the notifiable event. -
» locale string true Subtags from the language subtag registry on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, formatted according to the RFC 5646 Tags for Identification Languages standard on the IETF website. Note: The links above are to external resources. These resources are provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content. -
» displayName string true The translated display name of the notifiable event. When creating a translation for a new locale, this field is required. -
» description string false The translated text that describes the notifiable event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the notifiable event. -
name string false The human-readable name of the notifiable event. This is used as the display name ifno translation exists in the user’s locale. -
translations [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Translation] false The translated display name and description of the notifiable event. -
createdAt string(date-time) false When the notifiable event was created, in International Organization for Standardization(ISO) 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedAt string(date-time) false When the notifiable event was last updated, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
locale string false Subtags from the language subtag registry on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, formatted according to the RFC 5646 Tags for Identification Languages standard on the IETF website. Note: The links above are to external resources. These resources are provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content. -
displayName string false The translated display name of the notifiable event. When creating a translation for a new locale, this field is required. -
description string false The translated text that describes the notifiable event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code integer(int32) true The HTTP response status code that represents the error. -
message string true A human-readable description of the error. -
errorDetails [ErrorDetail] false A list of additional error details. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
domain string false A subsystem or context where an error occurred. -
reason string false A codified value that represents the specific error that caused the current error status. -
message string false A human-readable description of an error. -
locationType string false The location or type of the field that caused an error. query, header, path, formData, body
location string false The name of the field that caused an error. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotifiableEvent] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The human-readable name of the notifiable event. This is used as the display name ifno translation exists in the user’s locale. -
translations [object] false The translated display name and description of the notifiable event. -
» description string false The translated text that describes the notifiable event. -
» displayName string false The translated display name of the notifiable event. When creating a translation for a new locale, this field is required. -
» locale string true Subtags from the language subtag registry on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, formatted according to the RFC 5646 Tags for Identification Languages standard on the IETF website. Note: The links above are to external resources. These resources are provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
emailSubject string false The subject of the email. This field is required to send email notifications. The maximum length is 889 characters. -
emailHTML string false The HTML content of the email. Either the {emailHTML} or {emailPlainText} field is required to send email notifications. Both fields can be used in the same request. -
emailPlainText string false The plain text content of the email. Either the {emailHTML} or {emailPlainText} field is required to send email notifications. Both fields can be used in the same request. -
pushSubject string false The subject of the mobile push notification. This field is required to send mobile push notifications. The maximum length is 40 characters. -
pushBody string false The text content of the mobile push notification. This field is required to send mobile push notifications. The maximum length is 1000 characters. -
smsBody string false The text content of the SMS message. This field is required to send SMS message notifications. The maximum length is 456 characters. -
consumer object true A JSON object that represents a consumer. -
» id string true The ID of the consumer. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
desiresEmail boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by email. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by email. -
desiresSms boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by SMS. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by SMS. -
desiresPush boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by push. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by push. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single consumer’s notification preference. -
notifiableEvent object false A JSON object that represents a notifiable event. -
» id string false The ID of the notifiable event. -
desiresEmail boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by email. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by email. The default is false. -
desiresSms boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by SMS. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by SMS. The default is false. -
desiresPush boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by push notifications from the HealtheLife mobile app. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by push. The default is false. -
createdAt string(date-time) false When a consumer’s notification preference was created, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedAt string(date-time) false When a consumer’s notification preference was last updated, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
desiresEmail boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by email. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by email. The default is false. -
desiresSms boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by SMS. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by SMS. The default is false. -
desiresPush boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by push notifications from the HealtheLife mobile app. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by push. The default is false. -
notifiableEvent object true A JSON object that represents a notifiable event. -
» id string false The ID of the notifiable event. -
» name string false The name of the notifiable event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Preference] false A list of consumer preferences. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
apiKey string true The API key for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiSecret string true The API secret for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiUrl string true The API URL for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
enterpriseId string true The enterprise identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -
practiceId string false The practice identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single WELL SMS configuration. -
apiKey string false The API key for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiSecret string false The API secret for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiUrl string false The API URL for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
enterpriseId string false The enterprise identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
practiceId string false The practice identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the application. -
createdAt string false The date and time when the resource was created. -
updatedAt string false The date and time when the resource was updated. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_WellSms] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
apiKey string false The API key for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiSecret string false The API secret for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiUrl string false The API URL for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
enterpriseId string false The enterprise identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -
practiceId string false The practice identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
wellEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the WELL SMS provider is enabled. -
revcycleEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the Revenue Cycle SMS provider is enabled. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single SMS configuration. -
wellEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the WELL SMS provider is enabled. -
revcycleEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the Revenue Cycle SMS provider is enabled. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -
createdAt string false The date and time when the resource was created. -
updatedAt string false The date and time when the resource was updated. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_SmsConfig] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
wellEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the WELL SMS provider is enabled. -
revcycleEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the Revenue Cycle SMS provider is enabled. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
phone string true The 10-digit phone number to send the message to. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_TestWellSms] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
message string false Response of the POST call. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
locale string false The locale of the content. -
notificationType string false The notification type for which the content is created. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single notification content. -
locale string false The locale of the content. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotificationContent] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
locale string false The locale of the content. -
notificationType string false The notification type for which the content is created. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
fromName string true Name of the sender that is displayed to the consumer in the email information. -
fromEmail string true Email of the sender from whom the email is received by the consumer. -
replyToEmail string true Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they select the option to reply to the email notification. -
returnPath string true When an email does not make it to its intended destination, \ the return path indicates where nondelivery receipts—or bounce messages—are to be sent. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the email configuration. -
fromName string false Name of the sender that is displayed to the consumer in the email information. -
fromEmail string false Email of the sender from whom the email is received by the consumer. -
replyToEmail string false Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they select the option to reply to the email notification. -
returnPath string false When an email does not make it to its intended destination, the return path indicates \ where nondelivery receipts—or bounce messages—are to be sent. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -
updatedAt string false The timestamp for the resource updated time -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_EmailConfigs] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
fromName string false Name of the sender that is displayed to the consumer in the email information. -
fromEmail string true Email of the sender from whom the email is received by the consumer. -
replyToEmail string true Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they select the option to reply to the email notification. -
returnPath string true Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they choose the option to reply to the email notification. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_DefaultNotificationContent] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single piece of notification content. -
locale string false The locale of the content. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
displayModal boolean true This flag determines the display modal for first time users -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
displayModal boolean false This flag determines to display the modal for the first time users -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The unique identifier of the first time user configuration associated with the Health Data Intelligence tenant and consumer -
displayModal boolean false This flag determines the display modal for first time users. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -
updatedAt string false The timestamp for the resource updated time -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_PreferenceModalConfigs] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -

Millennium Event Notification Configurations

The Preference Modal Configuration endpoints determine if the user is a first time user or not. If the user is not a first time user, the modal window is not prompted in the patient portal.

Creates new instance of Notification Event Type Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"applicationExperienceDomain":"","eventTypes":[{"type":"RADIOLOGY","throttleMinutes":10}],"isNotificationsEnabled":"true"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"applicationExperienceDomain":"","eventTypes":[{"type":"RADIOLOGY","throttleMinutes":10}],"isNotificationsEnabled":"true"}

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "eventTypes": [
      "type": "RADIOLOGY",
      "throttleMinutes": 10
  "isNotificationsEnabled": "true",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

POST /millennium-event-notification-configurations

Creates new instance of Notification Event Type Configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postMillenniumEventNotificationConfigurations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_MillenniumEventNotification
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Lists Notification Event Type Configuration instances

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
      "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
      "eventTypes": [
          "type": "RADIOLOGY",
          "throttleMinutes": 10
      "isNotificationsEnabled": "true",
      "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /millennium-event-notification-configurations

Lists Notification Event Type Configuration instances.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
applicationExperienceDomain query string false N/A The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success MillenniumEventNotifications
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Deletes specific instance of Notification Event Type Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /millennium-event-notification-configurations/{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId}

Deletes specific instance of Notification Event Type Configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Updates specific instance of Notification Event Type Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId}', headers: headers, body: {"applicationExperienceDomain":"","eventTypes":[
{"type":"RADIOLOGY","throttleMinutes":10}],"isNotificationsEnabled":"true"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"applicationExperienceDomain":"","eventTypes":[{"type":"RADIOLOGY","throttleMinutes":10}],

PUT /millennium-event-notification-configurations/{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId}

Updates specific instance of Notification Event Type Configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putMillenniumEventNotificationConfigurations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No Content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

List one specific Notification Event Type Configuration instance

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId}', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId} \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "91682e64-f541-45bf-a892-64725461fdcc",
  "applicationExperienceDomain": "",
  "eventTypes": [
      "type": "RADIOLOGY",
      "throttleMinutes": 10
  "isNotificationsEnabled": "true",
  "createdAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-08-03T06:10:25.843Z"

GET /millennium-event-notification-configurations/{millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId}

List one specific Notification Event Type Configuration instance by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
millenniumEventNotificationConfigurationId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_MillenniumEventNotification
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Schema Definitions


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The human-readable name of the notifiable event. This is used as the display name ifno translation exists in the user’s locale. -
translations [object] true The translated display name and description of the notifiable event. -
» locale string true Subtags from the language subtag registry on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, formatted according to the RFC 5646 Tags for Identification Languages standard on the IETF website. Note: The links above are to external resources. These resources are provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content. -
» displayName string true The translated display name of the notifiable event. When creating a translation for a new locale, this field is required. -
» description string false The translated text that describes the notifiable event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the notifiable event. -
name string false The human-readable name of the notifiable event. This is used as the display name ifno translation exists in the user’s locale. -
translations [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Translation] false The translated display name and description of the notifiable event. -
createdAt string(date-time) false When the notifiable event was created, in International Organization for Standardization(ISO) 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedAt string(date-time) false When the notifiable event was last updated, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
locale string false Subtags from the language subtag registry on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, formatted according to the RFC 5646 Tags for Identification Languages standard on the IETF website. Note: The links above are to external resources. These resources are provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content. -
displayName string false The translated display name of the notifiable event. When creating a translation for a new locale, this field is required. -
description string false The translated text that describes the notifiable event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code integer(int32) true The HTTP response status code that represents the error. -
message string true A human-readable description of the error. -
errorDetails [ErrorDetail] false A list of additional error details. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
domain string false A subsystem or context where an error occurred. -
reason string false A codified value that represents the specific error that caused the current error status. -
message string false A human-readable description of an error. -
locationType string false The location or type of the field that caused an error. query, header, path, formData, body
location string false The name of the field that caused an error. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotifiableEvent] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The human-readable name of the notifiable event. This is used as the display name ifno translation exists in the user’s locale. -
translations [object] false The translated display name and description of the notifiable event. -
» description string false The translated text that describes the notifiable event. -
» displayName string false The translated display name of the notifiable event. When creating a translation for a new locale, this field is required. -
» locale string true Subtags from the language subtag registry on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website, formatted according to the RFC 5646 Tags for Identification Languages standard on the IETF website. Note: The links above are to external resources. These resources are provided for reference purposes and should be used with caution. Contact your Cerner support team for more information about third-party content. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
emailSubject string false The subject of the email. This field is required to send email notifications. The maximum length is 889 characters. -
emailHTML string false The HTML content of the email. Either the {emailHTML} or {emailPlainText} field is required to send email notifications. Both fields can be used in the same request. -
emailPlainText string false The plain text content of the email. Either the {emailHTML} or {emailPlainText} field is required to send email notifications. Both fields can be used in the same request. -
pushSubject string false The subject of the mobile push notification. This field is required to send mobile push notifications. The maximum length is 40 characters. -
pushBody string false The text content of the mobile push notification. This field is required to send mobile push notifications. The maximum length is 1000 characters. -
smsBody string false The text content of the SMS message. This field is required to send SMS message notifications. The maximum length is 456 characters. -
consumer object true A JSON object that represents a consumer. -
» id string true The ID of the consumer. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
displayModal boolean true This flag determines the display modal for first time users -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
displayModal boolean false This flag determines to display the modal for the first time users -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The unique identifier of the first time user configuration associated with the Health Data Intelligence tenant and consumer -
displayModal boolean false This flag determines the display modal for first time users. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -
updatedAt string false The timestamp for the resource updated time -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_PreferenceModalConfigs] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
desiresEmail boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by email. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by email. -
desiresSms boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by SMS. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by SMS. -
desiresPush boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by push. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by push. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single consumer’s notification preference. -
notifiableEvent object false A JSON object that represents a notifiable event. -
» id string false The ID of the notifiable event. -
desiresEmail boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by email. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by email. The default is false. -
desiresSms boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by SMS. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by SMS. The default is false. -
desiresPush boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by push notifications from the HealtheLife mobile app. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by push. The default is false. -
createdAt string(date-time) false When a consumer’s notification preference was created, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedAt string(date-time) false When a consumer’s notification preference was last updated, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
desiresEmail boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by email. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by email. The default is false. -
desiresSms boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by SMS. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by SMS. The default is false. -
desiresPush boolean false Indicates whether the consumer wants to be notified by push notifications from the HealtheLife mobile app. If true, a consumer will receive notifications for the corresponding notifiable event by push. The default is false. -
notifiableEvent object true A JSON object that represents a notifiable event. -
» id string false The ID of the notifiable event. -
» name string false The name of the notifiable event. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_Preference] false A list of consumer preferences. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
apiKey string true The API key for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiSecret string true The API secret for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiUrl string true The API URL for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
enterpriseId string true The enterprise identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -
practiceId string false The practice identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single WELL SMS configuration. -
apiKey string false The API key for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiSecret string false The API secret for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiUrl string false The API URL for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
enterpriseId string false The enterprise identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
practiceId string false The practice identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the application. -
createdAt string false The date and time when the resource was created. -
updatedAt string false The date and time when the resource was updated. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_WellSms] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
apiKey string false The API key for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiSecret string false The API secret for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
apiUrl string false The API URL for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
enterpriseId string false The enterprise identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -
practiceId string false The practice identifier for the WELL SMS configurations for the given tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
wellEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the WELL SMS provider is enabled. -
revcycleEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the Revenue Cycle SMS provider is enabled. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single SMS configuration. -
wellEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the WELL SMS provider is enabled. -
revcycleEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the Revenue Cycle SMS provider is enabled. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -
createdAt string false The date and time when the resource was created. -
updatedAt string false The date and time when the resource was updated. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_SmsConfig] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
wellEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the WELL SMS provider is enabled. -
revcycleEnabled boolean false The flag to determine whether the Revenue Cycle SMS provider is enabled. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
phone string true The 10-digit phone number to send the message to. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_TestWellSms] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
message string false Response of the POST call. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
locale string false The locale of the content. -
notificationType string false The notification type for which the content is created. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single notification content. -
locale string false The locale of the content. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_NotificationContent] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
locale string false The locale of the content. -
notificationType string false The notification type for which the content is created. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The domain name of a tenant in the consumer notifications application. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
fromName string true Name of the sender that is displayed to the consumer in the email information. -
fromEmail string true Email of the sender from whom the email is received by the consumer. -
replyToEmail string true Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they select the option to reply to the email notification. -
returnPath string true When an email does not make it to its intended destination, \ the return path indicates where nondelivery receipts—or bounce messages—are to be sent. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the email configuration. -
fromName string false Name of the sender that is displayed to the consumer in the email information. -
fromEmail string false Email of the sender from whom the email is received by the consumer. -
replyToEmail string false Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they select the option to reply to the email notification. -
returnPath string false When an email does not make it to its intended destination, the return path indicates \ where nondelivery receipts—or bounce messages—are to be sent. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -
updatedAt string false The timestamp for the resource updated time -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_EmailConfigs] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
fromName string false Name of the sender that is displayed to the consumer in the email information. -
fromEmail string true Email of the sender from whom the email is received by the consumer. -
replyToEmail string true Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they select the option to reply to the email notification. -
returnPath string true Email address provided by the sender by which the emails are received from the \ consumer when they choose the option to reply to the email notification. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_DefaultNotificationContent] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of a single piece of notification content. -
locale string false The locale of the content. -
emailSubject string false The subject of the email notifications that are sent to the consumer. -
emailContentHtml string false The HTML format of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
emailContentPlaintext string false The plain text of the email body for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
smsContent string false The SMS content for the notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushSubject string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
mobilePushContent string false The mobile push subject for the push notifications sent to the consumer. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
applicationExperienceDomain string true The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
eventTypes [object] true The notification event type definitions. -
» throttleMinutes string false Throttle minutes is the time frame in which if multiple notifications are generated for a given notification type, only one notification is sent to the user. -
isNotificationsEnabled boolean false Indicates whether notifications are enabled or disabled in the portal. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of Cerner Millennium Event Notification. -
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
eventTypes [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_EventTypesParams] false The Array of event types -
isNotificationsEnabled boolean false Indicates whether notifications are enabled or disabled in the portal. -
createdAt string false The timestamp for the resource created time. -
updatedAt string false The timestamp for the resource updated time. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string false The event type of the notification sent to the user. -
throttleMinutes integer(int32) false Throttle minutes is the time frame in which if multiple notifications are generated for a given notification type, only one notification is sent to the user. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConsumerNotificationsPublicApi_Entities_V1_MillenniumEventNotification] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
applicationExperienceDomain string false The identifier for the environment of the tenant. -
eventTypes [object] false The notification event type definitions. -
» throttleMinutes string false Throttle minutes is the time frame in which if multiple notifications are generated for a given notification type, only one notification is sent to the user. -
isNotificationsEnabled boolean false Indicates whether notifications are enabled or disabled in the portal. -

Done in 2.85s.