Ruby Shell

Condition Identification API v1

The Oracle Health Data Intelligence Condition Identification API identifies condition scenarios that are useful to a provider when considering what diagnoses are currently appropriate for a patient.

Note: The data retrieved by this API is filtered based on your sensitive data filters for Health Data Intelligence. Ensure that your implementations of this API are designed with this in mind, and if you integrate data from Health Data Intelligence into a clinical workflow using this API, ensure that your users are informed of your sensitive data filters. See Understand Sensitive Data in Oracle Health Data Intelligence in the Reference Pages on Cerner Wiki for more information.



The condition identification definitions represent the content of each condition identification, including the name, description, cohort, algorithm components, and other related information.

Create a Definition

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer","description":"HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)","messages":{"text":"Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted."},"catalog":"HealthecareCompany","type":"PRIOR","cohort":{"id":"4ee16093-bcb5-4ecd-b200-9bef190545cc"},"tags":[{"key":"INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT","value":"True"}],"riskAdjustmentModels":[{"type":"HCC","hccRiskAdjustmentModel":{"type":"CMS-HCC","id":"b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c","hierarchicalConditionCategory":{"id":"0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec","categoryNumber":22}}}],"aliases":[{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}],"components":[{"mnemonic":"ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr","category":"PAST_PERIOD"}],"conditionCategories":[{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"}],"primarySource":"CLAIM","ranking":3,"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer","description":"HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)","messages":{"text":"Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted."},"catalog":"HealthecareCompany","type":"PRIOR","cohort":{"id":"4ee16093-bcb5-4ecd-b200-9bef190545cc"},"tags":[{"key":"INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT","value":"True"}],"riskAdjustmentModels":[{"type":"HCC","hccRiskAdjustmentModel":{"type":"CMS-HCC","id":"b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c","hierarchicalConditionCategory":{"id":"0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec","categoryNumber":22}}}],"aliases":[{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}],"components":[{"mnemonic":"ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr","category":"PAST_PERIOD"}],"conditionCategories":[{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"}],"primarySource":"CLAIM","ranking":3,"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}

Example response

  "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "name": "Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer",
  "description": "HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)",
  "messages": [
      "text": "Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted.\n"
  "catalog": "HealthcareCompany",
  "type": "PRIOR",
  "cohort": {
    "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
  "tags": [
      "key": "INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT",
      "value": "True"
  "riskAdjustmentModels": [
      "type": "HCC",
      "hccRiskAdjustmentModel": {
        "type": "CMS-HCC",
        "id": "b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c",
        "hierarchicalConditionCategory": {
          "id": "0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec",
          "categoryNumber": 22
  "aliases": [
      "system": "HEALTHCARECOMPANY",
      "value": "404"
  "components": [
      "mnemonic": "ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr",
      "category": "PAST_PERIOD"
  "conditionCategories": [
      "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
      "conditionCategorization": {
        "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
  "primarySource": "CLAIM",
  "ranking": 3,
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

POST /definitions

Creates a definition.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postDefinitions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created A definition object Definition
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
201 Location string The URL of the created definition.

Retrieve a List of Definitions

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
      "name": "Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer",
      "description": "HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)",
      "messages": [
          "text": "Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted.\n"
      "catalog": "HealthcareCompany",
      "type": "PRIOR",
      "cohort": {
        "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
      "tags": [
          "key": "INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT",
          "value": "True"
      "riskAdjustmentModels": [
          "type": "HCC",
          "hccRiskAdjustmentModel": {
            "type": "CMS-HCC",
            "id": "b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c",
            "hierarchicalConditionCategory": {
              "id": "0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec",
              "categoryNumber": 22
      "aliases": [
          "system": "HEALTHCARECOMPANY",
          "value": "404"
      "components": [
          "mnemonic": "ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr",
          "category": "PAST_PERIOD"
      "conditionCategories": [
          "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
          "conditionCategorization": {
            "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
      "primarySource": "CLAIM",
      "ranking": 3,
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /definitions

Retrieves a list of definitions.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
id query array[string] false N/A The ID of the definition. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple definitions at a time. -
name query string false N/A The name or partial name of the definition. -
aliasSystem query string false N/A The assigning authority responsible for assigning the condition identification definition ID. -
aliasValue query string false N/A The value or ID of the condition identification definition in the context of -
tag query array[string] false N/A The colon-delimited combination of the key and value of a tag (for example, Use:Production). -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false name,updatedAt A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. name, -name, updatedAt, -updatedAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of definition objects Definitions
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Definition

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /definitions/{definitionId}

Deletes a definition.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
definitionId path string true N/A The unique ID of the definition. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Definition

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer","description":"HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)","messages":{"text":"Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted."},"catalog":"HealthecareCompany","type":"PRIOR","cohort":{"id":"4ee16093-bcb5-4ecd-b200-9bef190545cc"},"tags":[{"key":"INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT","value":"True"}],"riskAdjustmentModels":[{"type":"HCC","hccRiskAdjustmentModel":{"type":"CMS-HCC","id":"b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c","hierarchicalConditionCategory":{"id":"0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec","categoryNumber":22}}}],"aliases":[{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}],"components":[{"mnemonic":"ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr","category":"PAST_PERIOD"}],"conditionCategories":[{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"}],"primarySource":"CLAIM","ranking":3,"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer","description":"HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)","messages":{"text":"Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted."},"catalog":"HealthecareCompany","type":"PRIOR","cohort":{"id":"4ee16093-bcb5-4ecd-b200-9bef190545cc"},"tags":[{"key":"INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT","value":"True"}],"riskAdjustmentModels":[{"type":"HCC","hccRiskAdjustmentModel":{"type":"CMS-HCC","id":"b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c","hierarchicalConditionCategory":{"id":"0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec","categoryNumber":22}}}],"aliases":[{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}],"components":[{"mnemonic":"ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr","category":"PAST_PERIOD"}],"conditionCategories":[{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"}],"primarySource":"CLAIM","ranking":3,"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "name": "Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer",
  "description": "HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)",
  "messages": [
      "text": "Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted.\n"
  "catalog": "HealthcareCompany",
  "type": "PRIOR",
  "cohort": {
    "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
  "tags": [
      "key": "INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT",
      "value": "True"
  "riskAdjustmentModels": [
      "type": "HCC",
      "hccRiskAdjustmentModel": {
        "type": "CMS-HCC",
        "id": "b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c",
        "hierarchicalConditionCategory": {
          "id": "0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec",
          "categoryNumber": 22
  "aliases": [
      "system": "HEALTHCARECOMPANY",
      "value": "404"
  "components": [
      "mnemonic": "ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr",
      "category": "PAST_PERIOD"
  "conditionCategories": [
      "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
      "conditionCategorization": {
        "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
  "primarySource": "CLAIM",
  "ranking": 3,
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

PUT /definitions/{definitionId}

Updates a definition.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
definitionId path string true N/A The unique ID of the definition. -
body body putDefinitions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single definition object Definition
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Definition

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "name": "Prior Dx: Chronic Skin Ulcer",
  "description": "HCC V22-M-161 Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure (CLAIM)",
  "messages": [
      "text": "Patient has been reported as having \"hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure,\" but no corresponding heart failure code has been submitted.\n"
  "catalog": "HealthcareCompany",
  "type": "PRIOR",
  "cohort": {
    "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
  "tags": [
      "key": "INCLUDE_IN_CCFI_REPORT",
      "value": "True"
  "riskAdjustmentModels": [
      "type": "HCC",
      "hccRiskAdjustmentModel": {
        "type": "CMS-HCC",
        "id": "b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c",
        "hierarchicalConditionCategory": {
          "id": "0b424e9d-b74a-4b78-9dde-22685ae9cdec",
          "categoryNumber": 22
  "aliases": [
      "system": "HEALTHCARECOMPANY",
      "value": "404"
  "components": [
      "mnemonic": "ChronicSkinUlcerPrior1Yr",
      "category": "PAST_PERIOD"
  "conditionCategories": [
      "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
      "conditionCategorization": {
        "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
  "primarySource": "CLAIM",
  "ranking": 3,
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

GET /definitions/{definitionId}

Retrieves a single definition.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
definitionId path string true N/A The unique ID of the definition. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single definition object Definition
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error


The condition identification configuration defines how the condition identification outcomes should be produced. The configuration is used as the input instructions for the condition identification pipelines.

Create a Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Condition identification production configuration.","description":"This condition identification configuration is for production.","population":{"id":"5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"},"confidenceWeightIndex":{"id":"82a5df10-245d-4137-b185-056300ebbde3"},"minConfidenceWeight":0.75,"recommendationMessagesEnabled":true,"measurementPeriod":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"conditionHierarchyIndex":{"id":"7d684c4b-301d-4a4f-b0a9-583aa6bd5057"},"definitions":[{"id":"3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c"}],"definitionConfigurations":[{"cohortReferences":[{"cohort":{"id":"e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"INTENDED_POPULATION"},{"cohort":{"id":"f4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"ALGORITHM"}],"definition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"algorithm":{"id":"b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4","version":"1.1.0","customSettings":[{"key":"condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date","value":"2013-12-31T00:00:00Z","dataEntryType":"ISO_8601_STRING"}]}}],"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Condition identification production configuration.","description":"This condition identification configuration is for production.","population":{"id":"5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"},"confidenceWeightIndex":{"id":"82a5df10-245d-4137-b185-056300ebbde3"},"minConfidenceWeight":0.75,"recommendationMessagesEnabled":true,"measurementPeriod":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"conditionHierarchyIndex":{"id":"7d684c4b-301d-4a4f-b0a9-583aa6bd5057"},"definitions":[{"id":"3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c"}],"definitionConfigurations":[{"cohortReferences":[{"cohort":{"id":"e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"INTENDED_POPULATION"},{"cohort":{"id":"f4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"ALGORITHM"}],"definition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"algorithm":{"id":"b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4","version":"1.1.0","customSettings":[{"key":"condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date","value":"2013-12-31T00:00:00Z","dataEntryType":"ISO_8601_STRING"}]}}],"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "version": "1",
  "name": "Condition Identification Configuration-2019",
  "description": "This condition identification configuration is for production.",
  "minConfidenceWeight": 0.75,
  "recommendationMessagesEnabled": true,
  "measurementPeriod": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "population": {
    "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
  "confidenceWeightIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "conditionHierarchyIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "definitions": [
      "id": "3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c",
      "name": "Condition identification definition"
  "definitionConfigurations": [
      "cohortReferences": [
          "cohort": {
            "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
          "usage": "INTENDED_POPULATION"
      "definition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "algorithm": {
        "id": "b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4",
        "version": "1.1.0",
        "customSettings": [
            "key": "condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date",
            "value": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "dataEntryType": "ISO_8601_STRING"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

POST /configurations

Creates a configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postConfigurations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created A configuration object Configuration
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
201 Location string The URL of the created configuration.

Retrieve a List of Configurations

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
      "version": "1",
      "name": "Condition Identification Configuration-2019",
      "description": "This condition identification configuration is for production.",
      "minConfidenceWeight": 0.75,
      "recommendationMessagesEnabled": true,
      "measurementPeriod": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "population": {
        "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
      "confidenceWeightIndex": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "conditionHierarchyIndex": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "definitions": [
          "id": "3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c",
          "name": "Condition identification definition"
      "definitionConfigurations": [
          "cohortReferences": [
              "cohort": {
                "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
              "usage": "INTENDED_POPULATION"
          "definition": {
            "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
            "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
          "algorithm": {
            "id": "b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4",
            "version": "1.1.0",
            "customSettings": [
                "key": "condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date",
                "value": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
                "dataEntryType": "ISO_8601_STRING"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /configurations

Retrieves a list of configurations.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
id query array[string] false N/A The ID of the configuration. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple configurations at a time. -
name query string false N/A The name or partial name of the configuration. This filter is case insensitive. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false name,updatedAt A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. name, -name, updatedAt, -updatedAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of configuration objects Configurations
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /configurations/{configurationId}

Deletes a configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
configurationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the configuration. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Condition identification production configuration.","description":"This condition identification configuration is for production.","population":{"id":"5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"},"confidenceWeightIndex":{"id":"82a5df10-245d-4137-b185-056300ebbde3"},"minConfidenceWeight":0.75,"recommendationMessagesEnabled":true,"measurementPeriod":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"conditionHierarchyIndex":{"id":"7d684c4b-301d-4a4f-b0a9-583aa6bd5057"},"definitions":[{"id":"3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c"}],"definitionConfigurations":[{"cohortReferences":[{"cohort":{"id":"e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"INTENDED_POPULATION"},{"cohort":{"id":"f4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"ALGORITHM"}],"definition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"algorithm":{"id":"b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4","version":"1.1.0","customSettings":[{"key":"condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date","value":"2013-12-31T00:00:00Z","dataEntryType":"ISO_8601_STRING"}]}}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Condition identification production configuration.","description":"This condition identification configuration is for production.","population":{"id":"5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"},"confidenceWeightIndex":{"id":"82a5df10-245d-4137-b185-056300ebbde3"},"minConfidenceWeight":0.75,"recommendationMessagesEnabled":true,"measurementPeriod":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"conditionHierarchyIndex":{"id":"7d684c4b-301d-4a4f-b0a9-583aa6bd5057"},"definitions":[{"id":"3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c"}],"definitionConfigurations":[{"cohortReferences":[{"cohort":{"id":"e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"INTENDED_POPULATION"},{"cohort":{"id":"f4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"},"usage":"ALGORITHM"}],"definition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"algorithm":{"id":"b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4","version":"1.1.0","customSettings":[{"key":"condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date","value":"2013-12-31T00:00:00Z","dataEntryType":"ISO_8601_STRING"}]}}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "version": "1",
  "name": "Condition Identification Configuration-2019",
  "description": "This condition identification configuration is for production.",
  "minConfidenceWeight": 0.75,
  "recommendationMessagesEnabled": true,
  "measurementPeriod": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "population": {
    "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
  "confidenceWeightIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "conditionHierarchyIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "definitions": [
      "id": "3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c",
      "name": "Condition identification definition"
  "definitionConfigurations": [
      "cohortReferences": [
          "cohort": {
            "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
          "usage": "INTENDED_POPULATION"
      "definition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "algorithm": {
        "id": "b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4",
        "version": "1.1.0",
        "customSettings": [
            "key": "condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date",
            "value": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "dataEntryType": "ISO_8601_STRING"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

PUT /configurations/{configurationId}

Updates a configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
configurationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the configuration. -
body body putConfigurations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single configuration object Configuration
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Configuration

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "version": "1",
  "name": "Condition Identification Configuration-2019",
  "description": "This condition identification configuration is for production.",
  "minConfidenceWeight": 0.75,
  "recommendationMessagesEnabled": true,
  "measurementPeriod": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "population": {
    "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
  "confidenceWeightIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "conditionHierarchyIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "definitions": [
      "id": "3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c",
      "name": "Condition identification definition"
  "definitionConfigurations": [
      "cohortReferences": [
          "cohort": {
            "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
          "usage": "INTENDED_POPULATION"
      "definition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "algorithm": {
        "id": "b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4",
        "version": "1.1.0",
        "customSettings": [
            "key": "condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date",
            "value": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "dataEntryType": "ISO_8601_STRING"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

GET /configurations/{configurationId}

Retrieves a single configuration. The configuration retrieved is the most recently created version of the configuration.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
configurationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the configuration. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single configuration object Configuration
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Configuration Versions

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
      "version": "1",
      "name": "Condition Identification Configuration-2019",
      "description": "This condition identification configuration is for production.",
      "minConfidenceWeight": 0.75,
      "recommendationMessagesEnabled": true,
      "measurementPeriod": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "population": {
        "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
      "confidenceWeightIndex": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "conditionHierarchyIndex": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "definitions": [
          "id": "3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c",
          "name": "Condition identification definition"
      "definitionConfigurations": [
          "cohortReferences": [
              "cohort": {
                "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
              "usage": "INTENDED_POPULATION"
          "definition": {
            "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
            "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
          "algorithm": {
            "id": "b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4",
            "version": "1.1.0",
            "customSettings": [
                "key": "condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date",
                "value": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
                "dataEntryType": "ISO_8601_STRING"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /configurations/{configurationId}/versions

Retrieves a list of configuration versions.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
configurationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the configuration. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false version A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. name, -name, version, -version, updatedAt, -updatedAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of configuration objects Configurations
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Configuration Version

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "version": "1",
  "name": "Condition Identification Configuration-2019",
  "description": "This condition identification configuration is for production.",
  "minConfidenceWeight": 0.75,
  "recommendationMessagesEnabled": true,
  "measurementPeriod": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "population": {
    "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
  "confidenceWeightIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "conditionHierarchyIndex": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "definitions": [
      "id": "3422c349-adbd-44d6-832b-03c6e788db4c",
      "name": "Condition identification definition"
  "definitionConfigurations": [
      "cohortReferences": [
          "cohort": {
            "id": "e4694fa4-289f-4e55-9568-71256ab0e25b"
          "usage": "INTENDED_POPULATION"
      "definition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "algorithm": {
        "id": "b60474f8-c2b6-11e9-9cb5-2a2ae2dbcce4",
        "version": "1.1.0",
        "customSettings": [
            "key": "condition.identification.prior-dx-prolif-diab-retinopathy/current-period-end-date",
            "value": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
            "dataEntryType": "ISO_8601_STRING"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z"

GET /configurations/{configurationId}/versions/{versionNumber}

Retrieves a single configuration version.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
configurationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the configuration. -
versionNumber path integer(int32) true N/A The automatically incremented version number of the configuration. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single configuration object Configuration
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Condition Identification Results

The condition identification results are generated when the system executes a condition identification definition and configured parameters against a patient’s data from Health Data Intelligence Longitudinal Record. The results object also includes additional values, such as confidence weight and hierarchy. The results can optionally include references and summaries of the applicable Health Data Intelligence Longitudinal Record data in the supporting data list.

Retrieve a List of Condition Identification Results

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "patient": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "population": {
          "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
      "hierarchies": [
          "group": {
            "name": "Obesity"
          "isTrumped": true,
          "trumpedBy": [
              "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
              "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "confidenceWeight": {
        "weight": 0.74,
        "weightType": "SCHEDULE",
        "weightSchedule": {
          "name": "Schedule1 - Claims"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims",
        "type": "PRIOR",
        "riskAdjustmentModels": [
            "type": "HCC",
            "hccRiskAdjustmentModel": {
              "type": "CMS-HCC",
              "id": "b923179c-9617-4ac5-8601-8054755a2a5c",
              "hierarchicalConditionCategory": {
                "categoryNumber": 22
      "pipeline": {
        "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
        "execution": {
          "processingVersion": "2021/03/15/1305"
      "recommendationMessages": [
          "formatType": "TEXT",
          "type": "NARRATIVE",
          "message": "Suspected/Prior Dx: Obesity (BMI >/= 40) (ICD10 E66.9) was last reported on 23 Jan 2017. If still present, please address clinically and submit appropriate diagnosis code.\n",
          "recommendationPolicy": {
            "id": "6310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b828",
            "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
            "title": "Alerts for the condition identifications"
      "isSuppressed": true,
      "suppression": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "reasonType": "REJECT",
        "updatedAt": "2020-03-20T12:14:31-0500",
        "updatedBy": {
          "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
          "display": "Service Account - Prod"
      "results": [
          "populationGroupTypes": [
          "name": "AlertSuppression",
          "value": {
            "text": "true"
          "basis": [
              "id": "e8f0e126-2e4b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
              "kind": "condition#condition"
      "identificationStatus": "NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION",
      "supportingData": [
          "additionalValues": [
              "fields": [
                  "name": "DISPLAY_NAME",
                  "value": {
                    "codified": {
                      "codings": [
                          "code": "I10",
                          "display": "Essential (primary) hypertension",
                          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90"
                      "sourceCodings": [
                          "code": "21702836",
                          "display": "Hypertension",
                          "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:72"
                      "text": "Essential (primary) hypertension"
                    "date": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z",
                    "period": {
                      "end": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z",
                      "start": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z"
                    "text": "Hba 1c",
                    "numeric": {
                      "modifier": ">",
                      "value": "4.3"
                    "unitOfMeasure": {
                      "codings": [
                          "code": "mg/dL",
                          "display": "mg/dL",
                          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.8"
                      "sourceCodings": [
                          "code": "21702836",
                          "display": "mg/dL",
                          "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:54"
                      "text": "milligram per deciliter"
          "dataIdentifiers": [
              "sourceIdentifier": {
                "dataPartition": {
                  "id": "54dd3f9e-7c45-413d-88bc-3bafcee8b7ab",
                  "name": "Cerner - Millennium P23213",
                  "description": "Cerner - Millennium P23213 description",
                  "dataSource": {
                    "id": "12312",
                    "name": "Feed 12334123"
                "id": "24716635"
              "reference": {
                "id": "c5fa0640-2cb1-4303-b5a2-9d7afc1291e6",
                "kind": "condition#condition"
          "codifiedValues": [
              "codings": [
                  "code": "I10",
                  "display": "Essential (primary) hypertension",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90"
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "21702836",
                  "display": "Hypertension",
                  "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:72"
              "text": "Essential (primary) hypertension"
          "date": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z",
          "period": {
            "end": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z",
            "start": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z"
          "personnel": [
              "id": "cd2aaf2a-786f-4317-8d22-6a52fccfef24"
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "value": {
            "codified": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "I10",
                  "display": "Essential (primary) hypertension",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90"
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "21702836",
                  "display": "Hypertension",
                  "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:72"
              "text": "Essential (primary) hypertension"
            "date": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z",
            "period": {
              "end": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z",
              "start": "2020-04-07T18:56:00.000Z"
            "text": "Hba 1c",
            "numeric": {
              "modifier": ">",
              "value": "4.3"
            "unitOfMeasure": {
              "codings": [
                  "code": "mg/dL",
                  "display": "mg/dL",
                  "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.8"
              "sourceCodings": [
                  "code": "21702836",
                  "display": "mg/dL",
                  "system": "urn:cerner:coding:codingsystem:codeset:54"
              "text": "milligram per deciliter"
          "state": "IDENTIFIED"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/condition-identification-results

Retrieves a list of condition identification results.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
includeTrumped query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it is trumped in any of its condition hierarchies. -
includeSuppressed query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it has suppression. -
type query array[string] false N/A The type of the condition identification result. PRIOR, SUSPECTED, CLARIFICATION, RECENT
identificationStatus query array[string] false N/A The identification status of the condition identification outcome. NO_ACTION, NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of condition identification result objects ConditionIdentificationResults
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Prior Diagnoses

A prior diagnosis is a diagnosis that has been conclusively identified for a patient based on identification logic. The identification outcome is typically based on the previous documentation of a condition through evidence from clinical or HCC-related inputs.

Retrieve a List of Prior Diagnoses

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "patient": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "population": {
          "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
      "hierarchies": [
          "group": {
            "name": "Obesity"
          "isTrumped": true,
          "trumpedBy": [
              "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
              "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "confidenceWeight": {
        "weight": 0.74,
        "weightType": "SCHEDULE",
        "weightSchedule": {
          "name": "Schedule1 - Claims"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "pipeline": {
        "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
        "execution": {
          "processingVersion": "2021/03/15/1305"
      "recommendationMessages": [
          "formatType": "TEXT",
          "type": "NARRATIVE",
          "message": "Suspected/Prior Dx: Obesity (BMI >/= 40) (ICD10 E66.9) was last reported on 23 Jan 2017. If still present, please address clinically and submit appropriate diagnosis code.\n",
          "recommendationPolicy": {
            "id": "6310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b828",
            "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
            "title": "Alerts for the condition identifications"
      "isSuppressed": true,
      "suppression": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "reasonType": "REJECT"
      "pastPeriodSupportingData": [
          "componentMnemonic": "ObesityDxPriorYears",
          "isSatisfied": true,
          "basis": [
              "id": "e8f0e126-2e4b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
              "kind": "condition#condition"
      "currentPeriodSupportingData": [
          "componentMnemonic": "ObesityDxPriorYears",
          "isSatisfied": true,
          "basis": [
              "id": "e8f0e126-2e4b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
              "kind": "condition#condition"
      "identificationStatus": "NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/prior-diagnoses

Retrieves a list of prior diagnoses.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
includeTrumped query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it is trumped in any of its condition hierarchies. -
includeSuppressed query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it has suppression. -
identificationStatus query array[string] false N/A The identification status of the condition identification outcome. NO_ACTION, NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of prior diagnosis objects PriorDiagnoses
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Suspected Diagnoses

A suspected diagnosis is a diagnosis that has been identified for a patient based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Retrieve a List of Suspected Diagnoses

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "patient": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "population": {
          "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
      "hierarchies": [
          "group": {
            "name": "Obesity"
          "isTrumped": true,
          "trumpedBy": [
              "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
              "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "confidenceWeight": {
        "weight": 0.74,
        "weightType": "SCHEDULE",
        "weightSchedule": {
          "name": "Schedule1 - Claims"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "recommendationMessages": [
          "formatType": "TEXT",
          "type": "NARRATIVE",
          "message": "Suspected/Prior Dx: Obesity (BMI >/= 40) (ICD10 E66.9) was last reported on 23 Jan 2017. If still present, please address clinically and submit appropriate diagnosis code.\n",
          "recommendationPolicy": {
            "id": "6310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b828",
            "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
            "title": "Alerts for the condition identifications"
      "pipeline": {
        "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
        "execution": {
          "processingVersion": "2021/03/15/1305"
      "isSuppressed": true,
      "suppression": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "reasonType": "REJECT"
      "supportingData": [
          "componentMnemonic": "ObesityDxPriorYears",
          "isSatisfied": true,
          "basis": [
              "id": "e8f0e126-2e4b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
              "kind": "condition#condition"
      "competingData": [
          "componentMnemonic": "ObesityDxPriorYears",
          "isSatisfied": true,
          "basis": [
              "id": "e8f0e126-2e4b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
              "kind": "condition#condition"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/suspected-diagnoses

Retrieves a list of suspected diagnoses.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
includeTrumped query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it is trumped in any of its condition hierarchies. -
includeSuppressed query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it has suppression. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of suspected diagnosis objects SuspectedDiagnoses
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Diagnosis Clarifications

Diagnosis clarifications identify situations where an existing diagnosis may require clarification and potential modification. These situations are most frequently seen when a diagnosis is not sufficiently specified based on additional supporting data, but diagnosis clarifications can also be used for other situations.

Retrieve a List of Diagnosis Clarifications

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "patient": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "population": {
          "id": "5d0f9ff9-d3b8-47e0-86a1-13d500d833ce"
      "hierarchies": [
          "group": {
            "name": "Obesity"
          "isTrumped": true,
          "trumpedBy": [
              "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
              "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "confidenceWeight": {
        "weight": 0.74,
        "weightType": "SCHEDULE",
        "weightSchedule": {
          "name": "Schedule1 - Claims"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "name": "Obesity (BMI ≥ 40) from claims"
      "recommendationMessages": [
          "formatType": "TEXT",
          "type": "NARRATIVE",
          "message": "Suspected/Prior Dx: Obesity (BMI >/= 40) (ICD10 E66.9) was last reported on 23 Jan 2017. If still present, please address clinically and submit appropriate diagnosis code.\n",
          "recommendationPolicy": {
            "id": "6310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b828",
            "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
            "title": "Alerts for the condition identifications"
      "pipeline": {
        "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
        "execution": {
          "processingVersion": "2021/03/15/1305"
      "isSuppressed": true,
      "suppression": {
        "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "reasonType": "REJECT"
      "supportingData": [
          "componentMnemonic": "ObesityDxPriorYears",
          "isSatisfied": true,
          "basis": [
              "id": "e8f0e126-2e4b-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93",
              "kind": "condition#condition"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/diagnosis-clarifications

Retrieves a list of diagnosis clarifications.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
includeTrumped query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it is trumped in any of its condition hierarchies. -
includeSuppressed query boolean false N/A Indicates whether the condition identification outcome is included in the response when it has suppression. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of diagnosis clarification objects DiagnosisClarifications
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error


A condition identification pipeline is an isolated execution environment for processing condition identification-related outcomes. The pipeline is required to generate and access patient-level condition identification data.

Create a Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"createdBy":{"id":"f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"},"name":"Condition identification production pipeline","pipelineMeasurementType":"ROLLING_2021","configuration":{"id":"a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"},"frequency":{"value":8,"unit":"HOURS","dayOfMonth":1,"timeOfDay":"00:00","startTime":"2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"},"status":"DRAFT"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"createdBy":{"id":"f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"},"name":"Condition identification production pipeline","pipelineMeasurementType":"ROLLING_2021","configuration":{"id":"a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"},"frequency":{"value":8,"unit":"HOURS","dayOfMonth":1,"timeOfDay":"00:00","startTime":"2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"},"status":"DRAFT"}

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "versionId": 1,
  "name": "production pipeline",
  "pipelineMeasurementType": "ROLLING_2021",
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "configuration": {
    "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"
  "frequency": {
    "value": 8,
    "unit": "HOURS",
    "dayOfMonth": 1,
    "timeOfDay": "00:00",
    "startTime": "2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"
  "status": "PUBLISHED"

POST /pipelines

Creates a pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postPipelines true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created A pipeline object Pipeline
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
201 Location string The URL of the created pipeline.

Retrieve a List of Pipelines

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
      "versionId": 1,
      "name": "production pipeline",
      "pipelineMeasurementType": "ROLLING_2021",
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
      "configuration": {
        "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"
      "frequency": {
        "value": 8,
        "unit": "HOURS",
        "dayOfMonth": 1,
        "timeOfDay": "00:00",
        "startTime": "2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"
      "status": "PUBLISHED"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines

Retrieves a list of pipelines.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineMeasurementType query string false N/A The Condition Identification pipeline’s measurement type, formatted as PERIOD_YEAR or PERIOD_YEAR_MONTH. Valid measurement periods are ROLLING, YTD, and CONTRACT. Months are in abbreviated form, such as JAN for January. -
configurationId query array[string] false N/A The configuration ID of the pipeline. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple configurations at a time. -
status query array[string] false N/A The status of the pipeline. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple statuses at a time. The API returns all pipelines regardless of status by default. DRAFT, PUBLISHED, SUSPENDED
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false name A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. name, -name, createdAt, -createdAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of pipeline objects Pipelines
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /pipelines/{pipelineId}

Deletes a pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The unique ID of the pipeline. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"createdBy":{"id":"f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"},"name":"Condition identification production pipeline","pipelineMeasurementType":"ROLLING_2021","configuration":{"id":"a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"},"frequency":{"value":8,"unit":"HOURS","dayOfMonth":1,"timeOfDay":"00:00","startTime":"2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"},"status":"DRAFT"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"createdBy":{"id":"f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"},"name":"Condition identification production pipeline","pipelineMeasurementType":"ROLLING_2021","configuration":{"id":"a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"},"frequency":{"value":8,"unit":"HOURS","dayOfMonth":1,"timeOfDay":"00:00","startTime":"2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"},"status":"DRAFT"}

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "versionId": 1,
  "name": "production pipeline",
  "pipelineMeasurementType": "ROLLING_2021",
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "configuration": {
    "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"
  "frequency": {
    "value": 8,
    "unit": "HOURS",
    "dayOfMonth": 1,
    "timeOfDay": "00:00",
    "startTime": "2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"
  "status": "PUBLISHED"

PUT /pipelines/{pipelineId}

Updates a pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The unique ID of the pipeline. -
body body putPipelines true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single pipeline object Pipeline
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "versionId": 1,
  "name": "production pipeline",
  "pipelineMeasurementType": "ROLLING_2021",
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "configuration": {
    "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"
  "frequency": {
    "value": 8,
    "unit": "HOURS",
    "dayOfMonth": 1,
    "timeOfDay": "00:00",
    "startTime": "2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"
  "status": "PUBLISHED"

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}

Retrieves a single pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The unique ID of the pipeline. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single pipeline object Pipeline
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve All Versions of a Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
      "versionId": 1,
      "name": "production pipeline",
      "pipelineMeasurementType": "ROLLING_2021",
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
      "configuration": {
        "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"
      "frequency": {
        "value": 8,
        "unit": "HOURS",
        "dayOfMonth": 1,
        "timeOfDay": "00:00",
        "startTime": "2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"
      "status": "PUBLISHED"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/versions

Retrieves all versions of a pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The unique ID of the pipeline. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false versionId A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. name, -name, tenantId, -tenantId, createdAt, -createdAt, updatedAt, -updatedAt, versionId, -versionId

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of pipeline version objects Pipelines
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a Single Version of a Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91",
  "versionId": 1,
  "name": "production pipeline",
  "pipelineMeasurementType": "ROLLING_2021",
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "f89fa3dd-57a8-494b-b157-4640ccc081e3"
  "configuration": {
    "id": "a426149a-c19c-413a-8d9f-d7988aec4a91"
  "frequency": {
    "value": 8,
    "unit": "HOURS",
    "dayOfMonth": 1,
    "timeOfDay": "00:00",
    "startTime": "2019-11-25T16:19:54.000Z"
  "status": "PUBLISHED"

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/versions/{versionId}

Retrieves a single version of a pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The unique ID of the pipeline. -
versionId path integer(int32) true N/A The version of the condition identification pipeline. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single pipeline object Pipeline
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Confidence Weight Index

A confidence weight index is a representation of the content that is used to calculate the confidence weights of condition identification outcomes.

Create a Confidence Weight Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Confidence Weight - 2019","description":"Calibrated weight","index":{"name":"confidence-weights-2019","fields":[{"name":"ACTIVE_TREATMENT","dataType":"BOOLEAN"}],"directWeights":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"weight":0.45}],"scheduleWeights":[{"name":"Schedule 1 - Claims","conditionIdentificationDefinitions":[{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"}],"weightFunctions":[{"tests":[{"field":"PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT","operator":"EQ","value":"2"}],"weight":0.77}]}]},"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Confidence Weight - 2019","description":"Calibrated weight","index":{"name":"confidence-weights-2019","fields":[{"name":"ACTIVE_TREATMENT","dataType":"BOOLEAN"}],"directWeights":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"weight":0.45}],"scheduleWeights":[{"name":"Schedule 1 - Claims","conditionIdentificationDefinitions":[{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"}],"weightFunctions":[{"tests":[{"field":"PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT","operator":"EQ","value":"2"}],"weight":0.77}]}]},"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "Confidence Weight - 2019",
  "description": "Calibrated weight",
  "index": {
    "name": "confidence-weights-2019",
    "fields": [
        "name": "ACTIVE_TREATMENT",
        "dataType": "BOOLEAN"
    "directWeights": [
        "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
          "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weight": 0.45
    "scheduleWeights": [
        "name": "Schedule 1 - Claims",
        "conditionIdentificationDefinitions": [
            "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weightFunctions": [
            "tests": [
                "field": "PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT",
                "operator": "EQ",
                "value": "2"
            "weight": 0.77
  "version": 1,
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512",
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"

POST /confidence-weight-indexes

Creates a confidence weight index.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postConfidenceWeightIndexes true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created The confidence weight index was created. ConfidenceWeightIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Confidence Weight Indexes

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "name": "Confidence Weight - 2019",
      "description": "Calibrated weight",
      "index": {
        "name": "confidence-weights-2019",
        "fields": [
            "name": "ACTIVE_TREATMENT",
            "dataType": "BOOLEAN"
        "directWeights": [
            "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
              "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
            "weight": 0.45
        "scheduleWeights": [
            "name": "Schedule 1 - Claims",
            "conditionIdentificationDefinitions": [
                "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
            "weightFunctions": [
                "tests": [
                    "field": "PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT",
                    "operator": "EQ",
                    "value": "2"
                "weight": 0.77
      "version": 1,
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "createdBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /confidence-weight-indexes

Retrieves a list of confidence weight indexes.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
name query string false N/A The name of the confidence weight index. -
id query array[string] false N/A An array of confidence weight index IDs. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false name A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. name, -name, updatedAt, -updatedAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of confidence weight indexes ConfidenceWeightIndices
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Confidence Weight Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /confidence-weight-indexes/{confidenceWeightIndexId}

Deletes a confidence weight index by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
confidenceWeightIndexId path string true N/A The unique ID of the confidence weight. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The confidence weight index was deleted. None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Confidence Weight Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Confidence Weight - 2019","description":"Calibrated weight","index":{"name":"confidence-weights-2019","fields":[{"name":"ACTIVE_TREATMENT","dataType":"BOOLEAN"}],"directWeights":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"weight":0.45}],"scheduleWeights":[{"name":"Schedule 1 - Claims","conditionIdentificationDefinitions":[{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"}],"weightFunctions":[{"tests":[{"field":"PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT","operator":"EQ","value":"2"}],"weight":0.77}]}]},"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Confidence Weight - 2019","description":"Calibrated weight","index":{"name":"confidence-weights-2019","fields":[{"name":"ACTIVE_TREATMENT","dataType":"BOOLEAN"}],"directWeights":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"},"weight":0.45}],"scheduleWeights":[{"name":"Schedule 1 - Claims","conditionIdentificationDefinitions":[{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"}],"weightFunctions":[{"tests":[{"field":"PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT","operator":"EQ","value":"2"}],"weight":0.77}]}]},"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "Confidence Weight - 2019",
  "description": "Calibrated weight",
  "index": {
    "name": "confidence-weights-2019",
    "fields": [
        "name": "ACTIVE_TREATMENT",
        "dataType": "BOOLEAN"
    "directWeights": [
        "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
          "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weight": 0.45
    "scheduleWeights": [
        "name": "Schedule 1 - Claims",
        "conditionIdentificationDefinitions": [
            "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weightFunctions": [
            "tests": [
                "field": "PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT",
                "operator": "EQ",
                "value": "2"
            "weight": 0.77
  "version": 1,
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512",
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"

PUT /confidence-weight-indexes/{confidenceWeightIndexId}

Updates a confidence weight index by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
confidenceWeightIndexId path string true N/A The unique ID of the confidence weight. -
body body putConfidenceWeightIndexes true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The confidence weight index was updated. ConfidenceWeightIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Confidence Weight Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "Confidence Weight - 2019",
  "description": "Calibrated weight",
  "index": {
    "name": "confidence-weights-2019",
    "fields": [
        "name": "ACTIVE_TREATMENT",
        "dataType": "BOOLEAN"
    "directWeights": [
        "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
          "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weight": 0.45
    "scheduleWeights": [
        "name": "Schedule 1 - Claims",
        "conditionIdentificationDefinitions": [
            "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weightFunctions": [
            "tests": [
                "field": "PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT",
                "operator": "EQ",
                "value": "2"
            "weight": 0.77
  "version": 1,
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512",
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"

GET /confidence-weight-indexes/{confidenceWeightIndexId}

Retrieves a confidence weight index by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
confidenceWeightIndexId path string true N/A The unique ID of the confidence weight. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A confidence weight index ConfidenceWeightIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Confidence Weight Versions

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "name": "Confidence Weight - 2019",
      "description": "Calibrated weight",
      "index": {
        "name": "confidence-weights-2019",
        "fields": [
            "name": "ACTIVE_TREATMENT",
            "dataType": "BOOLEAN"
        "directWeights": [
            "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
              "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
            "weight": 0.45
        "scheduleWeights": [
            "name": "Schedule 1 - Claims",
            "conditionIdentificationDefinitions": [
                "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
            "weightFunctions": [
                "tests": [
                    "field": "PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT",
                    "operator": "EQ",
                    "value": "2"
                "weight": 0.77
      "version": 1,
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "createdBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
      "updatedBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /confidence-weight-indexes/{confidenceWeightIndexId}/versions

Retrieves a list of confidence weight index versions.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
confidenceWeightIndexId path string true N/A The unique ID of the confidence weight. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false version A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. version, -version

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of confidence weight index versions ConfidenceWeightIndices
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Confidence Weight Index Version

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "Confidence Weight - 2019",
  "description": "Calibrated weight",
  "index": {
    "name": "confidence-weights-2019",
    "fields": [
        "name": "ACTIVE_TREATMENT",
        "dataType": "BOOLEAN"
    "directWeights": [
        "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
          "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weight": 0.45
    "scheduleWeights": [
        "name": "Schedule 1 - Claims",
        "conditionIdentificationDefinitions": [
            "id": "2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
        "weightFunctions": [
            "tests": [
                "field": "PAST_3_YEARS_CONDITION_COUNT",
                "operator": "EQ",
                "value": "2"
            "weight": 0.77
  "version": 1,
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "createdBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512",
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12Z",
  "updatedBy": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"

GET /confidence-weight-indexes/{confidenceWeightIndexId}/versions/{versionId}

Retrieves a single confidence weight version by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
confidenceWeightIndexId path string true N/A The unique ID of the confidence weight. -
versionId path integer(int32) true N/A The automatically incremented version ID of the confidence weight. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single confidence weight index version ConfidenceWeightIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Hierarchy Index

A hierarchy index represents a collection of condition groupings. Each condition grouping has its own definition of a hierarchy that ranks how different condition identification definitions compare to each other. The rankings of condition identification definitions should always start with the highest-priority item being a rank of 1, then all other items can be a number greater than 1. The ranking values do not need to be sequential, but they should be integers.

Create a Condition Hierarchy Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"condition-hierarchy-2019","description":"condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR","groups":[{"name":"Amputation","rankedConditionDefinitions":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinitionId":"a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c","ranking":1}]}],"createdBy":"26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"condition-hierarchy-2019","description":"condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR","groups":[{"name":"Amputation","rankedConditionDefinitions":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinitionId":"a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c","ranking":1}]}],"createdBy":"26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"}

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "condition-hierarchy-2019",
  "description": "condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR",
  "groups": [
      "id": "e36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
      "name": "Amputation",
      "rankedConditionDefinitions": [
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c",
          "ranking": 1
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "b36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
          "ranking": 2
  "version": "2",
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230",
  "updatedAt": "2020-07-29T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"

POST /hierarchy-indexes

Creates a condition hierarchy index.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postHierarchyIndexes true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created The condition hierarchy index was created HierarchyIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Hierarchy Indexes

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "name": "condition-hierarchy-2019",
      "description": "condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR",
      "groups": [
          "id": "e36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
          "name": "Amputation",
          "rankedConditionDefinitions": [
              "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c",
              "ranking": 1
              "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "b36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
              "ranking": 2
      "version": "2",
      "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
      "createdBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230",
      "updatedAt": "2020-07-29T06:25:13Z",
      "updatedBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /hierarchy-indexes

Retrieves a list of hierarchy indexes.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
name query string false N/A The name to use to search for condition hierarchy indexes. -
hierarchyIndexId query array[string] false N/A An array of hierarchy index IDs. -
orderBy query string false name The value in which to order by. name, -name, createdAt, -createdAt
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of hierarchy indexes HierarchyIndices
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Hierarchy Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /hierarchy-indexes/{hierarchyIndexId}

Deletes a condition hierarchy index by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
hierarchyIndexId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The hierarchy index was deleted None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Hierarchy Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"condition-hierarchy-2019","description":"condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR","groups":[{"name":"Amputation","rankedConditionDefinitions":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinitionId":"a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c","ranking":1}]}],"createdBy":"26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"condition-hierarchy-2019","description":"condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR","groups":[{"name":"Amputation","rankedConditionDefinitions":[{"conditionIdentificationDefinitionId":"a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c","ranking":1}]}],"createdBy":"26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"}

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "condition-hierarchy-2019",
  "description": "condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR",
  "groups": [
      "id": "e36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
      "name": "Amputation",
      "rankedConditionDefinitions": [
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c",
          "ranking": 1
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "b36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
          "ranking": 2
  "version": "2",
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230",
  "updatedAt": "2020-07-29T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"

PUT /hierarchy-indexes/{hierarchyIndexId}

Updates a hierarchy index by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
hierarchyIndexId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
body body putHierarchyIndexes true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The hierarchy index was updated HierarchyIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Hierarchy Index

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "condition-hierarchy-2019",
  "description": "condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR",
  "groups": [
      "id": "e36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
      "name": "Amputation",
      "rankedConditionDefinitions": [
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c",
          "ranking": 1
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "b36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
          "ranking": 2
  "version": "2",
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230",
  "updatedAt": "2020-07-29T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"

GET /hierarchy-indexes/{hierarchyIndexId}

Retrieves a hierarchy index by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
hierarchyIndexId path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A hierarchy index HierarchyIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Hierarchy Index Versions

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "name": "condition-hierarchy-2019",
      "description": "condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR",
      "groups": [
          "id": "e36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
          "name": "Amputation",
          "rankedConditionDefinitions": [
              "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c",
              "ranking": 1
              "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "b36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
              "ranking": 2
      "version": "2",
      "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
      "createdBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230",
      "updatedAt": "2020-07-29T06:25:13Z",
      "updatedBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /hierarchy-indexes/{hierarchy_index_id}/versions

Retrieves a list of hierarchy index versions.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
hierarchyIndexId query string false N/A An array of hierarchy index IDs. -
orderBy query string false -version The value in which to order by. version, -version, name, -name
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
hierarchy_index_id path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of hierarchy index versions HierarchyIndices
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Hierarchy Index Version

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "condition-hierarchy-2019",
  "description": "condition identification measure hierarchy set 2019 for CLAIMS and MOR",
  "groups": [
      "id": "e36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
      "name": "Amputation",
      "rankedConditionDefinitions": [
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "a36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7c",
          "ranking": 1
          "conditionIdentificationDefinitionId": "b36955ce-f1ee-4703-8680-1c30a9c66e7b",
          "ranking": 2
  "version": "2",
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230",
  "updatedAt": "2020-07-29T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": "26fcddb0-0b6f-4cbd-b292-43db0cc20230"

GET /hierarchy-indexes/{hierarchy_index_id}/versions/{version_id}

Retrieves a hierarchy index version by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
hierarchy_index_id path integer(int32) true N/A No description -
version_id path integer(int32) true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A hierarchy index version HierarchyIndex
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Condition Options

Condition options represent the potential diagnosis options that are available that provide more appropriate codes to consider when adding a diagnosis to a condition.

Retrieve a List of Condition Options

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
      "name": "Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
      "title": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication",
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "default": "true",
      "ranking": 2,
      "usage": "PROBLEM",
      "codes": [
          "code": "E11.69",
          "display": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
          "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90",
          "preferred": "false"
      "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.653Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.019Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /condition-options

Retrieves a list of condition options.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
id query array[string] false N/A The ID of the condition option. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple condition options at a time. -
conditionIdentificationDefinitionId query array[string] false N/A The ID of the condition identification definition. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple condition options at a time. -
title query string false N/A The user-friendly name of the condition option. This filter is case-insensitive. -
updatedAt query string false N/A The date and time when the condition option was updated. This filter is case-insensitive. -
usage query array[string] false N/A The context being used for this condition option. Valid values include DIAGNOSIS and PROBLEM. This filter is case-insensitive. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false updatedAt A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. title, -title, updatedAt, -updatedAt, ranking, -ranking

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of condition option objects ConditionOptions
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Create a Condition Option

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","title":"Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","usage":"DIAGNOSIS","conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}},"default":"true","ranking":2,"codes":[{"code":"E11.69","display":"Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","system":"2.16.840.1.113883.6.90","preferred":"true"}],"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"},"aliases":[{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","title":"Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","usage":"DIAGNOSIS","conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}},"default":"true","ranking":2,"codes":[{"code":"E11.69","display":"Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","system":"2.16.840.1.113883.6.90","preferred":"true"}],"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"},"aliases":[{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "name": "Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
  "title": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication",
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "default": "true",
  "ranking": 2,
  "usage": "PROBLEM",
  "codes": [
      "code": "E11.69",
      "display": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90",
      "preferred": "false"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.653Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.019Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"

POST /condition-options

Creates a condition option.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postConditionOptions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created A condition option object ConditionOption
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
201 Location string The URL of the created condition option.

Delete a Condition Option

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /condition-options/{conditionOptionId}

Deletes a condition option.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionOptionId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition option. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content No content None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Condition Option

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "name": "Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
  "title": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication",
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "default": "true",
  "ranking": 2,
  "usage": "PROBLEM",
  "codes": [
      "code": "E11.69",
      "display": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90",
      "preferred": "false"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.653Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.019Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"

GET /condition-options/{conditionOptionId}

Retrieves a single condition option.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionOptionId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition option. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single condition option object ConditionOption
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Condition Option

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","title":"Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","usage":"DIAGNOSIS","conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}},"default":"true","ranking":2,"codes":[{"code":"E11.69","display":"Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","system":"2.16.840.1.113883.6.90","preferred":"true"}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","title":"Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","usage":"DIAGNOSIS","conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"2310677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"HEALTHCARECOMPANY","value":"404"}},"default":"true","ranking":2,"codes":[{"code":"E11.69","display":"Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication","system":"2.16.840.1.113883.6.90","preferred":"true"}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "name": "Diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
  "title": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication",
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "default": "true",
  "ranking": 2,
  "usage": "PROBLEM",
  "codes": [
      "code": "E11.69",
      "display": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication.",
      "system": "2.16.840.1.113883.6.90",
      "preferred": "false"
  "createdAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.653Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2018-05-14T12:23:12.019Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"

PUT /condition-options/{conditionOptionId}

Updates a condition option.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionOptionId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition option. -
body body putConditionOptions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single condition option object ConditionOption
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Recommendation Policy

A recommendation policy is the set of conditions that qualify what conditional alerts or instructional messages are appropriate to the condition measure based on the data present in a condition identification-based outcome.

Create a Recommendation Policy

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation","title":"Prior Dx: Heart Failure","fields":[{"name":"IdentificationStatus","type":"BOOLEAN","value":"true","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"},{"name":"HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber","type":"NUMBER","value":"123","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"}],"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"LOCAL","value":123}},"tests":[{"field":"IdentificationStatus","operator":"EQ","value":"NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION"}],"messages":[{"format":"TEXT","template":"Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.","type":"NARRATIVE"}],"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation","title":"Prior Dx: Heart Failure","fields":[{"name":"IdentificationStatus","type":"BOOLEAN","value":"true","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"},{"name":"HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber","type":"NUMBER","value":"123","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"}],"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"LOCAL","value":123}},"tests":[{"field":"IdentificationStatus","operator":"EQ","value":"NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION"}],"messages":[{"format":"TEXT","template":"Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.","type":"NARRATIVE"}],"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}

Example response

  "id": "8d844faf-d158-11e8-80f4-005056a80294",
  "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
  "title": "Prior Dx: Heart Failure",
  "fields": [
      "name": "IdentificationStatus",
      "type": "BOOLEAN",
      "value": "true",
      "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
      "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
      "name": "HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber",
      "type": "NUMBER",
      "value": "123",
      "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
      "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
    "alias": {
      "system": "LOCAL",
      "value": 123
  "tests": [
      "field": "IdentificationStatus",
      "operator": "EQ",
  "messages": [
      "format": "TEXT",
      "template": "Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.",
      "type": "NARRATIVE"
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"
  "updatedAt": "2018-06-30T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"

POST /recommendation-policies

Creates a recommendation policy for a condition identification definition.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postRecommendationPolicies true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created The recommendation policy object was created RecommendationPolicy
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Recommendation Policies

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "8d844faf-d158-11e8-80f4-005056a80294",
      "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
      "title": "Prior Dx: Heart Failure",
      "fields": [
          "name": "IdentificationStatus",
          "type": "BOOLEAN",
          "value": "true",
          "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
          "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
          "name": "HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber",
          "type": "NUMBER",
          "value": "123",
          "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
          "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
        "alias": {
          "system": "LOCAL",
          "value": 123
      "tests": [
          "field": "IdentificationStatus",
          "operator": "EQ",
      "messages": [
          "format": "TEXT",
          "template": "Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.",
          "type": "NARRATIVE"
      "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"
      "updatedAt": "2018-06-30T06:25:13Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /recommendation-policies

Retrieves a list of recommendation policies.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
title query string false N/A The full or partial name of the recommendation policy. -
id query array[string] false N/A The ID of the recommendation policy. This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for multiple recommendation policies at a time. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false title A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. title, -title, createdAt, -createdAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of recommendation policy objects RecommendationPolicies
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Recommendation Policy

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /recommendation-policies/{recommendationPolicyId}

Deletes a recommendation policy.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
recommendationPolicyId path string true N/A The ID of the recommendation policy. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The recommendation policy was deleted None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Recommendation Policy

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation","title":"Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation","fields":[{"name":"IdentificationStatus","type":"BOOLEAN","value":"true","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"},{"name":"HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber","type":"NUMBER","value":"123","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"}],"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"LOCAL","value":123}},"tests":[{"field":"IdentificationStatus","operator":"EQ","value":"NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION"}],"messages":[{"format":"TEXT","template":"Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.","type":"NARRATIVE"}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation","title":"Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation","fields":[{"name":"IdentificationStatus","type":"BOOLEAN","value":"true","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"},{"name":"HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber","type":"NUMBER","value":"123","componentName":"PastPeriodIdentification","populationGroupType":"DENOMINATOR"}],"conditionIdentificationDefinition":{"id":"49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829","alias":{"system":"LOCAL","value":123}},"tests":[{"field":"IdentificationStatus","operator":"EQ","value":"NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION"}],"messages":[{"format":"TEXT","template":"Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.","type":"NARRATIVE"}],"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "8d844faf-d158-11e8-80f4-005056a80294",
  "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
  "title": "Prior Dx: Heart Failure",
  "fields": [
      "name": "IdentificationStatus",
      "type": "BOOLEAN",
      "value": "true",
      "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
      "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
      "name": "HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber",
      "type": "NUMBER",
      "value": "123",
      "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
      "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
    "alias": {
      "system": "LOCAL",
      "value": 123
  "tests": [
      "field": "IdentificationStatus",
      "operator": "EQ",
  "messages": [
      "format": "TEXT",
      "template": "Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.",
      "type": "NARRATIVE"
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"
  "updatedAt": "2018-06-30T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"

PUT /recommendation-policies/{recommendationPolicyId}

Updates a recommendation policy.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
recommendationPolicyId path string true N/A The ID of the recommendation policy. -
body body putRecommendationPolicies true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The recommendation policy was updated RecommendationPolicy
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Recommendation Policy

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "8d844faf-d158-11e8-80f4-005056a80294",
  "name": "Prior-dx-Cardio-Resp-Failure-Recommendation",
  "title": "Prior Dx: Heart Failure",
  "fields": [
      "name": "IdentificationStatus",
      "type": "BOOLEAN",
      "value": "true",
      "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
      "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
      "name": "HierarchicalConditionCategoryNumber",
      "type": "NUMBER",
      "value": "123",
      "componentName": "PastPeriodIdentification",
      "populationGroupType": "DENOMINATOR"
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
    "alias": {
      "system": "LOCAL",
      "value": 123
  "tests": [
      "field": "IdentificationStatus",
      "operator": "EQ",
  "messages": [
      "format": "TEXT",
      "template": "Prior Dx: This condition was reported previously. If the condition is still present, address it clinically and submit the appropriate diagnosis code.",
      "type": "NARRATIVE"
  "createdAt": "2020-1-29T06:25:13Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"
  "updatedAt": "2018-06-30T06:25:13Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"

GET /recommendation-policies/{recommendationPolicyId}

Retrieves a single recommendation policy.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
recommendationPolicyId path string true N/A The ID of the recommendation policy. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single recommendation policy RecommendationPolicy
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error


Suppressions inform the Condition Identification service that identified conditions are no longer applicable for consideration in patient care.

The suppressions include a reason type qualifier that provides context for why the condition is suppressed. If the service identified a condition that never existed and does not currently exist, then the reason type of REJECT is used. If the service identified a condition that did exist but is now resolved, then the reason type of RESOLVE is used.

Create a Suppression for a Patient

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "patient": {
    "id": "df6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d33441"
  "pipeline": {
    "id": "206d2277-827b-478e-b543-308e28d74fdc"
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "cf6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d3344e"
  "reasonType": "REJECT",
  "endEffective": "2021-03-20T09:00:00-0500",
  "createdAt": "2020-03-20T12:14:31-0500",
  "createdBy": {
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "display": "Service Account - Prod",
    "reference": {
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedBy": {
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "display": "Service Account - Prod",
    "reference": {
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"

POST /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/suppressions

Creates a suppression with the provided ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
body body postPipelinesPipelineidPatientsPatientidSuppressions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created The suppression has been created Suppression
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Suppressions for a Patient

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
      "patient": {
        "id": "df6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d33441"
      "pipeline": {
        "id": "206d2277-827b-478e-b543-308e28d74fdc"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "cf6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d3344e"
      "reasonType": "REJECT",
      "endEffective": "2021-03-20T09:00:00-0500",
      "createdAt": "2020-03-20T12:14:31-0500",
      "createdBy": {
        "type": "SYSTEM",
        "display": "Service Account - Prod",
        "reference": {
          "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedBy": {
        "type": "SYSTEM",
        "display": "Service Account - Prod",
        "reference": {
          "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/suppressions

Retrieves a list of suppressions.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
type query array[string] false N/A Filters the suppressions by the type of condition identification. By default, all suppressions are returned. PRIOR, SUSPECTED, CLARIFICATION
reasonType query array[string] false N/A Filters the suppressions by the reason type. REJECT, RESOLVE
includeExpired query boolean false false Filters the suppressions by whether they are expired. If true, then all suppressions are returned. If false, which is the default value, then only nonexpired suppressions are returned. -
orderBy query string false createdAt The field and order by which sorted results are returned. Multiple comma-separated values are interpreted as ANDs. Adding a dash (-) before any supported field returns the suppressions in descending order instead of ascending. The supported fields include createdAt and updatedAt. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of suppression objects Suppressions
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Delete a Suppression for a Patient

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/suppressions/{suppressionId}

Deletes a suppression with the provided ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
suppressionId path string true N/A The ID of the suppression. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The suppression was deleted None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Suppression for a Patient

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "patient": {
    "id": "df6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d33441"
  "pipeline": {
    "id": "206d2277-827b-478e-b543-308e28d74fdc"
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "cf6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d3344e"
  "reasonType": "REJECT",
  "endEffective": "2021-03-20T09:00:00-0500",
  "createdAt": "2020-03-20T12:14:31-0500",
  "createdBy": {
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "display": "Service Account - Prod",
    "reference": {
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedBy": {
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "display": "Service Account - Prod",
    "reference": {
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"

PUT /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/suppressions/{suppressionId}

Updates a suppression with the provided ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
suppressionId path string true N/A The ID of the suppression. -
body body putPipelinesPipelineidPatientsPatientidSuppressions true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The suppression was updated Suppression
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Suppression for a Patient

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
  "patient": {
    "id": "df6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d33441"
  "pipeline": {
    "id": "206d2277-827b-478e-b543-308e28d74fdc"
  "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
    "id": "cf6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d3344e"
  "reasonType": "REJECT",
  "endEffective": "2021-03-20T09:00:00-0500",
  "createdAt": "2020-03-20T12:14:31-0500",
  "createdBy": {
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "display": "Service Account - Prod",
    "reference": {
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedBy": {
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "display": "Service Account - Prod",
    "reference": {
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/patients/{patientId}/suppressions/{suppressionId}

Retrieves a suppression object by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
patientId path string true N/A The ID of the patient. -
suppressionId path string true N/A The ID of the suppression. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A suppression object Suppression
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a List of Suppressions for a Pipeline

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829",
      "patient": {
        "id": "df6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d33441"
      "pipeline": {
        "id": "206d2277-827b-478e-b543-308e28d74fdc"
      "conditionIdentificationDefinition": {
        "id": "cf6b4ff4-f0b2-4ef4-8a62-150771d3344e"
      "reasonType": "REJECT",
      "endEffective": "2021-03-20T09:00:00-0500",
      "createdAt": "2020-03-20T12:14:31-0500",
      "createdBy": {
        "type": "SYSTEM",
        "display": "Service Account - Prod",
        "reference": {
          "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedBy": {
        "type": "SYSTEM",
        "display": "Service Account - Prod",
        "reference": {
          "id": "27d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /pipelines/{pipelineId}/suppressions

Retrieves a list of suppressions for a pipeline.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
pipelineId path string true N/A The ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
type query array[string] false N/A Filters the suppressions by the type of condition identification. By default, all suppressions are returned. PRIOR, SUSPECTED, CLARIFICATION
reasonType query array[string] false N/A Filters the suppressions by the reason type. REJECT, RESOLVE
includeExpired query boolean false false Filters the suppressions by whether they are expired. If true, then all suppressions are returned. If false, which is the default value, then only nonexpired suppressions are returned. -
orderBy query string false createdAt The field and order by which sorted results are returned. Multiple comma-separated values are interpreted as ANDs. Adding a dash (-) before any supported field returns the suppressions in descending order instead of ascending. The supported fields include createdAt and updatedAt. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of suppression objects Suppressions
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Condition Categorization

The condition identification categorizations provide a way to group conditions into categories that can then be associated with condition identification definitions to help provide context for workflows and analytics.

Create a Condition Categorization

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"SK1 Skin","title":"Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"SK1 Skin","title":"Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "SK001 Skin",
  "title": "Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
  "owner": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"

POST /condition-categorizations

Creates a condition categorization.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
body body postConditionCategorizations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created The condition categorization object was created. ConditionCategorization
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Condition Categorization

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "name": "SK001 Skin",
      "title": "Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
      "owner": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "createdAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /condition-categorizations

Retrieves a list of condition categorizations.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
name query string false N/A The internal name of the condition categorization. -
title query string false N/A The title of the condition categorization. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false title A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. title, -title, createdAt, -createdAt, updatedAt, -updatedAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of condition categorization objects ConditionCategorizations
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Condition Categorization

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}

Deletes a condition categorization and all of the references to the categorization and its categories.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The condition categorization and associated categories were deleted. None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Condition Categorization

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"SK1 Skin","title":"Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"SK1 Skin","title":"Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "SK001 Skin",
  "title": "Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
  "owner": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"

PUT /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}

Updates a condition categorization by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
body body putConditionCategorizations true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The condition categorization was updated. ConditionCategorization
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Condition Categorization

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "name": "SK001 Skin",
  "title": "Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
  "owner": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"

GET /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}

Retrieves a condition categorization by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single condition categorization ConditionCategorization
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Condition Category

The condition identification categories represent the hierarchical levels of groups of conditions, including the depth of the associations between each category in the hierarchy.

Create a Condition Category

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result ='', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Risk Level High","title":"Risk Level High Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","ontologyConcepts":[{"conceptAlias":"SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE","contextAlias":"CONDITION_CATEGORIES"}],"parent":{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"},"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Risk Level High","title":"Risk Level High Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","ontologyConcepts":[{"conceptAlias":"SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE","contextAlias":"CONDITION_CATEGORIES"}],"parent":{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"},"createdBy":{"id":"c5693417-38ad-408d-a438-3581f416e512"}}

Example response

  "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0",
  "conditionCategorization": {
    "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
  "name": "Risk Level Medium",
  "title": "Medium Risk Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
  "ontologyConcepts": [
      "conceptAlias": "SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE",
      "contextAlias": "CONDITION_CATEGORIES"
  "parent": {
    "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
    "title": "Risk Level High Skin"
  "children": [
      "id": "6b5f917d-5ba2-480b-89cb-43e9f1439875",
      "title": "Risk Level Low Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2020-02-14T20:57:00.000Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"

POST /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}/condition-categories

Creates a condition category.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
body body postConditionCategorizationsConditioncategorizationidConditionCategories true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
201 Created The condition category object was created. ConditionCategory
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Retrieve a List of Condition Categories

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "items": [
      "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0",
      "conditionCategorization": {
        "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
      "name": "Risk Level Medium",
      "title": "Medium Risk Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
      "ontologyConcepts": [
          "conceptAlias": "SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE",
          "contextAlias": "CONDITION_CATEGORIES"
      "parent": {
        "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
        "title": "Risk Level High Skin"
      "children": [
          "id": "6b5f917d-5ba2-480b-89cb-43e9f1439875",
          "title": "Risk Level Low Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue"
      "createdBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "createdAt": "2020-02-14T20:57:00.000Z",
      "updatedBy": {
        "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
      "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"
  "totalResults": 1,
  "firstLink": "",
  "lastLink": ""

GET /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}/condition-categories

Retrieves a list of condition categories.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
id query array[string] false N/A The ID of the condition category. -
name query string false N/A The internal name of the condition category. -
title query string false N/A The title of the condition category. -
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
offset query integer(int32) false 0 The number of results to skip from the beginning of the list of results (typically for the purpose of paging). The minimum offset is 0. There is no maximum offset. -
limit query integer(int32) false 20 The maximum number of results to display per page. The minimum limit is 1. The maximum limit is 100. -
orderBy query string false title A comma-separated list of fields by which to sort. title, -title, createdAt, -createdAt, updatedAt, -updatedAt

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A collection of condition category objects ConditionCategories
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error

Delete a Condition Category

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.delete('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}/condition-categories/{conditionCategoryId}

Deletes a condition category.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
conditionCategoryId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition category. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The condition category was deleted. None
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Update a Condition Category

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.put('', headers: headers, body: {"name":"Risk Level High","title":"Risk Level High Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","ontologyConcepts":[{"conceptAlias":"SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE","contextAlias":"CONDITION_CATEGORIES"}],"parent":{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"},"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}.to_json )

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d {"name":"Risk Level High","title":"Risk Level High Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue","ontologyConcepts":[{"conceptAlias":"SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE","contextAlias":"CONDITION_CATEGORIES"}],"parent":{"id":"2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d"},"updatedBy":{"id":"fbc4117a-4f2f-4e39-9d60-76563fa5b83e"}}

Example response

  "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0",
  "conditionCategorization": {
    "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
  "name": "Risk Level Medium",
  "title": "Medium Risk Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
  "ontologyConcepts": [
      "conceptAlias": "SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE",
      "contextAlias": "CONDITION_CATEGORIES"
  "parent": {
    "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
    "title": "Risk Level High Skin"
  "children": [
      "id": "6b5f917d-5ba2-480b-89cb-43e9f1439875",
      "title": "Risk Level Low Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2020-02-14T20:57:00.000Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"

PUT /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}/condition-categories/{conditionCategoryId}

Updates a condition category by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
conditionCategoryId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition category. -
body body putConditionCategorizationsConditioncategorizationidConditionCategories true N/A No description -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The condition category was updated. ConditionCategory
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Retrieve a Single Condition Category

Example Request:

require 'httparty' # Using HTTParty 0.16.2
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Authorization' => '<auth_header>',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

result = HTTParty.get('', headers: headers)

print JSON.pretty_generate(result)

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: {auth_header}' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

  "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0",
  "conditionCategorization": {
    "id": "785b9a6c-49fc-4f01-8c44-8facd079b2e0"
  "name": "Risk Level Medium",
  "title": "Medium Risk Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue",
  "ontologyConcepts": [
      "conceptAlias": "SK1_SKIN_AND_SUBCUTANEOUS_TISSUE",
      "contextAlias": "CONDITION_CATEGORIES"
  "parent": {
    "id": "2822e6e6-8e6f-4bcd-8d62-2dc9f232f18d",
    "title": "Risk Level High Skin"
  "children": [
      "id": "6b5f917d-5ba2-480b-89cb-43e9f1439875",
      "title": "Risk Level Low Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue"
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "createdAt": "2020-02-14T20:57:00.000Z",
  "updatedBy": {
    "id": "49d0677b-28e6-4648-9159-1e114eb7b829"
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-10T08:12:00.000Z"

GET /condition-categorizations/{conditionCategorizationId}/condition-categories/{conditionCategoryId}

Retrieves a condition category by ID.


Parameter In Type Required Default Description Accepted Values
conditionCategorizationId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
conditionCategoryId path string true N/A The unique ID of the condition category. -

Response Statuses

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK A single condition category ConditionCategory
400 Bad Request Bad Request Error
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Error
403 Forbidden Forbidden Error
404 Not Found Not Found Error

Schema Definitions


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The unique name of the condition identification configuration. -
description string false The description of the condition identification configuration. -
population object true The population ID that identifies the longitudinal records used to process the condition identifications. -
» id string true The ID of the population. -
confidenceWeightIndex object false The confidence weight index structure used to calculate confidence weight values. -
» id string true The ID of the confidence weight index. -
minConfidenceWeight number(float) false The minimum value of the confidence weight in order for the condition identification outcome to be retained. Only outcomes that have a confidence weight equal to or greater than the specified value are returned in the API response or available in HealtheAnalytics data sets. -
recommendationMessagesEnabled boolean false Indicates whether recommendation messages are enabled for the pipeline. -
measurementPeriod object false The measurement period that identifies the start and end dates of the condition identification configuration. -
» id string true The ID of the measurement period. -
conditionHierarchyIndex object false The condition hierarchy index structure used to determine condition identification trumping. -
» id string true The ID of the condition hierarchy index. -
definitions [object] false The array of condition identification definitions used to process outcomes for patients in the population. -
» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
definitionConfigurations [object] false The configurations that define which condition identification definitions are evaluated and how they are evaluated. If this array of configuration objects is populated, the definitions array is ignored. -
» cohortReferences [object] false The cohorts that are used to evaluate the condition identification definition. Cohort references that have a usage of INTENDED_POPULATION act as a filter to allow you to target the evaluation to a subset of patients in the population. The filter evaluates the condition identification if a patient is in any cohorts with a usage of INTENDED_POPULATION. -
»» cohort object true A cohort that either represents the intended population of patients for condition identification or is used to perform the identification. The use of the cohort is determined by the usage field. -
»»» id string true The ID of the cohort. -
»» usage string true The usage of the cohort. -
» definition object true The condition identification definition used to process outcomes for patients in the population. -
»» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
» algorithm object true The algorithm and settings used for the configuration. -
»» id string true The unique ID of the algorithm. -
»» version string true The version of the algorithm. -
»» customSettings [object] false An optional array of custom settings to apply to the algorithm. -
»»» key string true The key of the algorithm setting you want to customize. -
»»» value string true The custom value of the setting. -
»»» dataEntryType string true The data entry type of the setting. -
createdBy object false The individual who entered the configuration into the system. -
» id string true The ID of the individual who entered the configuration into the system. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the configuration. -
version integer(int32) true The automatically incremented version number of the configuration. -
name string true The unique name of the configuration. -
description string false The description of the configuration. -
minConfidenceWeight number(float) false The minimum value of the confidence weight in order for the condition identification outcome to be retained. Only outcomes that have a confidence weight equal to or greater than the specified value are returned in the API response or available in HealtheAnalytics data sets. -
recommendationMessagesEnabled boolean false Indicates whether recommendation messages are enabled for the pipeline. -
measurementPeriod MeasurementPeriodReference false The measurement period that identifies the start and end dates of the condition identification configuration. -
population PopulationReference true The population ID that identifies the longitudinal records used to process the condition identifications. -
confidenceWeightIndex ConfidenceWeightIndexReference false The ID of the confidence weight index structure used to calculate confidence weight values. -
conditionHierarchyIndex ConditionHierarchyIndexReference false The ID of the condition hierarchy index structure used to determine condition identification trumping. -
definitions [DefinitionReference] false The condition identification definitions used to process outcomes for patients in the population. -
definitionConfigurations [DefinitionConfigurationReference] false The configurations that define which condition identification definitions are evaluated and how they are evaluated. If this array of configuration objects is populated, the definitions array is ignored. -
createdBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who entered the configuration into the system. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the configuration was initially entered into the system. In International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the configuration is first created. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
updatedBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who updated the configuration. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the configuration was updated in the system. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the configuration is updated. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the measurement period. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The population ID. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the confidence weight index. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition hierarchy index. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
name string false The name of the condition identification definition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
cohortReferences [ConfigurationCohortReference] false The cohorts that are used to evaluate the condition identification definition. Cohort references that have a usage of INTENDED_POPULATION act as a filter to allow you to target the evaluation to a subset of patients in the population. The filter evaluates the condition identification if a patient is in any cohorts with a usage of INTENDED_POPULATION. -
definition DefinitionReference true The condition identification definition used to process outcomes for patients in the population. -
algorithm AlgorithmReference false The algorithm associated with the definition configuration. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
cohort CohortReference true A cohort that either represents the intended population of patients for condition identification or is used to perform the identification. The use of the cohort is determined by the usage field. -
usage string true The usage of the cohort. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the cohort. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the algorithm. -
version string true The version of the algorithm. -
customSettings [CustomSetting] false An array of custom settings applied to the algorithm. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
key string true The key of the setting you want to adjust. -
value string true The custom value of the setting. -
dataEntryType string true The data entry type of the custom setting. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the personnel in the tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code integer(int32) true The HTTP response status code that represents the error. -
message string true A human-readable description of the error. -
errorDetails [ErrorDetail] false A list of additional error details. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
domain string false A subsystem or context where an error occurred. -
reason string false A codified value that represents the specific error that caused the current error status. -
message string false A human-readable description of an error. -
locationType string false The location or type of the field that caused an error. query, header, path, formData, body
location string false The name of the field that caused an error. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [Configuration] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The unique name of the condition identification configuration. -
description string false The description of the condition identification configuration. -
population object true The population ID that identifies the longitudinal records used to process the condition identifications. -
» id string true The ID of the population. -
confidenceWeightIndex object false The confidence weight index structure used to calculate confidence weight values. -
» id string true The ID of the confidence weight index. -
minConfidenceWeight number(float) false The minimum value of the confidence weight in order for the condition identification outcome to be retained. Only outcomes that have a confidence weight equal to or greater than the specified value are returned in the API response or available in HealtheAnalytics data sets. -
recommendationMessagesEnabled boolean false Indicates whether recommendation messages are enabled for the pipeline. -
measurementPeriod object false The measurement period that identifies the start and end dates of the condition identification configuration. -
» id string true The ID of the measurement period. -
conditionHierarchyIndex object false The condition hierarchy index structure used to determine condition identification trumping. -
» id string true The ID of the condition hierarchy index. -
definitions [object] false The array of condition identification definitions used to process outcomes for patients in the population. -
» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
definitionConfigurations [object] false The configurations that define which condition identification definitions are evaluated and how they are evaluated. If this array of configuration objects is populated, the definitions array is ignored. -
» cohortReferences [object] false The cohorts that are used to evaluate the condition identification definition. Cohort references that have a usage of INTENDED_POPULATION act as a filter to allow you to target the evaluation to a subset of patients in the population. The filter evaluates the condition identification if a patient is in any cohorts with a usage of INTENDED_POPULATION. -
»» cohort object true A cohort that either represents the intended population of patients for condition identification or is used to perform the identification. The use of the cohort is determined by the usage field. -
»»» id string true The ID of the cohort. -
»» usage string true The usage of the cohort. -
» definition object true The condition identification definition used to process outcomes for patients in the population. -
»» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
» algorithm object true The algorithm and settings used for the configuration. -
»» id string true The unique ID of the algorithm. -
»» version string true The version of the algorithm. -
»» customSettings [object] false An optional array of custom settings to apply to the algorithm. -
»»» key string true The key of the algorithm setting you want to customize. -
»»» value string true The custom value of the setting. -
»»» dataEntryType string true The data entry type of the setting. -
updatedBy object false The individual who updated the configuration in the system. -
» id string true The ID of the individual who updated the configuration in the system. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the condition identification definition. -
description string false The description of the condition identification definition. -
messages [object] false The patient reminder narrative descriptions. -
» text string true The patient reminder narrative description. -
catalog string false The catalog of the condition identification definition. -
type string true The type of condition identification definition. PRIOR, SUSPECTED, CLARIFICATION, RECENT
cohort object false The cohort that is used to refine the list of patients for which this condition identification should apply. -
» id string true The ID of the cohort that is used to refine the list of patients for which this condition identification should apply. -
tags [object] false The colon-delimited combination of the key and value of a tag (for example, Use:Production). This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for configurations that contain a combination of more than one tag. When multiple tags are provided, the results include all definitions that have any of the tags. -
» key string true The key associated with the tag. -
» value string true The value associated with the key of a particular tag. -
riskAdjustmentModels [object] false The list of risk-adjustment models that belongs to the definition. -
» type string true The type of risk-adjustment model. -
» hccRiskAdjustmentModel object false The HCC risk-adjustment model object. -
»» type string false The type of the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk-adjustment model. CMS-HCC, HHS-HCC, ESRD-HCC
»» id string false The ID of the HCC risk-adjustment model. -
»» hierarchicalConditionCategory object false The HCC. -
»»» id string false The ID of the HCC. -
»»» categoryNumber string false The number associated with the HCC. -
aliases [object] false The IDs that commonly and uniquely identify the definition and facilitate interoperability among systems. Aliases are distinguished from source IDs that have meaning only in the context of the source system. -
» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
» value string true The unique ID of the alias in the context of the system or assigning authority. -
components [object] false The components that make up the logic structure of the algorithm that is used to identify conditions. -
» mnemonic string true The mnemonic of the component. -
» category string true The category of the component. PAST_PERIOD, CURRENT_PERIOD, COMPETING, SUPPORTING
conditionCategories [object] false The condition category of the definition. -
» id string true The ID of the condition category. -
primarySource string false The primary source is used to provide context on the focus of the data to be evaluated by the condition identification algorithm. The value can be as simple as a source type descriptor or even a source owner or steward, depending on what needs to be conveyed. -
ranking integer(int32) false The ranking of the condition identification definition to provide a relative priority across all other definitions that are being evaluated. The ranking can be used as a sort order preference in application workflows. -
createdBy object false The individual who entered the definition into the system. -
» id string true The ID of the individual who entered the definition into the system. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
name string true The name of the condition identification definition. -
description string false The description of the condition identification definition. -
messages [Message] false The patient reminder narrative descriptions. -
catalog string false The catalog of the condition identification definition. -
type string true The type of condition identification definition. PRIOR, SUSPECTED, CLARIFICATION, RECENT
cohort CohortReference false The cohort that is used to refine the list of patients for which this condition identification should apply. -
tags [Tags] false The colon-delimited combination of the key and value of a tag (for example, Use:Production). This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for configurations that contain a combination of more than one tag. When multiple tags are provided, the results include all definitions that have any of the tags. -
riskAdjustmentModels [RiskAdjustmentModels] false The list of the risk-adjustment models that belongs to the definition. -
aliases [Alias] false The IDs that commonly and uniquely identify the definition and facilitate interoperability among systems. Aliases are distinguished from source IDs, which have meaning only in the context of the source system. -
components [Component] false The components that make up the logic structure of the algorithm that is used to identify conditions. -
conditionCategories [ConditionCategoryReference] false The reference to one or more condition categories. -
primarySource string false The primary source of the condition category. -
ranking integer(int32) false The ranking of the condition category. -
createdBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who entered the definition into the system. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the definition was initially entered into the system. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the definition is first created. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
updatedBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who updated the definition. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the definition was updated in the system. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the definition is updated. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
text string true The patient reminder narrative description. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
key string true The key associated with the tag. -
value string true The value of the tag. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string true The type of risk-adjustment model. -
hccRiskAdjustmentModel HccRiskAdjustmentModel false The HCC risk-adjustment model object. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string false The type of the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk-adjustment model. CMS-HCC, HHS-HCC, ESRD-HCC
id string false The ID of the HCC risk-adjustment model. -
hierarchicalConditionCategory HierarchicalConditionCategory false The HCC. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the HCC. -
categoryNumber integer(int64) false The number associated with the HCC. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
value string true The unique ID of the alias in the context of the system or assigning authority. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
mnemonic string true The mnemonic of the component. -
category string true The category of the component. PAST_PERIOD, CURRENT_PERIOD, COMPETING, SUPPORTING


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition category. -
conditionCategorization ConditionCategorizationReference true The condition categorization instance. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition categorization. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [Definition] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the condition identification definition. -
description string false The description of the condition identification definition. -
messages [object] false The patient reminder narrative descriptions. -
» text string true The patient reminder narrative description. -
catalog string false The catalog of the condition identification definition. -
type string true The type of condition identification definition. PRIOR, SUSPECTED, CLARIFICATION, RECENT
cohort object false The cohort that is used to refine the list of patients for which this condition identification should apply. -
» id string true The ID of the cohort that is used to refine the list of patients for which this condition identification should apply. -
tags [object] false The colon-delimited combination of the key and value of a tag (for example, Use:Production). This query parameter can be repeated multiple times to query for configurations that contain a combination of more than one tag. When multiple tags are provided, the results include all definitions that have any of the tags. -
» key string true The key associated with the tag. -
» value string true The value associated with the key of a particular tag. -
riskAdjustmentModels [object] false The list of risk-adjustment models that belongs to the definition. -
» type string true The type of risk-adjustment model. -
» hccRiskAdjustmentModel object false The HCC risk-adjustment model object. -
»» type string false The type of the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk-adjustment model. CMS-HCC, HHS-HCC, ESRD-HCC
»» id string false The ID of the HCC risk-adjustment model. -
»» hierarchicalConditionCategory object false The HCC. -
»»» id string false The ID of the HCC. -
»»» categoryNumber string false The number associated with the HCC. -
aliases [object] false The IDs that commonly and uniquely identify the definition and facilitate interoperability among systems. Aliases are distinguished from source IDs that have meaning only in the context of the source system. -
» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
» value string true The unique ID of the alias in the context of the system or assigning authority. -
components [object] false The components that make up the logic structure of the algorithm that is used to identify conditions. -
» mnemonic string true The mnemonic of the component. -
» category string true The category of the component. PAST_PERIOD, CURRENT_PERIOD, COMPETING, SUPPORTING
conditionCategories [object] false The condition category of the definition. -
» id string true The ID of the condition category. -
primarySource string false The primary source is used to provide context on the focus of the data to be evaluated by the condition identification algorithm. The value can be as simple as a source type descriptor or even a source owner or steward, depending on what needs to be conveyed. -
ranking integer(int32) false The ranking of the condition identification definition to provide a relative priority across all other definitions that are being evaluated. The ranking can be used as a sort order preference in application workflows. -
updatedBy object false The individual who updated the definition in the system. -
» id string true The ID of the individual who updated the definition in the system. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [PriorDiagnosis] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
patient PatientReference true The patient for which the diagnosis is being considered. -
hierarchies [Hierarchy] false The condition identification hierarchies. -
confidenceWeight ConfidenceWeight false The confidence weight of the condition identification. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition DefinitionReference true The condition identification definition. -
pipeline PipelineReference true The pipeline. -
recommendationMessages [RecommendationMessages] false The key messages and recommendations to guide physicians in the diagnosis based on results from past, current, or potential future exposure and health effects evaluations. -
isSuppressed boolean true The boolean flag for whether the prior diagnosis is suppressed. -
suppression SuppressionReference false The condition identification suppression associated with the prior diagnosis. -
pastPeriodSupportingData [ComponentSupport] true The supporting data that indicates a condition was documented in the previous period. -
currentPeriodSupportingData [ComponentSupport] false The supporting data that indicates a condition was documented in the current period. -
identificationStatus string false Indicates whether the identification status needs attention in the current period. NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION, NO_ACTION


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the associated patient. -
population PopulationReference true The population to which the associated patient belongs. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
group GroupReference true The reference to the group of condition identification definitions, including the current condition identification, that are ordered in a hierarchy. -
isTrumped boolean true Indicates whether this condition identification was trumped by another item in the same group hierarchy. -
trumpedBy DefinitionReference false All of the condition identification definitions that are present for the patient that represent a higher-order item in the group hierarchy. If this list has one or more items, that indicates that this particular condition identification outcome is considered trumped. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The name of the referenced group. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
weight number(float) true The value of the weight. -
weightType string true The type of weight (direct or schedule). DIRECT, SCHEDULE
weightSchedule WeightScheduleReference false The schedule of the confidence weight. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The name of the weight schedule. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The pipeline ID. -
execution PipelineExecution false The execution details for the pipeline. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
processingVersion string true The value that identifies the instant when pipeline processing was executed. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
formatType string true The format of the recommendation message. TEXT, MARKDOWN
type string true The type of the recommendation message. NARRATIVE, RESULT_OUTCOME, RESULT_OUTCOME_DATE
message string true The actual recommendation message. -
recommendationPolicy RecommendationPolicyReference false The recommendation policy relevant to the recommended message. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the recommendation policy. -
name string false The name of the recommendation policy in a natural-language format. Machine processing applications, such as code generators, use this name to identify the module. -
title string true The title of the recommendation policy. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the suppression. -
reasonType string true The type of the suppression reason. REJECT, RESOLVE


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
componentMnemonic string true The mnemonic that identifies the condition. -
isSatisfied boolean true Indicates whether the logic of the component is satisfied by this supporting data. -
basis Basis false The basis for identifying the condition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the referenced resource. -
kind string true The type of the basis that was considered for the identification logic. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [SuspectedDiagnosis] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
patient PatientReference true The patient associated with the suspected diagnosis. -
hierarchies [Hierarchy] false The condition identification hierarchies. -
confidenceWeight ConfidenceWeight false The confidence weight of the condition identification. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition DefinitionReference true The condition identification that the suspected diagnosis is based upon. -
recommendationMessages [RecommendationMessages] false The key messages and recommendations to guide physicians in the diagnosis based on results from past, current, or potential future exposure and health effects evaluations. -
pipeline PipelineReference true The condition identification pipeline that generated this suspected diagnosis. -
isSuppressed boolean true Indicates whether the suspected diagnosis is suppressed. -
suppression SuppressionReference false The condition identification suppression that the suspected diagnosis has. -
supportingData [ComponentSupport] false The facts that support the positive identification of the suspected diagnosis. -
competingData [ComponentSupport] false The facts that dispute the positive identification of the suspected diagnosis. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [DiagnosisClarification] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
patient PatientReference true The patient associated with the diagnosis clarification. -
hierarchies [Hierarchy] false The condition identification hierarchies. -
confidenceWeight ConfidenceWeight false The confidence weight of the condition identification. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition DefinitionReference true The condition identification definition that the diagnosis clarification is based upon. -
recommendationMessages [RecommendationMessages] false The diagnosis information and recommendations related to the diagnosis clarification. -
pipeline PipelineReference true The condition identification pipeline that generated this diagnosis clarification. -
isSuppressed boolean true The boolean flag for whether the diagnosis clarification is suppressed. -
suppression SuppressionReference false The condition identification suppression associated with the diagnosis clarification. -
supportingData [ComponentSupport] false The facts that support the positive identification of the diagnosis clarification. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
createdBy object false A representation of the individual who entered the pipeline into the system. -
» id string true The unique ID of the individual who entered the pipeline into the system. -
name string true The name of the condition identification pipeline. -
pipelineMeasurementType string true The Condition Identification pipeline’s measurement type, formatted as PERIOD_YEAR or PERIOD_YEAR_MONTH. Valid measurement periods are ROLLING, YTD, and CONTRACT. Months are in abbreviated form, such as JAN for January. YEAR must be the current calendar year. -
configuration object false The configuration of the condition identification pipeline. -
» id string true The configuration ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
frequency object false The frequency at which the processing job is scheduled to run. -
» value integer(int32) true The numeric value of the frequency of the pipeline. The combination of frequencyValue and frequencyUnit must result in a minimum frequency of eight hours. If frequencyValue and frequencyUnit are not provided, the default value is 8. -
» unit string true The unit of time of the frequency of the pipeline. The combination of frequencyValue and frequencyUnit must result in a minimum frequency of eight hours. If frequencyValue and frequencyUnit are not provided, the default value is HOURS. MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS
» dayOfMonth integer(int32) false The day of the month when the pipeline is scheduled to run. This value must be between 1 and 31. If a given month does not have the required number of days, the pipeline runs the specified number of days after the beginning of the month. For example, if you specify 30, the pipeline runs 30 days after February 1. If frequencyUnit is set to MONTHS and dayOfMonth is not provided, the default value is the current day. If frequencyUnit is not set to MONTHS, this field is ignored. -
» timeOfDay string false The time of day in UTC when the pipeline is scheduled to run. If timeOfDay is not provided, the default value is 00:00. -
» startTime string false The start time of the pipeline, in ISO 8601 formatting with precision down to the millisecond (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ), for example, 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. -
status string false The status of the condition identification pipeline. DRAFT, PUBLISHED, SUSPENDED


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the pipeline. -
versionId integer(int32) true The automatically incremented version ID of the pipeline. -
name string true The name of the pipeline. -
pipelineMeasurementType string false The Condition Identification pipeline’s measurement type, formatted as PERIOD_YEAR or PERIOD_YEAR_MONTH. Valid measurement periods are ROLLING, YTD, and CONTRACT. Months are in abbreviated form, such as JAN for January. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the pipeline was initially entered into the system. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the pipeline is first created. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
createdBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who entered the pipeline into the system. -
updatedAt string false No description -
updatedBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who updated the pipeline. -
configuration ConfigurationReference false The configuration ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
frequency PipelineFrequency false The frequency at which the processing job is scheduled to run. -
status string true The status of the condition identification pipeline. DRAFT, PUBLISHED, SUSPENDED


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the configuration. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
value integer(int64) true The numeric value of the frequency of the pipeline. The combination of frequencyValue and frequencyUnit must result in a minimum frequency of eight hours. If frequencyValue and frequencyUnit are not provided, the default value is 8. -
unit string false The unit of time of the frequency of the pipeline. The combination of frequencyValue and frequencyUnit must result in a minimum frequency of eight hours. If frequencyValue and frequencyUnit are not provided, the default value is HOURS. MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS
dayOfMonth integer(int64) false The day of the month when the pipeline is scheduled to run. This value must be between 1 and 31. If a given month does not have the required number of days, the pipeline runs the specified number of days after the beginning of the month. For example, if you specify 30, the pipeline runs 30 days after February 1. If frequencyUnit is set to MONTHS and dayOfMonth is not provided, the default value is the current day. If frequencyUnit is not set to MONTHS, this field is ignored. -
timeOfDay string false The time of day in UTC when the pipeline is scheduled to run. If timeOfDay is not provided, the default value is 00:00. -
startTime string false The start time of the pipeline, in ISO 8601 formatting with precision down to the millisecond (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ), for example, 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [Pipeline] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
createdBy object false A representation of the individual who entered the pipeline into the system. -
» id string true The unique ID of the individual who entered the pipeline into the system. -
name string true The name of the condition identification pipeline. -
pipelineMeasurementType string true The Condition Identification pipeline’s measurement type, formatted as PERIOD_YEAR or PERIOD_YEAR_MONTH. Valid measurement periods are ROLLING, YTD, and CONTRACT. Months are in abbreviated form, such as JAN for January. YEAR must be the current calendar year. -
configuration object false The configuration of the condition identification pipeline. -
» id string true The configuration ID of the condition identification pipeline. -
frequency object false The frequency at which the processing job is scheduled to run. -
» value integer(int32) true The numeric value of the frequency of the pipeline. The combination of frequencyValue and frequencyUnit must result in a minimum frequency of eight hours. If frequencyValue and frequencyUnit are not provided, the default value is 8. -
» unit string true The unit of time of the frequency of the pipeline. The combination of frequencyValue and frequencyUnit must result in a minimum frequency of eight hours. If frequencyValue and frequencyUnit are not provided, the default value is HOURS. MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS
» dayOfMonth integer(int32) false The day of the month when the pipeline is scheduled to run. This value must be between 1 and 31. If a given month does not have the required number of days, the pipeline runs the specified number of days after the beginning of the month. For example, if you specify 30, the pipeline runs 30 days after February 1. If frequencyUnit is set to MONTHS and dayOfMonth is not provided, the default value is the current day. If frequencyUnit is not set to MONTHS, this field is ignored. -
» timeOfDay string false The time of day in UTC when the pipeline is scheduled to run. If timeOfDay is not provided, the default value is 00:00. -
» startTime string false The start time of the pipeline, in ISO 8601 formatting with precision down to the millisecond (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ), for example, 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. -
status string false The status of the condition identification pipeline. DRAFT, PUBLISHED, SUSPENDED


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The condition identification definition. -
» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
reasonType string true The suppression reason type. -
expired boolean false Indicates whether the suppression is expired. -
endEffective string false The end date and time when the suppression is no longer effective, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
createdBy object true The actor who created the suppression. -
» reference object true The referenced entity. -
»» id string true The unique ID of the referenced entity. -
» type string true An enumerated list that describes the role an actor plays in relation to the entity. SYSTEM, PERSONNEL
» display string false A textual display that describes the referenced entity. When type is SYSTEM, display is required. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the suppression. -
patient SuppressionsPatientReference true The patient object. -
pipeline SuppressionsPipelineReference true The pipeline reference object. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition ConditionIdentificationDefinitionReference true The condition identification definition object. -
reasonType string true The type of the suppression reason. REJECT, RESOLVE
endEffective string false The end date and time when the suppression is no longer effective, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
expired boolean false Indicates whether the suppression is expired. -
createdAt string false The date and time when the suppression was initially entered into the system, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
createdBy User false The user who created the suppression. -
updatedAt string false The date and time when the suppression was last modified, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedBy User false The user who last updated the suppression. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the patient. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the suppression pipeline. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string false An enumerated list that describes the role an actor plays in relation to the entity. SYSTEM, PERSONNEL
display string false A textual display that describes the referenced entity. When type is SYSTEM, display is required. -
reference ActorReference false The referenced entity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the referenced entity. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [Suppression] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The condition identification definition. -
» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
reasonType string true The suppression reason type. -
expired boolean false Indicates whether the suppression is expired. -
endEffective string false The end date and time when the suppression is no longer effective, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedBy object true The actor who updated the suppression. -
» reference object true The referenced entity. -
»» id string true The unique ID of the referenced entity. -
» type string true An enumerated list that describes the role an actor plays in relation to the entity. SYSTEM, PERSONNEL
» display string false A textual display that describes the referenced entity. When type is SYSTEM, display is required. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConditionIdentificationResult] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
patient PatientReference true The patient for which the diagnosis is being considered. -
hierarchies [Hierarchy] false The condition identification hierarchies. -
confidenceWeight ConfidenceWeight false The confidence weight of the condition identification. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition ConditionIdentificationResultDefinitionReference true The condition identification definition. -
pipeline PipelineReference true The pipeline. -
recommendationMessages [RecommendationMessages] false The key messages and recommendations to guide physicians in the diagnosis based on results from past, current, or potential future exposure and health effects evaluations. -
isSuppressed boolean true The boolean flag that indicates whether the prior diagnosis is suppressed. -
suppression ConditionIdentificationSuppressionReference false The condition identification suppression associated with the prior diagnosis. -
results [Result] true No description -
identificationStatus string false Indicates whether the identification status needs attention in the current period. NEEDS_CURRENT_PERIOD_ATTENTION, NO_ACTION
supportingData [SupportingDataPointLite] true No description -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
name string false The name of the condition identification definition. -
type string true No description -
riskAdjustmentModels [ResultRiskAdjustmentModels] true No description -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string true The type of risk-adjustment model. -
hccRiskAdjustmentModel ResultHccRiskAdjustmentModel false The HCC risk-adjustment model object. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
type string false The type of the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk-adjustment model. CMS-HCC, HHS-HCC, ESRD-HCC
id string false The ID of the HCC risk-adjustment model. -
hierarchicalConditionCategory ResultHierarchicalConditionCategory false The HCC. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
categoryNumber integer(int64) false The number associated with the HCC. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the suppression. -
reasonType string true The type of the suppression reason. REJECT, RESOLVE
updatedAt string true The date and time when the suppression was last modified, in ISO 8601 YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedBy UserReference true The user who last updated the suppression. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the referenced entity. -
display string false The display value of the referenced entity. When type is SYSTEM, display is required. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
populationGroupTypes [string] true The population group types that use this expression’s result to determine the organization of a patient. -
name string true The name of the expression in the condition identification content that generates a value. -
value TypedValue true The value of the expression. -
basis [Basis] true The basis for identifying the condition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
text string true The value of the expression. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
additionalValues [AdditionalValue] true The list of additional relevant fields associated with the intermediate or parent data points. -
dataIdentifiers [DataPointIdentifier] true The list of data points that contributed to the derivation of the SupportingDataPointLite. -
codifiedValues [CodeableConcept] true The coded values associated with the supporting data. -
date string false The date associated with the supporting data. -
period Period false The time period of the collection of the supporting data. -
personnel [PersonReference] true The personnel associated with the creation of the supporting data. -
type string true The type of the basis that was considered for the supporting data. -
value Value false The result of the observation or measurement. The data type of the result value can be numeric, codified, text, or a date. -
state string true

If available, the relevant state of the data point type. This is only populated for outcome based data points, such as the following data points:



Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
fields [Field] true The additional values for the supporting data. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the field. -
value Value true The field’s value for the data point. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
codified CodeableConcept false The codified values of the result of the observation or measurement. -
date string false The result of the observation or measurement in ISO 8601 format with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -
period Period false The result of the observation or measurement in ISO 8601 format with precision ranging from YYYY to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -
text string false The text value of the result of the observation or measurement. -
numeric SupportingDataPointLiteNumeric false The numeric value of the result of the observation or measurement. -
unitOfMeasure CodeableConcept false The unit of measure for the observation. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
codings [Code] true A list of codified values from standard code systems recognized by Health Data Intelligence. -
sourceCodings [Code] true The list of codified values provided in the source data. Not all of these codes are available in the codings list. For example, local or proprietary codes are not included on the codings list because they are not recognized by Health Data Intelligence. -
concepts [Concept] false The list of ontological concepts derived from the codified values from standard code systems recognized by Health Data Intelligence. -
text string false This may be a localized or annotated description of the element provided by a source system or display text associated with one of the codes on the codings or sourceCodings list. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
code string true The unique ID of the code. -
display string false A human-readable representation of the code. -
system string true The ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
alias string true The unique ID of the concept in a context. -
contextId string true The unique ID of the context. IDs are in all caps and do not include dashes. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
end string true The beginning of the period in which the condition was documented, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
start string true The end of the period in which the condition was documented, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
modifier string false An operator that indicates how to interpret the numeric value, for example, greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), or less than or equal to (<=). Modifiers are often present due to limitations in measurement precision. -
value string true The low or high reference range value, expressed as a numeric value that can be a positive or negative whole number or decimal value. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
sourceIdentifier SourceIdentifier true The unique ID of the condition for a patient in a data partition. -
reference Reference false A reference to another public API resource. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
dataPartition DataPartition true The ID of the data partition. -
id string true The unique ID of the entity for a patient in the data partition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The Health Data Intelligence partition ID of the data source. -
name string true The name of the data partition. -
description string true The description of the data partition. -
dataSource DataSource true The source of the data. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the data source. -
name string true The name of the data source. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the referenced data. -
kind string true The kind of the referenced data. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the referenced person. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true A hierarchy index name. -
description string false A short description of the hierarchy index. -
groups [object] true No description -
» name string true No description -
» rankedConditionDefinitions [object] true The ranked condition definitions representing the hierarchy. -
»» conditionIdentificationDefinitionId string true No description -
»» ranking integer(int32) true No description -
createdBy string false A universally unique ID (UUID) specifying the creator of the hierarchy index. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the hierarchy index. -
name string true The name of the hierarchy index. -
description string false The description of the hierarchy index. -
groups [string] true A collection of condition groups that define a hierarchy of condition identification definitions. -
version string true The version ID of the hierarchy index. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the hierarchy index was created, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
createdBy string false The ID of the person who created the hierarchy index. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the hierarchy index was updated, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format. -
updatedBy string false The ID of the person who updated the hierarchy index. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [HierarchyIndex] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true A hierarchy index name. -
description string false A short description of the hierarchy index. -
groups [object] true No description -
» name string true No description -
» rankedConditionDefinitions [object] true The ranked condition definitions representing the hierarchy. -
»» conditionIdentificationDefinitionId string true No description -
»» ranking integer(int32) true No description -
createdBy string false A universally unique ID (UUID) specifying the creator of the hierarchy index. -
updated_by string false A unique ID representing the person who updated the hierarchy index. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the confidence weight index. -
description string false The description of the confidence weight index. -
index object true The index’s conditional rules to be used to determine the confidence weight score of an individual condition identification outcome. -
» name string true The name of the confidence weight index. -
» fields [object] false The parameters that can be used to calculate schedule weights. -
»» name string true The unique name of the field in the index. -
»» dataType string false The data type value that is used to calculate the schedule weight. number, boolean, string
» directWeights [object] false The predefined weights of the condition identification definitions. -
»» conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The condition identification definition that is assigned to the weight. -
»»» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
»» weight number(float) true No description -
» scheduleWeights [object] false The weights that are based on the scheduled assignments. -
»» name string true The name of the schedule weight. -
»» conditionIdentificationDefinitions [object] false The condition identification definition that is assigned to the weight. -
»»» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
»» weightFunctions [object] true The functions that are used to evaluate the weight based on the test expression. -
»»» tests [object] true The test evaluations of the expressions to calculate the weight. -
»»»» field string true The name of a field of the index. The name indicates the data that is considered in this test. -
»»»» operator string true

The relational operator that is used to perform the operations on two operands. The following operators are available:

  • EQ: Equal to
  • GTE: Greater than or equal to
  • GT: Greater than
  • LT: Less than
  • LTE: Less than or equal to
  • NEQ: Not equal to
eq, gte, gt, lt, lte, neq
»»»» value string true The value that is used in the expression evaluation. -
»»» weight number(float) false The numeric weight that is assigned to the condition identification outcome if the test results in a true value. -
createdBy object false The personnel member who created the confidence weight index. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the confidence weight index. -
name string true The unique name of the confidence weight index. -
description string false The weighting of condition identification outcomes that boosts instances of diagnoses that are identified multiple times from a claims source. -
index Index true The index’s conditional rules that are used to determine the confidence weight score of an individual condition identification outcome. -
version integer(int32) true The version of the confidence weight index. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the confidence weight index was created. -
createdBy ConditionIdentificationDefinitionReference false The ID of the personnel member who created the index, if applicable. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the confidence weight index was updated. -
updatedBy ConditionIdentificationDefinitionReference false The ID of the personnel member who updated the index, if applicable. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the confidence weight index. -
fields [Fields] false The parameters that can be used to calculate schedule weights. -
directWeights [DirectWeight] false The predefined weights of the condition identification definitions. -
scheduleWeights [ScheduleWeights] false The weights that are based on the scheduled assignments. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The unique name of the field in the index. -
dataType string false The data type value that is used to calculate the schedule weight. NUMBER, BOOLEAN, STRING


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
conditionIdentificationDefinition ConditionIdentificationDefinitionReference true The condition identification definition that is assigned to the weight. -
weight number(float) true The weight of the condition identification definition. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the schedule weight. -
conditionIdentificationDefinitions [ConditionIdentificationDefinitionReference] false The condition identification definitions that are assigned to this schedule weight. -
weightFunctions [WeightFunctions] false The functions that are used to evaluate the weight based on the test expression. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
tests [Test] false The test evaluations of the expressions to calculate the weight. -
weight number(float) false The numeric weight that is assigned to the condition identification outcome if the test results in a true value. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
field string true The name of a field of the index. The name indicates the data that is considered in this test. -
operator string true

The relational operator that is used to perform the operations on two operands. The following operators are available:

  • EQ: Equal to
  • GTE: Greater than or equal to
  • GT: Greater than
  • LT: Less than
  • LTE: Less than or equal to
  • NEQ: Not equal to
value string true The value that is used in the expression evaluation. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConfidenceWeightIndex] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the confidence weight index. -
description string false The description of the confidence weight index. -
index object true The index’s conditional rules to be used to determine the confidence weight score of an individual condition identification outcome. -
» name string true The name of the confidence weight index. -
» fields [object] false The parameters that can be used to calculate schedule weights. -
»» name string true The unique name of the field in the index. -
»» dataType string false The data type value that is used to calculate the schedule weight. number, boolean, string
» directWeights [object] false The predefined weights of the condition identification definitions. -
»» conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The condition identification definition that is assigned to the weight. -
»»» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
»» weight number(float) true No description -
» scheduleWeights [object] false The weights that are based on the scheduled assignments. -
»» name string true The name of the schedule weight. -
»» conditionIdentificationDefinitions [object] false The condition identification definition that is assigned to the weight. -
»»» id string true The ID of the condition identification definition. -
»» weightFunctions [object] true The functions that are used to evaluate the weight based on the test expression. -
»»» tests [object] true The test evaluations of the expressions to calculate the weight. -
»»»» field string true The name of a field of the index. The name indicates the data that is considered in this test. -
»»»» operator string true

The relational operator that is used to perform the operations on two operands. The following operators are available:

  • EQ: Equal to
  • GTE: Greater than or equal to
  • GT: Greater than
  • LT: Less than
  • LTE: Less than or equal to
  • NEQ: Not equal to
eq, gte, gt, lt, lte, neq
»»»» value string true The value that is used in the expression evaluation. -
»»» weight number(float) false The numeric weight that is assigned to the condition identification outcome if the test results in a true value. -
updatedBy object false The personnel member who updated the confidence weight index. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The internal name of the recommendation policy. -
title string true The title of the recommendation policy. -
fields [object] false No description -
» name string true The name of the field. -
» type string false The data type of the field. string, number, boolean
» value string false The value of the field. -
» componentName string false The component name of the field. -
» populationGroupType string false The population group type of the field. NUMERATOR, DENOMINATOR, DENOMINATOR-EXCLUSION
conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The ID of the condition identification definition. If specified, then alias is optional. -
» id string false The ID of the condition identification definition. This ID is required if alias is not specified. -
» alias object false No description -
»» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. If value is specified, then system is required. -
»» value string true The unique ID of the provider in the context of the system or assigning authority. If system is specified, then value is required. -
tests [object] false The list of logical expressions to test the given conditions. -
» field string true The covariate to use as the operand for the term calculation. -
» operator string true

The relational operator that is used to perform the operations on two operands. The following operators are available:

  • eq: Equal to
  • gte: Greater than or equal to
  • gt: Greater than
  • lt: Less than
  • lte: Less than or equal to
  • neq: Not equal to
eq, gte, gt, lt, lte, neq
» value string true The value for the operand calculation. -
messages [object] true No description -
» format string true The format type of the message. TEXT, MARKDOWN
» template string true The message template that is used for the variable substitution. The template uses the Mustache web template system. -
» type string false The type of the message. Default as NARRATIVE. NARRATIVE, RESULT_OUTCOME, RESULT_OUTCOME_DATE
createdBy object false The ID of the individual who entered the recommendation policy into the system. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the recommendation policy. -
name string false The internal name of the recommendation policy. -
title string true The title of the recommendation policy. -
fields [RecommendationField] false No description -
conditionIdentificationDefinition ConditionIdDefReference true The list of condition identification definitions used in this recommendation policy condition. -
tests [Tests] false No description -
messages [Messages] true No description -
createdAt string true The date and time when the recommendation policy was created. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision down to the millisecond (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ), for example, 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time in this field is set automatically when the recommendation policy is first created; therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
createdBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the personnel within the tenant. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the recommendation policy was last modified. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision down to the millisecond (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ), for example, 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time in this field is set automatically when the recommendation policy is modified; therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
updatedBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the personnel within the tenant. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The name of the field. -
type string false The data type of the field. string, number, boolean
value string false The value of the field. -
componentName string false The component name of the field. -
populationGroupType string false The population group type of the field. NUMERATOR, DENOMINATOR, DENOMINATOR-EXCLUSION


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string false The ID of the condition identification definition. This ID is required if alias is not specified. -
alias Aliases false No description -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. If value is specified, then system is required. -
value string true The unique ID of the provider in the context of the system or assigning authority. If system is specified, then value is required. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
field string true The covariate to use as the operand for the term calculation. -
operator string true

The relational operator that is used to perform the operations on two operands. The following operators are available:

  • eq: Equal to
  • gte: Greater than or equal to
  • gt: Greater than
  • lt: Less than
  • lte: Less than or equal to
  • neq: Not equal to
eq, gte, gt, lt, lte, neq
value string true The value for the operand calculation. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
format string true The format type of the message. TEXT, MARKDOWN
template string true The message template that is used for the variable substitution. The template uses the Mustache web template system. -
type string true The type of the message. NARRATIVE, RESULT_OUTCOME, RESULT_OUTCOME_DATE


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [RecommendationPolicy] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The internal name of the recommendation policy. -
title string true The title of the recommendation policy. -
fields [object] false The list of fields used in this recommendation policy. -
» name string true The name of the field. -
» type string false The data type of the field. string, number, boolean
» value string false The value of the field. -
» componentName string false The component name of the field. -
» populationGroupType string false The population group type of the field. NUMERATOR, DENOMINATOR, DENOMINATOR-EXCLUSION
conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The ID of the condition identification definition. If specified, then alias is optional. -
» id string false The ID of the condition identification definition. This ID is required if alias is not specified. -
» alias object false No description -
»» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. If value is specified, then system is required. -
»» value string true The unique ID of the provider in the context of the system or assigning authority. If system is specified, then value is required. -
tests [object] false No description -
» field string true The covariate to use as the operand for the term calculation. -
» operator string true

The relational operator that is used to perform the operations on two operands. The following operators are available:

  • eq: Equal to
  • gte: Greater than or equal to
  • gt: Greater than
  • lt: Less than
  • lte: Less than or equal to
  • neq: Not equal to
eq, gte, gt, lt, lte, neq
» value string true The value for the operand calculation. -
messages [object] true The list of conditional messages available for this recommendation policy. -
» format string true The format type of the message. TEXT, MARKDOWN
» template string true The message template that is used for the variable substitution. The template uses the Mustache web template system. -
» type string false The type of the message. Default as NARRATIVE. NARRATIVE, RESULT_OUTCOME, RESULT_OUTCOME_DATE
updatedBy object false The ID of the individual who updated the recommendation policy in the system. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConditionOption] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the condition option. -
name string true The name of the condition option. -
title string true The user-friendly display name of the condition option. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition ConditionDefinitionIdModel true The condition identification definition that is associated with the condition option. If present, alias is optional. -
default boolean false Indicates that this condition option should be presented as the default selection. -
ranking integer(int32) false The ranking of the condition option provides a relative priority across all other condition options that are being evaluated in the population. Ranking can be used as a sort order preference in application workflows. -
usage string true The context being used for this condition code. -
codes [Code] true The system representation of the medical code, for example, ICD or SNOMED. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the condition option was initially entered into the system. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the condition option is first created. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
createdBy IdModel false The ID of the personnel in the tenant who created the condition option. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the condition option was updated in the system. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, such as 2018-02-13T20:41:18.181Z. The time is set automatically when the condition option is updated. Therefore, the field does not need to be set explicitly. -
updatedBy IdModel false The ID of the personnel in the tenant who updated the condition option. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The condition identification definition that is associated with the condition option. If present, alias is optional. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the object. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The unique name of the condition option. -
title string true The user-friendly display name of the condition option. -
usage string true The usage context for the condition option. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The condition identification definition mapped to the condition option. -
» id string false The unique ID of the condition definition. If present, alias is optional. -
» alias object false No description -
»» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
»» value string true The unique ID of the alias in the context of the system or assigning authority. -
default string false The default condition option that belongs to the condition identification definition. -
ranking integer(int32) false The ranking of the condition option provides a relative priority across all other condition options that are being evaluated in the population. Ranking can be used as a sort order preference in application workflows. -
codes [object] false The code of the condition option. -
» code string true The unique ID of the code. -
» display string false A human-readable representation of the code. -
» system string true The ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. -
» preferred string false The preferred condition code when more than one code is available. -
createdBy object false The individual who entered the condition option into the system. -
» id string false The ID of the individual who entered the condition option into the system. -
aliases [object] false The IDs that commonly and uniquely identify the definition and facilitate interoperability among systems. Aliases are distinguished from source IDs that have meaning only in the context of the source system. -
» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
» value string true The unique ID of the alias in the context of the system or assigning authority. -
updatedBy object false The individual who updated the condition option in the system. -
» id string true The ID of the individual who updated the condition option in the system. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The unique name of the condition option. -
title string true The user-friendly display name of the condition option. -
usage string true The usage context for the condition option. -
conditionIdentificationDefinition object true The condition identification definition mapped to the condition option. -
» id string false The unique ID of the condition definition. If present, alias is optional. -
» alias object false No description -
»» system string true The authority responsible for assigning the alias value. Alias values are unique within this system namespace but not across systems. -
»» value string true The unique ID of the alias in the context of the system or assigning authority. -
default string false The default condition option that belongs to the condition identification definition. -
ranking integer(int32) false The ranking of the condition option provides a relative priority across all other condition options that are being evaluated in the population. Ranking can be used as a sort order preference in application workflows. -
codes [object] false The code of the condition option. -
» code string true The unique ID of the code. -
» display string false A human-readable representation of the code. -
» system string true The ID of the coding system that gives meaning to the code. -
» preferred string false The preferred condition code when more than one code is available. -
updatedBy object false The individual who updated the condition option in the system. -
» id string true The ID of the individual who updated the condition option in the system. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The internal name of the condition categorization. -
title string true The title of the condition categorization. -
createdBy object false The ID of the individual who entered the condition categorization into the system. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the condition categorization. -
name string false The internal name of the condition categorization. -
title string true The title of the condition categorization. -
owner string true The tenant ID of the author of this condition categorization. Only the owner of the condition categorization can update the condition categories of the categorization. -
createdBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who created the condition categorization. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the condition categorization was created. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -
updatedBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who updated the condition categorization into the system. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the condition categorization was updated. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConditionCategorization] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string false The internal name of the condition categorization. -
title string true The title of the condition categorization. -
updatedBy object false The ID of the individual who updated the condition categorization. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The internal name of the condition category. -
title string true The title of the condition category. -
ontologyConcepts [object] false The ontology concepts of the condition category. -
» conceptAlias string true The alias of the concept for the condition category. -
» contextAlias string true The alias of the context for the condition category. -
parent object false The parent of the condition category. -
» id string true The ID of the parent condition category. -
createdBy object false The ID of the individual who entered the condition category into the system. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The unique ID of the condition category. -
conditionCategorization ConditionCategorizationReference true The condition categorization instance. -
name string true The internal name of the condition category. -
title string true The title of the condition category. -
ontologyConcepts [OntologyConcept] false The ontology concept of the condition category. -
parent Parent false The parent of the condition category. -
children [Child] false The children of the condition category. -
createdBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who created the condition category. -
createdAt string true The date and time when the condition category was created. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -
updatedBy PersonnelReference false The ID of the individual who updated the condition category. -
updatedAt string true The date and time when the condition category was updated. In ISO 8601 formatting with precision to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
conceptAlias string true The alias of the concept for the condition category. -
contextAlias string true The alias of the context for the condition category. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the parent condition category. -
title string true The title of the parent condition category. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
id string true The ID of the child condition category. -
title string true The title of the child condition category. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
items [ConditionCategory] true An array containing the current page of results. -
totalResults integer(int32) false The total number of results for the specified parameters. -
firstLink string true The first page of results. -
lastLink string false The last page of results. -
prevLink string false The previous page of results. -
nextLink string false The next page of results. -


Name Type Required Description Accepted Values
name string true The internal name of the condition category. -
title string true The title of the condition category. -
ontologyConcepts [object] false The ontology concepts of the condition category. -
» conceptAlias string true The alias of the concept for the condition category. -
» contextAlias string true The alias of the context for the condition category. -
parent object false The parent of the condition category. -
» id string true The ID of the parent condition category. -
updatedBy object false The ID of the individual who updated the condition category. -
» id string true The unique ID of the personnel member. -